#simon snow series


“Baz, I was obsessed with you.” —Simon Snow

“I mean, have a look at him— he’s the most fuckable person alive.”

He smiles, and he’s made of trouble.


an ink and marker illustration of simon snow: he wears a light grey shirt, unbuttoned to his pecs, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a toffee coloured plaid waistcoat, dark grey trousers, and shiny black dress shoes; he has his hands in his pockets, wings casually folded behind him but tail lashing, a confident smile on his faceALT

All set for date night (now all they need is the rat)

To go with this Baz


@carryon-countdown 2021, Day 17: Decorating


(Full size under the cut because he is looooong)

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Local sad man, Malcolm Grimm, waits for his wife to return home from the war a cult.



Today I’m signing the Waterstones special edition of SCATTERED SHOWERS. This is a limited signed edition. (It’s the one with the rainbow edge.)

I drove around looking for open-stock Sharpies in a color that would match the interior ink… (The interior is printed in two colors of ink — a minty teal and a purply burgundy.) I think Rocket Red is the best choice, but I’m open to Berry. I spent … a lot. Of time. On this.

(My husband hates to cut the tulips, but this week is so hot, they would have fried anyway. I talked him into bringing them in, and now I’m signing in Wonderland.)

SCATTERED SHOWERS is a collection of short stories, including characters from Fangirl, Attachments and the Simon Snow Trilogy. This is the Waterstones edition. They ship internationally. You can preorder it here.

go off



Working on the final proof of Scattered Showers — my short story collection that comes out Nov. 8.

Every time I read it, I find more typos. ‍

But this is my last chance to look it over before it goes to press.

uchan-draws:I can’t always tell when Baz is mocking me. He’s got a cruel mouth. It looks like he’s suchan-draws:I can’t always tell when Baz is mocking me. He’s got a cruel mouth. It looks like he’s suchan-draws:I can’t always tell when Baz is mocking me. He’s got a cruel mouth. It looks like he’s suchan-draws:I can’t always tell when Baz is mocking me. He’s got a cruel mouth. It looks like he’s s


I can’t always tell when Baz is mocking me. He’s got a cruel mouth. It looks like he’s sneering even when he’s happy about something. Actually, I don’t know if he ever is happy. It’s like he’s got two emotions - pissed off and sadistically amused. (And plotting, is that an emotion? If so, three.) (And disgusted. Four) Carry On, Rainbow Rowell

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Snowbaz Fundraising Giveaway

Want to help a good cause AND win snowbaz stuff at the same time? Well, boy howdy have I got a deal for you!

We’re raising money to help out our friend Bri. If you donate hereand follow the requirements in the description, you will be entered to win one of these two prizes from me!

Prize 1:

  • Set of 6 mini prints (each roughly 4"x6")
  • 2" vinyl sticker

Prize 2:

  • Handmade knit Watford “bookscarf”

it’s a bookmark but BETTER
because it looks like a SCARF

  • 2" vinyl sticker

Read all the details in @adamarksposthere

And be sure to check out the masterlist of all the other incredible things you could win!

DON’T DELAY! The drawing for the winners is on March 18th. That’s in less than ONE DAY!


Shep Fic Recs!

Ok I have a new tag game for Shep’s bday y'all. Post some of your favorite Shep fics. That’s it, that’s the game. Happy birthday Shep!

Closer to the Sun (E, 6k) by @mostlymaudlin

Some amazing simpard with dragon!simon. (And baz doesn’t exist in this universe so no feeling sad about simon not being with him instead lol)

Based on a Fake Story (T, 2.5k) by @facewithoutheart

Absolutely hilarious fic inspired by a Lonely Island song lol. Shep is the bestest friend.

Two Polecats, a Fomorian, and a Banshee Walk Into a Diner (G, 1k) by foolofabookwyrm

Shep finds new magical creatures! Includes awesome art by @krisrix!

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late share for six sentence Sunday bc I was working on this and… felt guilty?? but apparently not enough to not post it - so thanks for the tag @palimpsessed


Rating: Mature (for future chapters; all content to this point is rated Teen)


Chapters: 8/12 (updating weekly)


On Christmas Day 2015, Simon Snow didn’t walk out of the White Chapel alive.

But someone else did - The Insidious Humdrum. He’s not really sure what happened, but he knows that whatever it was has changed him from being the greatest threat the World of Mages has ever known to… something else.

Now the Mage is on the lam, Baz is on his aunt’s sofa, and the Humdrum is just trying to get by on his own in the big city.

Read Chapter 8 on AO3

Or read Ch 7/Ch 6/Ch 5/Ch 4/Ch 3/Ch 2/start from the beginning

The dragon scene but make it mermay ‍♂️✨

Thank you for the idea, Liz and Caity!

he can be ur angle or ur devil

new post because tumblr is a poorly coded website and refuses to show the original upload or reblogs on the dash

he can be ur angle or ur devil


A Twist of Fates

a fic written for @carryon-reverse-bang and inspired by art by the one and only @krisrix

The art will be coming in the following chapters but in the meantime, you can get a sneak peek of it on this gorgeous banner created by Kris!

When eleven-year-old Baz Pitch enters the Watford School of Magicks for the first time, he’s very excited to finally get a chance to meet Simon Snow. He’s been preparing for this moment his whole life and he cannot wait to get a chance to fulfil the prohecy his mother used to tell him about before she died.

But fate has other things in store for him

Simon Snow has been trained to kill Baz his entire life. His father says fulfilling the prophecy and destroying the darkness that threatens the World of Mages is his destiny. The thing is, Simon isn’t interested in being Baz’s enemy

In a world where both their families are set on having them hate each other, would it be possible for the two of them to be friends

Read on AO3!


Here it is! The first of my two Reverse Bang fics, where I can now reveal my partner to be the inimitable @krisrix

Oh, Have You Seen the Fairies Dance?



Simon’s got a message to pass on to Baz, but Baz won’t listen. So Simon follows Baz into the woods, where they accidentally run into a faerie fertility rite in progress and get more involved than they wanted to….


I skipped my final class of the day so I could catch Baz coming back to the room before tea. He has a free period right now, and I know for a fact he usually takes advantage of my absence from the room to get some studying done. Or plotting. Probably plotting.

I need to talk to him. I promised his mum that I’d pass on her message. And I’ve been trying to talk to him. But he’s been avoiding me since he returned to Watford, even though I’ve done everything but shout “your mum Visited me!” across the dining hall.

My bad luck continues, though. When I reach my room, not only is it empty, but I can see Baz’s unmistakable figure from the window, making for the treeline. Probably planning to suck down Bambi’s mum.

Maybe… if I can catch up with him before he gets too much of a head start, maybe I can kill two birds with one stone. 

Read More On AO3
