
Tom was beginning to wonder if George would ever ask him out. Was he flirting too much? Not enough?

Tom was beginning to wonder if George would ever ask him out. Was he flirting too much? Not enough? They had exchanged meaningful glances at the last great feast. Only time would tell.

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I recently modeled for a Dr Sketchy even nearby in Akron and my friend Dionne was there with her wonI recently modeled for a Dr Sketchy even nearby in Akron and my friend Dionne was there with her wonI recently modeled for a Dr Sketchy even nearby in Akron and my friend Dionne was there with her won

I recently modeled for a Dr Sketchy even nearby in Akron and my friend Dionne was there with her wonderful jewelry and trinkets! I absolutely LOVE her stuff and I figured others would too. The top pic is of two necklaces she gifted to me (that I will most likely wear for shoots!) One is Star Wars and the other is Spider Man with and antique looking brass skeleton key. Both are made with quality materials and I adore the steampunk look. She does all types of different imagery (see middle pic) From nerdy stuff, to sci-fi and even Nightmare Before Christmas. The bottom photo is an incredible corset she designed! I love the rib cage element and the red rhinestones denoting drops of blood. See her site if you wish to order! You can order necklaces and corsets on her Etsy http://www.etsy.com/shop/MySmittenBoutique?ref=seller_info or feel free to email her for custom inquiries [email protected]

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Go listen to atrapado by heavy blink u won’t regret it

How could medicines even work when the only cure is to be in his arms- I have been longing for?
