#allistics do not reblog to argue or debate or i will block





Reblog this if you’re an autistic person who blogs about autism and being autistic.


“You’re too high-functioning to speak for REAL People With Autism, so shut up.”

Look, I don’t know what you ableist neurotypicals think is “real autism,” but you aren’t even autistic. So we are certainly closer to it than you are.

Not to mention that a lot of so-called “low-functioning” autistic people are perfectly capable of writing and speaking up. And you want to silence them too? Good job, A+ job trying to understand autistic people.


And to everyone who worries about being “too high-functioning to understand:”

Do you read from other autistic people? Do you listen to voices all over the spectrum?

You understand autistic people’s wants and needs 1000% more than those ableist neurotypicals do. Because you actually listen to other autistic people. Your perspective is informed partially by personal experience, and partially by analyzing community perspectives.

Neurotypicals like to pretend that an autism diagnosis means that you can never ever understand autism, therefore you must shut up at all times and let the NTs do the talking.

You have a brain. You can use it. And you’re certainly doing a better job and trying a lot harder than these whiny bullies are. You have entered and sought to understand a community. You have listened to all autistics, not just the ones who are convenient to you, or who are similar to you. And you have personal experiences that are real and valid.

Your voice is worthwhile.


No autistic person deservesto be bullied. No autistic person brings bullying upon themselves by being too “weak”, “socially inept”, “awkward”, “weird”, “stupid”; etc ad infini blah blah yadda. Neurotypicals/allistics who use that as an excuse to harass and make fun of us are the weak ones. You have a piece of cooked spaghetti for a backbone if you think it’s appropriate to set upon someone who, for whatever reason, isn’t, or may not be, equipped to fight back.  
