#shipping positivity


Trope Aesthetics // ➽

Evil,manic scientist (60+) and his assistant,witch underling (20~) whos more down to earth.

for anon

2D (Stuart pot) / Murdoc Niccals

from Gorillaz

request for anon!


from Epithet Erased

for anon

Dave Strider/Rose LalondefromHomestuck

for anon!

Art by syblatortue [×]

Diavolo/Trish UnafromJJBA:Vento Aureo


art by 呂りす on pixiv [×]

I just wanted to share with you all that I’ve been having a super respectful, friendly debate/discussion with a Melvin on discord about who Mike will end up with on the show. We’re both sharing our perspectives and even though we’re not really trying to convince the other necessarily, it’s kind of fun and chill. Like we’re just bouncing back and forth with evidence and referencing interviews and going “Okay, true, but how about this?” 

Anyway, just proof that a Byler and Melvin can “be in the same room” and not be at each other’s throats the whole time lol. 


do you ever have a ship that you obsess over for a couple of weeks/ months /whatever and then slowly a new ship takes over and soon it becomes a year or 2 and many ships have come and gone, where each time you just enter a stage of intense dedication and obsession until one day, some new fandom material comes out from one of your old ships and you find yourself nostalgic so you just sweep Ao3 for a few fics and next minute you are in so deep through the ship’s Tumblr tag that you realise you are exactly where you were, 2 years ago, obsessing over the same ship, looking through the same tag, scrolling through the new fics and you think


some things never change
