#shit i say


I want to be a potato, just let me potato in peace.

Me after my exams :



Pay attention


StickerSticker sticker sticker sticker


There’s just something so appealing about people in chains.

Sometime I just fucking hate that little ethical voice sitting atop my head, it’s because of that little fucker a lot of assholes are living peacefully.

People are making it harder to stay kind to them,

These days I just wanna ‘screeeeeeccccadsktghccchhhh’ *stab*.

To do list

  • Stare into the abyss
  • Scream into the abyss
  • Jump into the abyss.

There are two types of siblings

1. Brother .

2. ✨Lil baby broo✨

My bestie told me she is trying to eat healthy and then proceeded to dip a banana halfway into chocolate sauce.

Considering how much I vent to my friends I must either start therapy or consider paying my friends for all that trauma.

In our hearts, we are all just little girls who tripped down the moon.

The irresistible urge to take a nap

I am, as the poets says, a puppy on crack.

Hey friends!!!! We have well surpassed 15k followers!! THANK YOU! I’m totally floored and honored and delighted that you all find baby as funny as I do! 

We would LOVE to do another Q&A video to celebrate this follower milestone, so asks are officially open if you have any questions for us!

If you want my wife and I to answer your question on video, please specify somewhere in your question that it is for the video! Depending on how many we get we may not be able to answer all of them, but we will try! Thank you SO MUCH!

Hey y’all!!!!! Since I am 1) the worst at answering asks and 2) in constant awe of how many of you lovely people are out there, baby and I have agreed to do another Q&A ask video once we hit 15,000 followers! I’m thinking we can probably curate questions from the asks we have in reserve, but we’ll open it up for video-specific asks once we reach that point! We need about 250 more followers to hit that milestone, so it might be a while, but I figured I’d let y’all know! Love you!

Hey, dear beautiful followers!!! Just a reminder that my wife and I adore each and every one of you and we’re so grateful to you! Thanks for being here, for validating the shit out of my hilarious wife, and for making me laugh and clutch my heart and coo over all the lovely things y’all put in the tags and replies of our posts. I know I’ve been terrible about interacting and answering asks, but please know that we read everything and we’re so happy you’re here!

Wishing y’all a gorgeous day/night/whatever time of day it is wherever you are!! <3

I have been neglectful in posting these, but this is one of a few AMAZING illustrations gifted to me

I have been neglectful in posting these, but this is one of a few AMAZING illustrations gifted to me by the incredible, talented, delightful and kind @spockt/@elkiyv! From Left to right, that’s me (blog owner), Caity (gay wife), Lord Byron Fitzwhiskers and Miss Clover Cleopatra! She captured all our likenesses perfectly, and I love these with my whole heart. :’) Thank you, Ness!

Post link

Someone:tags one of our posts with “I’m the husband.”

Me:Haha, thereis no husband! Joke’s on you, heteronormative patriarchy!!!! We’re bothwives!!!

Someone:tags our post “I’m the wife.”

Me:Wait. If you’re a wife… and I’m a wife … 


hiii besties how are yall doing

posting this one day late but im one year on t!!!

spending the last days of 2021 being gay at my boyfriend’s place….the year is saved

i no longer have ads on mobile i just have….this

My new blog is made, still under construction. IF you’d like to follow, shoot me a message. (Off anon) (=

So I think I’m gonna make a new tumblr. Start off fresh, again. Haha.

I know I’ve done this once before but, I gotta do it!

I’m probably gonna spam post here in a bit, stuff that’s in my “likes”, so I’ll be able to have it for my new blog as well.


Every now and then I remember that Horace and Seneca existed


Interdum memini Horatium et Senecam fuisse
