#socially inept


one of my friends consoling me: just try not to dwell on things so much

me, thinking about the half hour I spent earlier that day over-analyzing the particular way I applied a paperclip and what it meant about me as a person: yeah you’re right, I should totally give that a try! thanks!



I a couple days I will be meeting my childhood best friend (I was going to marry him) for the first time in 8 and a half years; I haven’t spoken to him in 8 and a half year either. I am not good at peopling to begin with, so what do I dooooo??!?

Damn it!

Cute guy and I caught the last connecting train, had a chat, got thisclose to asking eachother out, didn’t (surprise!), he did the “*hint* do you know that thing? I’ll definitely go there while I’m here *hint*”…

Option A: I’ll camp out at that place like a lunatic

Option B: I’ll convince 2019 to grant me a luck-credit and we’ll have meet-cute #2
