

The moon is just an emo sun. Sorry I don’t make the rules.

Bet u lots of penguins don’t know there are other animals. If they saw a dog or some shit they’d be like “woah hold thE fUck uP”

I tried asking another one of my high friends what’s the deepest thing you can think of, and this time the lad goes “my depression” and that hit home

me and my friend get added to a gc, named Geoff’s party and it takes me a second to realize Geoff is Jeff, so I text my friend privately

“dude who tf spells Jeff Geoff”

And he goes



Instead of looking up into the sky, You’re actually gazing down into the infinite cosmic abyss, with only gravity holding you to the surface of the earth .

Poultry farmers are literally chicken tenders.

For every “cool thing” that is a trend, there had to be one person that started it by resisting trends of their time.

It’s strangely pleasing that there are parallel Ls in the word parallel

If roads are the arteries of a city, accidents are cholesterol, and tow trucks are cheerios.

Speed bumps protect people from accidents by increasing the risk of accident if people are not careful.

The most unrealistic thing about Monopoly is that everyone starts with the same amount of money

Porn is the only type of movies where spoilers are allowed in the title.

Somewhere in the world there is one penguin who is the most gnarly, hardcore, badass penguin living by penguin standards and to us it just looks like another chubby little bird.

Since parents almost always want their children to support them when they get old, that makes family trees like a pyramid scheme

Mcdonalds clown killed more people than IT clown

Somewhere out there is a graphic designer who designs the patterns of bus seats and is proud of his work.

Someone in your life has likely had a sexual thought about you, wanted or unwanted at one point

People get upset when a cat brings home something dead to gift to the one they love. However, humans do the same thing except with a whole bouquet of dead stuff.

The person who first discovered that coconut could be eaten must have experienced depths of hunger many will never know.

Companies will treat you better as a new customer than a loyal customer who has been with them for 20 years

As I grow older

The one thing that becomes clearer to me each and every day is that I don’t owe anyone a thing and neither do you. I seen a lot of people pollute their potential after sipping from the well of entitlement, this is certainly true of many of the people I’ve been associated with over the years even the ones closest to my heart.

What they need to understand is that you should never feel like the world owes you anything, it doesn’t. You must accept that it’s all on you, that might seem like a very cynical way to view the world but I would argue that it’s actually liberating.

You can only feel betrayal when you feel like you’re owed something from someone, you can only feel resentment when you had expectations for assistance. When you accept that it’s all on you, only then can you finally be free to focus 100% on being the best version of yourself
