#autistic traits


That moment when you obsess over something and then the next week you find something new to obsess about. The ever changing cycles of my special interests in a nutshell. I have some many unfinished movies and tv series.. I have like 2 episodes left of the gifted: graduation.. i rly want to watch it but i’m just waaay to tired plus i have loads of other stuff to do.

I tend to “abandoned” stuff because i get a new special interest or i’m just waay to tired to obsess over that certain thing rn. Then i start to feel bad bc i just abandonded my interest like that for something else…

High school party

P.s all the covid restrictions has been lifted in my country aka Denmark!

Sooo i went to my very first high school party today. It’s almost midnight as im writing this.. i got home earlier than i expected i would. The party started at 19:30 and should end at 24:00..
There were a lot of people, lights, loud noises, very loud music and i couldn’t hear what my friends were saying (who btw are all autistic too). It was party that were rave themed.

And i had a mental breakdown and got sensory overloaded. I started crying. Luckily my friends were there to help me :)). But honestly i also thought the party was kinda boring.. i already started considering going home at 21 because the party was so boring. It has to be the most boring party that i’ve ever attended. Even tho it was kinda boring, loud etc. i’m also kinda glad i went. I discovered something new about myself and my boundaries. I have always fantazised about high school parties… but i found out they weren’t for me.

Do you have any similar experience regarding parties like this? If so i would love to hear them.


No autistic person deservesto be bullied. No autistic person brings bullying upon themselves by being too “weak”, “socially inept”, “awkward”, “weird”, “stupid”; etc ad infini blah blah yadda. Neurotypicals/allistics who use that as an excuse to harass and make fun of us are the weak ones. You have a piece of cooked spaghetti for a backbone if you think it’s appropriate to set upon someone who, for whatever reason, isn’t, or may not be, equipped to fight back.  

Does this resonate with you?

I find it pretty accurate.

Big thanks to myautisticsoul for making this.
