#side note


what do you MEAN me giving you a vivisection isn’t an april fools joke?? I shouted april fools when you woke up and everything????


Sorry guys I’ll be entering hiatus mode for a little while due to exams and deadlines at university. I’ll be finished with everything by the 4th of June so that’s when I’ll be back and fulfilling more requests.

Lots of love to you all ❤️✌

so what if I post a yan ateez fic i just finished?


Occasionally it kind of gets lonely being the only one stuck in the Kara no Kyoukai/Kuroko no Basuke crossover pit

Buuuut otoh, it also like saves me from the stupidest of stupid discourses, so it all balances out anyway, lmao

this is how i feel with a lot of my crossover stuff. it always involves something niche, and the crossover makes it even nicher, so i’m never surprised when people don’t care about, say, a Danganronpa and Monogatari crossover universe. i wish more people read the fics i read for it but i appreciate that i can do whatever i want and no one will care

I really really hope the gamepack is werewolves with moon cycles (and maybe fairies too? Or at least in a future gp).. I need more occults in ts4






I hate how white people invented the we don’t owe each other anything mindset

Someone from the Uk Here!

Maybe it was just how I was raised, but I was taught to clear off when dinner was being cooked like it was rude to hang around and expect to be fed by another person’s family unless you’ve been invited round specifically for dinner/lunch

Hi person with common sense that isn’t from the uk here i think the english are demonic

okay, but like, this definitely isn’t normal in the netherlands. I don’t know where that girl went but those people were just wierdo’s.

This isn’t normal for the UK either. You’ve either planned in advance and they knew you were going to be there to be fed, or you’re having dinner elsewhere so you leave before they start the meal. These are usually the scenarios if you’re a child and hanging out with friends, it’s either a pre planned hang out, so your parents got food in for the friend, or it was unplanned and everyone goes back home at dinner time for their own meals. But it was always a thing of if you arrived unplanned, someone would ask ‘are you staying for dinner?’ and then make food plans from there. If you haven’t eaten, and it wasn’t planned, the normal thing is to make enough for the guest too, and if you haven’t got enough you scrap what you were going to make and get take out so everyone has food. I can’t even consider a scenario where you’d go to eat and leave your guest alone with no food, because that would be so rude.

Ok, but this isn’t normal in Sweden either. Not where I’m from at least

Whenever me or my brother had friends over, of course they were offered food when the rest of us ate and vice versa whenever he or I was over at some friend’s home


recognition of wrongdoing is one of the first steps to growth as a person.

understand that you hurt someone. another human being with feelings was hurtbyyouractions.

rather than playing the victim to make yourself feel like you’re right, you need to acknowledge that you weren’t. playing the victim doesn’t make you look good. it definitley doesn’t make you right. it makes you unapologetic and inconsiderate, especially so to those you’ve harmed.

you don’t have any personal gain from running away or covering it up. to be a good person you need to acknowledge what you did incorrectly and be prepared to fix whatever it was, whether it was your behavior, actions, words.

and most importantly you need to apologize. if you truly want to be a better person from your experiences, if you really care of the wellbeing for others, expecially the wellbeing of those you hurt, you need to apologize.

a simple “sorry” won’t cut it, either. it needs to be sincere. it needs to address that you’ve acknowledged what you did wrong, and that you understand how the others were hurt by it. and it needs to show that you promise a change, and you need to be ready to change, if you truly want to be a better person.

I couldn’t agree more with this however, let’s not delude ourselves into thinking that others will always forgive you when you hurt them.

Sometimes there is no fixing it, sometimes there’s no ‘kiss and make up’, sometimes what you’ve done will remain permanent. 

Depending on the severity of harm you caused them or how many chances you’ve been given, there will be other people who simply can’t ‘Forgive and Forget’. Should you run into this, don’t beg for another chance, don’t try to ‘buy’ your way back into their life with material items, and most importantly, DO NOT lose your temper. 

Try to understand where the other person is coming from, accept the fact that their decision is final and respect it. Follow the advice above and take this rather difficult experience to heart. Remember it, grow from it, and the next time you find someone that you’d like to reach out too, pause and recall the event that led you here.

Once you’ve done so, make your choice. Have you learned from your past mistakes and are truly understanding of the pain you afflicted? Are you ready to prove, not only to this potential friend but most importantly to yourself, that you are now a better person than before?

Or will you repeat the vicious cycle constantly throughout the years of your life, leading you to truly understand what Complete Loneliness actually is? 

drew an Eiffel progression!! mainly so I had something consistent to reference for fanart at various points in the timeline cause I feel like Eiffel’s appearance changes a lot over the course of things

the-gerogerigegege: browningtons: You met a guy on tinder and you get to his apartment and this what



You met a guy on tinder and you get to his apartment and this what you see what do you do next

getting fucked over a table

Post link


Why do all these game developers think I have friends to play their online games with?

spoilers for kenobi, obviously:

ok, so to put it plainly, i don’t like reva. her existence annoys me. this isn’t because of who she is as a character or her actress’s performance, i actually like both very much! reva has an amazing design both in her appearance and personality. what annoys me is how the show is handling her character.

1. her name. we learn her name immediately when the grand inquisitor shouts it out in public. what????? that’s not how the inquisitors work. once the inquisitors join, they are stripped of their identities, which is why they have names like 9th sister and 6th brother. the reason we learn trilla’s name and backstory is because those pieces of information are critical to understanding the sub story of fallen order and how the inquisitor program functions. trilla refers to herself as the 2nd sister as do her colleges, only cere calls her trilla in canon. reva still being called reva, much less in public, completely contradicts that key point of the inquisitors, they are like the stormtroopers, they are vader’s toys that he sends out to hunt jedi and nothing more. 

2. her knowledge of vader’s identity. this pisses me off so much. vader being anakin is NOT common knowledge, in fact there are only 6 people who know that they are the same person: the emperor, obi-wan, yoda, ahsoka, thrawn, and vader himself; and the only reason why thrawn knows is because he studies behavior so closely that he was able to notice the similarities between anakin and vader. when he actually tries to approach vader about it, he is threatened into silence. also ahsoka didn’t figure it out until 5 years before a new hope. IT IS SOMETHING NO ONE IS SUPPOSED TO KNOW. and that’s because of vader. he wants to separate himself from anakin as much as possible (he even mutilates himself to try and purge any physical resemblance to anakin). so reva a. knowing they’re the same person, and b. casually spitting it out to obi-wan makes no sense because there’s no fucking way vader would allow that. when he had aphra investigate luke, the moment she stepped onto the path of potentially figuring out the connection between anakin and vader, he has her killed (of course she lives, but that’s not the point), and it is something he does himself. he is her executor, because it is such a close kept secret. the only way i can see the show actually following this pre-established lore is by having vader come up next episode and murder reva, but i doubt that’s gonna happen.

i’m really disappointed with how the show is using reva because she has so much potential to be such a fun and cool character, but they’re making her so unlikable by having her contradict everything that has previously been set up over the past 45 years.

A little off topic, but if you like anime and haven’t watched Bubble on Netflix, you have to. Literally so beautiful, so good! the soundtrack was soooo good! just trust me
