#sims 3 mods



I just thought TSM fishing pole looks pretty nice and wished to replace the TS3 one with it. Than I noticed that the bobber should also be replaced and I did this too. Than more TSM to TS3 than better (¬‿¬ )

This is a default replacement.
Polycount: LOD0 528


P.s. Remember that you can use only one default replacement for the object!


Hi! I came up to make my first CC post here (☆ω☆)
I was thinking what I’m missing in my medieval TS3 save, created some things and decided to share them with you.

So meet a default replacement of guitar case when sim is playing guitar for money (or lute in my case)!

That’s a EA coffee cup mesh edit.
Polycount: 475 for both LOD0 & LOD1


P.s. Remember that you can use only one default replacement for the object!



Flower Arranging - Interaction and Skill!

Get a big sniff o’ that pollen, for flower arranging has arrived to Sims 3!

To start, purchase the Flower Arranging Table from Buy mode in Hobbies and Skills.

Before a Sim has learnt the Flower Arranging Skill, you can Dabble at the table until you get a skill point. Then after that, you can start making flower arrangements, learning new ones as you skill up.

This mod comes with 15 new harvestables - all flowers converted from Sims 4. These are used to make the arrangements.

There are a lot of flower arrangements you can make - I converted ~40 from the Sims 4, and there are 3 made from Seasons’ Wildflowers. Once made, they give off a nice scent for Sims around them, but after some time (default 48hrs) they will start to smell and attract flies, so you might want to throw them away then.

Read more and download at MTS

If you like my mods, consider supporting me by donating

I’m crying ugly tears for such a beautiful mod! Thank you so much for creating and sharing this, Zoe-oe!


Flower Arranging - Missing Uni Life or Supernatural?


Firstly, thank you so much to everyone who has said lovely things about the mod. I’m really glad you guys are happy about it.

I think the base game plant meshes are mostly ugly so I used the SN and UL plant meshes for most of the flower harvestables, but for those who don’t have those packs, sims will reset when trying to plant them (thanks @enable–llamas for finding that out :p).

So I’ve just made some edits to the the plants xml that’s in the mod so if you are missing one of the two packs, you can still plant all the flowers.

Choose the right one for you and put in Mods/Overrides (the original mod should still be in Mods/Packages, these files just override an xml that’s in the original).

Also, Seasons is still required for the wildflowers thing, if someone without Seasons wants to see what happens if it’s not installed and let me know, feel free. I might be able to see if I can make it work regardless of it being installed.

Download No_SN_Plants

Download No_UL_Plants

Download No_UlorSN_Plants

Let me know if there are still issues :)

Non-Wedding Cakes

Just updated my Non-Birthday Birthday Cake mod to include a version for wedding cakes.

If you had the old version installed and want Non-Wedding Cakes, you need to redownload zoeoe_Non-Birthday_BirthdayCake.zip.



Read more and download at MTS!

Buzzler’s Scribbling Pad - Fixed

This is a small edit of Buzzler’s Scribbling Pad to fix and tweak things slightly.

The original version had some strings missing, 3 genres showed up blank. These have been fixed.

Other changes:

Sims will now only put the pad back in their inventory if it were inside it in the first place.

Sims will no longer sit down to pick up the pad, causing them to be sitting down and standing up at the same time.

Download at MTS


Knitting Mod - Released!

Get yer needles ready. It’s time.

This mod adds a knitting interaction and skill to the game.

To get started, buy a pair of knitting needles. You’ll also need to purchase yarn to knit with. The knitting bag can be used to store knitting needles and yarn, so if you have a family of knitters, or just a sim who likes to knit an awful lot, it’s a convenient way to keep the items together.

You can knit items or just practise. Skill up to get better at making more advanced projects.

Traits will affect how fast, successful, and happy sims are at knitting, and there are 6 custom moodlets related to knitting.

There are few things I want to look into adding/changing, so there will likely be updates coming up.

Thank you for all the support and kind words! I really hope you like the mod <3

Read more and download at MTS!

Update v1.4 for Czech games - fixed the Czech STBL so it should now work properly. Let me know if you still have issues with any blank strings :)
Nothing else changed, so if you don’t have this problem there is no need to redownload.
(Hoping to get the next update out soon though, and it’s a more exciting one ;))

* achooo! *

[New and Improved 9/11/21] Functioning Well - and Off-Grid Plumbing!

Update to my mod. I think it’s better now anyway :p image

old picture cos text on its own is boring

Read more about changes here

Update to my Off-grid Plumbing mod - To Test

Hello again,

A few months ago I uploaded a testing version of my off-grid plumbing mod. There weren’t any changes to the actual functionality of it, but I made an in-game per-save setting for “non global” vs “global” off-gridness. Before that, the global/non-global function was determined by which version of the mod was installed.

With the new versions (2 of them instead of 4 - bucket version and pail version), it means that you can play in one save where all lots are off-grid (eg say you have a medieval save) and another save where only a select few lots are off-grid (or none) without replacing or removing the mod. Behind the scenes, I changed the structure of the code a lot, so it also makes it much easier for me to make updates to the mod (or rather the different versions of the one mod).

You can read more about that update here.


-Washing Machines are now off-grid

-There’s an add-on to ani’s bucket of water mod which allows you to collect water (my water) from her well with an animated interaction. This add-on mod requires ani’s mod as well as one version of my off-grid mod

-A new water pump object (currently just a rock) placed on a lot will make it on-grid when it would otherwise be off-grid

-Recategorisation of the mod’s objects (eg well, barrels) to make them easier to find

Both the previous update and this one are in the testing stage. They do seem to work fine, but I want to make sure that the settings persist for each save for other people, as well as the add-on for ani’s mod works for other people, and I also want to check that previous users of the off-grid mod can just replace their files with the new ones and there is no issue transitioning to the version in previous saves.

If you can help me out with any of these questions, I’d really appreciate it :)

You can read a little more about it and download the files here.

If you have any questions about which files to use, how to set up the global/non-global settings as you want them, what to do if you are replacing a previous version of the mod etc just let me know. I am aware that all the versions and files make it pretty confusing :p

Knitting Mod - Released!

Get yer needles ready. It’s time.

This mod adds a knitting interaction and skill to the game.

To get started, buy a pair of knitting needles. You’ll also need to purchase yarn to knit with. The knitting bag can be used to store knitting needles and yarn, so if you have a family of knitters, or just a sim who likes to knit an awful lot, it’s a convenient way to keep the items together.

You can knit items or just practise. Skill up to get better at making more advanced projects.

Traits will affect how fast, successful, and happy sims are at knitting, and there are 6 custom moodlets related to knitting.

There are few things I want to look into adding/changing, so there will likely be updates coming up.

Thank you for all the support and kind words! I really hope you like the mod <3

Read more and download at MTS!


It’s finally HERE!

So what is this you wonder? It is a first third of clean UI release, currently in beta testing phase.

What does it include? Well, here’s the list:
- Completed Game Intro Loading Screen (separate download)
- Complete Main Menu
- Complete Save Loading Screen
- Complete Buy mode (without blueprints)
- Complete Build mode (without blueprints)
- Most of live mode in progress (without most of EP content)

That’s 30% of it complete already.

Here’s some images of it:


Issues with this build:
- going into CAST in build/buy gets rid of half camera control background graphic
- career tab days off are colored light blue and are thus barely readable

These are two issues that don’t seem to be easily fixable but for final release I’ll try my best.

Now onto downloads!

-Clean UI Main download - HERE
- Clean UI Game Loading Screen - HERE (no need to download if you already got it from here)
- Clean UI compatible Gamefreak’s Loading Screen Overhaul - HERE(required if you use Gamefreak’s Loading Screen Overhaul!!!)

Some final words.

Thank you everyone who follows this project.
I hope this is enough for now, there’s more to come later, but I will be taking a break from this project for a bit. Next module is CAS and edit town/tutorial/family management.

All of my downloads have also been migrated to google drive,
because drop box banned me for some reason.All links on this blog work once again.

I also have a Ko-Fi page here that is open for donations. If you want and can please consider donating. Thank you once again.

With recent opening of discord server, the project is in motion again and thus here’s a little something to start it off. This is what I’ve been working on since the start of this week.


Download and put this in your Documents>Electronc Arts>The Sims 3>mods>packagesfolder:


And to give everyone a sense of progress this is where I am with completion of whole UI:

-Main Load Screen:100%
-Live Mode Base Game:90%
-Live Mode Expansions:10%
-Build Mode:98%
-Buy Mode:60%
-Main Menu:90%
-Save Game Load:10%
-Bot CAS:0%
-Edit Town:0%
-Game Intro:0%

That’s it for now peeps. Have fun and have a spooky Halloween.
