#solidarity not charity




I pray that one day all trans women and Cis women live in solidarity since they both have to constantly fight against the traditional beauty expectations and what is considered to be a valid “look of a real women”. Trans women are forced to conform to these laws due to the risk of being misgendered or clocked and murdered. Cis women are forced to conform to these laws or may be seen as too masculine, disrespected, and even beat. I admire those who break these standards, I admire those who embrace non-conformity. 

and yes I recognize that some only conform for themselves since femininity may bring them confidence, and yes do what makes you happy! You deserve to be happy! 

Hey guys I posted on my Instagram a mutual aid fund that I created to help people with severe mental health issues pay for things like medications and virtual talk therapy it would mean a lot to me if you guys could either re-blog or contribute in someway shape or form and if you need funds please feel free to apply love you

#mentallillness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mutualaid #mutualaidfunds #praxis #covıd19relief #covidrelief #suicideprevention #solidaritynotcharity #redistributethewealth #communitysupport
