


thinking about how veth says caleb like “cayleb.. . oh cayleb” and how jester says “bowuh !” instead of beau .. and says “cadewwsis” every time. thinking about beau calling jester “jes” and cad calling jester “miss jester” and yasha “miss yasha” and caleb “mr caleb”. thinking about fjord calling caduceus “ducey” and beau calling him “cad” and everyone calling him all kinds of silly nicknames even though his plan was to be known just as Clay, to keep himself distant. thinking about how mollymauk is molly and caleb is lebby and caduceus is caddy and jester is jessie and i miss tmn so much 


Friendly reminder that Jesper canonically called Wylan ‘Wy’ (and that this conversation could definitely have happened the first time he did it!)

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Completely random but:

I want to know the given name of your pet, and all the crazy nicknames that come from that nickname. 

I’ll start first:

This is Athena. From my most recent, favorite photo! (Many of you who follow me have seen her plenty before, I know). Athena is the name that was given to her by the puppy mill rescue, and it just stuck. Here are the nicknames that have evolved from that:

Athena Bobina



Athena Aquafina

Abina Aquafina

Abina Bobina

Bean Bean

So what about yours? Photos are absolutely welcome, too!

A fresh home-made meme for y'all

Made with love and elbow grease


Does anyone know what Vitkor’s nickname/pet name for Yuuri is in Russian? It starts with ‘so’ or 'soy’ or something like that. It’s pretty commonly used in fics, but for some reason I can’t find it.

Nicknames used by President Donald Trump on Twitter in the last week:

1. ‘Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd’ = 1 tweets
2. 'Chinese Virus’ = 1
3. 'Lamestream’ Media = 1

Congratulations to Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd, the top Trump nickname used last week!


Completely random but:

I want to know the given name of your pet, and all the crazy nicknames that come from that nickname. 

I’ll start first:

This is Athena. From my most recent, favorite photo! (Many of you who follow me have seen her plenty before, I know). Athena is the name that was given to her by the puppy mill rescue, and it just stuck. Here are the nicknames that have evolved from that:

Athena Bobina



Athena Aquafina

Abina Aquafina

Abina Bobina

Bean Bean

So what about yours? Photos are absolutely welcome, too!

This is Wilhelmina, Mina for short!

She’s all spunk, funk, and no fun. She bites often and has never a moment of inner peace, so she’s very active. There’s never a dull moment with her!

Now, most of her nicknames are just additions to the name Mina, usually italian adjectives. Let’s begin:



Mina Coccolina (cuddly mina)

Mina puttanina (bitchy mina)

Mina stronzina (asshole mina)

Mina amorina (lovely mina)

Mina cornutina (horned mina)

Mina pazzina (crazy mina)



Monna Fremebonda (countess Fremebonda -taken from a movie)


Bona- Bona (sexy-sexy -in a friendly way)

Freulein Bona -Bona (miss sexy sexy)

Freulein Bora Bora (miss bora bora )

Stronzetta (lil bitch)

Minetta piccoletta (tiny miney)

….and MANY more

Stories from childhood

Photo by Katherine Mihailova on Pexels.com

To start this story I need to explain something. I lived in a two-bedroom trailer with often ten or more people. We did not have running water. We lived a mile back in the woods. There were always animals…dogs, birds, cats…But this story focuses on one cat. The cat that left a lifetime mark on me. B.c. which was short for bad cat. He wasn’t bad. He was…

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lololol I was going back through old posts and looked at the nicknames I gave people and I have quite the collection of ideologies represented (in order of appearance):

  • Marxman (actually a Marxist)
  • The Fascist (not actually a fascist)
  • The Libertarian (the right wing lib I dated in undergrad whose libertarianism was T H I N N and who I only ever referenced like twice but he has a tag so it still counts)
  • Anti-Feminist Libertarian Boy (yikes)*
  • Radical Girl (radical as in rad & radical as in radical, still friends, need to see her more)
  • The Anarchist Economist (a bit on the nose I suppose but I like it)

Goddamn I was (and probably still am, if I get back into doing it often enough) an amazing writer much of the time and even some of the things that don’t necessarily get me hot anymore are really hot when I read the way I wrote about them.

Holy shit I was into some fucked up shit and wrote out some fucked up fantasies/stories and I totally understand why the kinkshaming radfems came after me, since they apparently they were obtuse enough to think what I was saying was all real (they still suck tho).

Check out the second oldest post in my “voting republican” tag (the other posts are good too) for some high quality high concept kink discourse from some (now lost to the ages) amazing tumblr people. Also the fourth paragraph from the bottom in this post where I talk about being forced to vote Libertarian.

Also the tag “academic pillowtalk” yields an amazing post where I masturbate to Marxman talking about Foucault and queer assimilation vs. liberation, and then get off to him kinkshaming me, inspired by the aforementioned radfems.

*ffs I tried to fix the tag issue but this is a trash website so just hit this link (boy oh boy the oldest post in that search)

Does your character have a nickname?

  • Who gave them their nickname?
  • How did they get their nickname? (Is it a shortening of their real name? Is it based off of their appearance / personality? Did it stem from an experience or a joke? etc.)
  • Is the nickname complimentary, derogatory, endearing, or neutral?
  • Who in their life calls them by their nickname and who uses their real name?
  • Does your character like their nickname or do they prefer their real name?

I feel like Jonahlias is the kinda guy who would call everyone the worst version of their preferred names.

I know it’s supposed to be sad…

… but guys your names never fail to put a smile on my face

(I’m sorry, keep up fighting, it’ll get better!)



so do you think Krem opted to go by Krem, or when he told the injured, partially blinded Iron Bull who had just saved him that his name was Cremisius, Bull just raised his bleeding head and said “krem puff, krem brulee, krem de la krem, krispie krem, krem cheese, heavy whipping krem, ice krem, ice krem sundae, krem of wheat, krem of tartar, coffee with krem, banana and krem pie, wu tang clan’s K.R.E.M.”

and Krem is like, “oh so you actually are concussed”

“those are just the nicknames I can whip up off the top of the ole dome, join my mercenary crew, I wanna see how long I can keep this going”

“you’ve already used up all the puns. look at the pun box. it’s empty.”

“first off kremsicle, don’t ever doubt me.”

#bull and varric bond over being nicknamers#but fundamentally disagree on the nicknaming philosophy#‘you pick one nickname and call them that for a decade’ versus ‘every day is a bold new challenge to piss off my second in command’

Excuse me, Johnson. I think I have misheard you. What name do you say that you called Miss Evans lou

Excuse me, Johnson. I think I have misheard you.
What name do you say that you called Miss Evans loud in class while she was writing on the blackboard?
“Big bum”?!!!
Yes, I understand that is a “term of endearment”. That’s why my senior cane is going to greet your bum in a very affectionate way!
Drop your pants right now!

Post link







Cis people do know that they can change their names too right

Like from what I’ve seen it seems like they don’t know that.

My first college roommate’s name was Sarah but decided our freshman year that Sarah was too common of a name and decided that she was going to go by Phyllis instead. It’s not her middle name or anything, it’s just a name she liked the sound of. Our entire friend group called her that for years.

My uncle-in-law is called Keith and apparently a lot of his nieces and nephews didn’t find out until they were adults that his legal name is John. I knew one of the supervisors at work as Rose for so long I was shocked when I saw her legal name on a piece of paperwork. My cousin was named after my grandfather, but with a name so outdated that he’s gone by a different one since birth.

And you’ll find that nobody challenges them on this topic either :) nobody insists “you should go by your real name.” Interesting.

One of my local friends legally changed her name purely to represent her better. She’s cis.

I wish my aunt didn’t know this because she changed her name to Larceny. Like the crime.

Tell your aunt she has my full support. Would love to be her accomplice
