#so angry


Je hais ce que suggèrent vos yeux quand vous posez votre regard sur moi

I just realized …

Guys, we’re on ‘hellatus’. AGAIN! As in, no more SPN until January! And just as they left us on the worst cliffhanger! I mean, the mid season finale was absolutely legendary, I just wish there was more to it!

Now we have to wait for five weeks and six days to find out what that footprint thingy was (I’m betting on dinosaur), whether Jack will save Mary, and when Sam and Dean will get out of ‘the bad place’. I bet they won’t even show anything remotely related to Lucifer and Cas’ captivity until a few episodes in just to piss us off!

Ughhhhh, the things I do for this fandom

Sorry not sorry for the rant



all the right-wing judges besides clarence thomas were picked by bush and trump, meaning the decision to overturn roe v wade was made by two presidents who never won the popular vote

Source. It’s like so bad I can’t even think straight. Don’t let anyone pretend the US is a democracy.

Angry Lance

angry boy getting mad at his uncle because he fell into a freezing pod thing
