#introvert problems

introvertedproblems:Suggested by Anonymous.


Suggested by Anonymous.

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I wish there was a codeword for “you sprung that plan on me too last-minute and I didn’t have enough time to mentally prepare myself” because I feel kinda bad when someone spontaneously invites me to do something and I’m just like no no no no I need WARNING I have to have enough time to build up my social energy 



I a couple days I will be meeting my childhood best friend (I was going to marry him) for the first time in 8 and a half years; I haven’t spoken to him in 8 and a half year either. I am not good at peopling to begin with, so what do I dooooo??!?


Introverts when they hear the door bell ring:

*whos at my door?* *is it the pizza man?* *wait, no, I didn’t order pizza tonight…*

*did someone order pizza for me?* *why would they order pizza for me?*

*wait no, what if…?*

Introvert’s mom:

At parties, I tend to hide in the bathroom for a while when the hubbub gets too overwhelming. But so

At parties, I tend to hide in the bathroom for a while when the hubbub gets too overwhelming. But sometimes there’s this chatty guest who keeps talking to me and makes it impossible to flee to the bathroom. :P

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Going to the party or not? That’s a really tough decision for introverts, especially if it’s a big p

Going to the party or not? That’s a really tough decision for introverts, especially if it’s a big party with lots of people they don’t know. Usually, introverts are very loyal friends, so they tend to sacrifice themselves for their loved ones. 

Of course, most of us don’t hate parties altogether. Sometimes it’s fun to be around people and there are social introverts as well. 

However, in general we prefer small groups and low-key activities to noisy places, stuffy air, and crowds of people.

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When I was a teenager, I attended a 3-day event in a foreign city. 

While the other attendees of the group I traveled with got in touch with people immediately, I didn’t and felt terribly lonely and like the odd one out. On the 2nd day, I was so anxious and depressed that I needed to see a doctor. 

When I told the doc about my problem, she raised her eyebrows and asked, “Why are you lonely? You’re surrounded by thousands of people!" 

She didn’t understand that you can feel lonely in a crowd as well. 

 Any fellow introverts out there who can relate? 

Most introverts get this nagging feeling of awkwardness whenever someone tries to make small talk. W

Most introverts get this nagging feeling of awkwardness whenever someone tries to make small talk. We are just never know what to say and quickly feel bored. Just the question “What are you up to lately?” makes us speechless. Especially, if the person we’re talking to doesn’t accept “Nothing much” as an answer.

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Introverts usually don’t hate people. We just prefer being alone or with a couple of close friends t

Introverts usually don’t hate people. We just prefer being alone or with a couple of close friends to a crowded place. The latter often overstimulates us which wears us out.

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In an extroverted society, the difference between an introvert and an extrovert is that an introvert is often unconsciously deemed guilty until proven innocent.

Criss Jami, Venus in Arms

Spontaneous extrovert~I constantly complain that I should be more social. But then my introvertednes

Spontaneous extrovert~

I constantly complain that I should be more social. But then my introvertedness kicks in *sigh* :’D

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Corona virus: Let me introduce myself

CDC: Self quarantine & wash your hands with soap and water to help stop the spread of the Corona virus.

Infected people: I think it’s a good time to travel,

And socialize.

Cases of the Corona virus popping up across the globe


Unaffected people: This virus sounds bad. We should stock up on as much hand sanitizer, bottled water, and toilet paper like two years worth per person in the household.

Me : Why is there a toilet paper shortage?


My fellow Introverts: Did the government…did they just cancel going outside and large social gathering?!?!

Future post-apocalyptic/dystopian people: After the plague of 2020 the surviving remnant of mankind decided to base their new society on the ways introversion.

bath bomb

i took a bath today using a bath bomb and it was intergalactic from lush and it was sparkly and even though i hate sparkles i loved it because the science of a bath bomb fascinates me

but now i’m sparkly and idk how to feel about it


so i’m a theatre kid and i’ve realized something

i have no problems talking at people (like performing) BUT TALKING TO PEOPLE IS AWFUL, ITS TERRIFYING, I HATE IT and the worst part is that no one else gets it, they’re all like “oh all theatre kids are extroverts right? cause they can be in front of people?” like bitch nah people are terrifying and tiring as hell

that introvert life

okay so all of my extrovert friends think i hate them because i don’t talk to them 24/7 even though i’m just tired and have interacted too much today and i just wanna take a nap and drink some chai tea okay i love you i promise

also lowkey a thinking type problem for me because i don’t #express my emotions but damn
