#social media issues



yall would live much happier lives if you would stop to think “is this about me?” before starting pointless shit.

you don’t need to accuse a post about safe sex of being aphobic. someone talking about the struggles of being bi doesn’t need you saying they should be a lesbian instead. if someone talks about a nice thing their dad did they don’t need you replying about shitty men are

so many people around here are so rude and bitter that it almost seems like they’re trolling but they’re not! they’re just horribly self centered


No autistic person deservesto be bullied. No autistic person brings bullying upon themselves by being too “weak”, “socially inept”, “awkward”, “weird”, “stupid”; etc ad infini blah blah yadda. Neurotypicals/allistics who use that as an excuse to harass and make fun of us are the weak ones. You have a piece of cooked spaghetti for a backbone if you think it’s appropriate to set upon someone who, for whatever reason, isn’t, or may not be, equipped to fight back.  
