#slamming meth



Reblog if you wanna see more

Who needs I can ship in the USA delivery if close

Throwback slam video from a couple of years ago…I remember being so excited to do this shot that I accidentally pulled out the rig after registering it…rookie move, but I recovered quite nicely for take off.

Found this old time lapse…one of the scariest nights I can remember…watch as the mushrooms kick in…wait for it…

It’s been a while…just recently got released from prison…don’t make the same mistake I did, FEDERAL PROBATION DOES NOT PLAY!!! No wonder I ended up where I did…I had close to 3 months of probation left and didn’t have the discipline to just be cool…if you are going to use, be responsible and safe!!! I received 2 extra years of probation on top of a 6 month sentence and a 6 month stay in a halfway house…so I will have to get high vicariously through you…Summer 2022 will be my summer of freedom.
