#sjm spoilers


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List of Special Nesta Moments

Moments that hunt at Nesta being more aka more powerful, not fae, future queen of something

- Tamlin’s fae magic couldn’t trick Nesta’s mind. She saw right through it all ACOTAR

- Nests could tell when Feyre went into Lucien’s mind and Feyre had know idea how she knew ACOWAR

- Devon and all the Illyrian commanders were freaked out by her (and they live in the dangerous mountains) ACOWAR

- the Bone Carver spoke about how she is acient and yet she is newly born ACOWAR


IDK HOW Y'ALL DIDN’T FIND IT SO GROSS THAT AZRIEL REGIFTED ELAIN’S NECKLACE TO GWYN. I HOPE GWYN PULLS A CASSIAN AND TOSSES THAT BITCH IN THE SIDRA (to clarify, she would be tossing the necklace) (to clarify again, i wouldn’t mind if she tossed az’s dusty ass in too).
