#small farms



Farm guardian doing the work so well that the perennial succulents have attached themselves to it side. The local sloths would approve.

#SimpleFoodSmallFarmz is the hashtag to look for. Follow us on social media and book that EXPERIENCE today.


FYI…all you houseplant lovers that support commercial house plant manufacturing, the soil your plants come in is as non renewable as oil and coal. Period! Please find someone that sells house plants that are in #peatfree soil & non plastic or recycled containers.

Please please please

Book a tour and find out why peat free is the way to be.


While working farmer’s market and cooking up some veggie samples, these guys asked me if I wanted to be in a video about Corvallis Farmer’s Market for their new Youtube channel: LiveCorvallis.

After the fact, I realized how much I love being in front of the camera (especially when I get to talk about farming and food culture)!

As the season winds down and winter approaches, y’all can definitely expect more video and audio content coming soon! Thanks for watching!

Farming is all about patience, attentiveness and care. The harvests come quick & abundant. Our h

Farming is all about patience, attentiveness and care. The harvests come quick & abundant. Our hands & knees move at a rapid speed through 300 ft high tunnels of fruiting tomato plants, trellised to the ceiling. Nearby, pepper plants are heavy with juicy green shishitos; zucchini plants grown over the pathways with bees pollinating their furry yellow flowers in a nectar-craving frenzy. Farm trucks loaded with hundreds of pounds of tomatillos, nearly a thousand bunches of carrots, or twenty tubs of cucumbers.

Yet sometimes I have to go out to one of the fields after work and enjoy a slower harvest to bring home with us. Striking a balance between the fast pace of production farming and the slower enjoyment of subsistence gardening is so important to me. Those Sunday afternoons in the shishito pepper greenhouse let me return to that meditative feeling of growing plants just for fun.

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