#community support



Help a lesbian couple of color get groceries and house goods!!!

Hey its been a over a month since my partner (@800-dick-pics) and I have done an extensive grocery trip, which is far out of town

we’re running low on essentials now and We would like to go next week to get all the things we need to keep us fed and stocked for a while

Can we raise $300 to help us stock our house?

CA: $grumblybear or $sleepyhen

VNM: @/XochiRose or @/wildwotko

Please do not trigger tag or tag as d*n*ti*ns or anything of the like, please b//st and help if u can!!

Hey, I made this post on April 3rd 2022 and it’s now the 12th and we’ve received nothing toward this, we’re really trying to go this week bc my partner needs allergen safe foods they can eat please b//st this as much as you can so we can eat!!

Hey guys I posted on my Instagram a mutual aid fund that I created to help people with severe mental health issues pay for things like medications and virtual talk therapy it would mean a lot to me if you guys could either re-blog or contribute in someway shape or form and if you need funds please feel free to apply love you

#mentallillness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mutualaid #mutualaidfunds #praxis #covıd19relief #covidrelief #suicideprevention #solidaritynotcharity #redistributethewealth #communitysupport

kowabungadoodles: A comic about looking after yourself, your loved ones and your mental health durinkowabungadoodles: A comic about looking after yourself, your loved ones and your mental health durinkowabungadoodles: A comic about looking after yourself, your loved ones and your mental health durinkowabungadoodles: A comic about looking after yourself, your loved ones and your mental health durinkowabungadoodles: A comic about looking after yourself, your loved ones and your mental health durinkowabungadoodles: A comic about looking after yourself, your loved ones and your mental health durin


A comic about looking after yourself, your loved ones and your mental health during the tough times ahead.
I started this last November, when people were hurting so hard it was difficult to function - I’m sorry it took me so long to finish it.  

Everyday activism you can do when you feel powerless.
And when you feel stronger, Punch back.

[First panel: Two people standing in the dark, surrounded by screens showing “HATE”; one has shoulder-length dark hair and freckles, the other has short, messy light hair. Text: “We all need to fight. Now more than ever.”

Second panel: a caption reads, “But when all the world seems to be sapping your strength.” In the left half-panel the freckled person is looking sadly at their phone, which is showing them hateful messages; in the right, the short-haired person is passing an unfriendly crowd talking among themselves.

Third panel: on the left, the freckled person looking at a small amount of money in their hand, and on the right the short-haired person sitting in bed, looking at what appears to be a hospital bracelet on their wrist. Text: “When you need every bit of that strength just to get by.”

Fourth panel: the freckled person with their eyes closed, holding their phone against their heart, surrounded by symbols and words such as “unfollow”. Text: “It’s okay to disconnect.”

Fifth panel: the short-haired person sitting on a park bench with eyes closed, exhaling. Text: “Take a breath.”

Sixth panel: the freckled person holding a cat. Text: “Recharge.”

Seventh panel: the short-haired person tucked up in bed, smiling at their phone which is showing them a heart. Text: “Reconnect.”

Eighth panel: both people in bed, hugging, while the cat looks on. Text: “Take care of yourselves. And each other.”

Ninth panel: both people at a protest, with determined expressions, holding the poles of a banner. Text: “Fight every day, in any way you can.”

Tenth panel: the short-haired person is sharing homemade cookies with the freckled person, while the cat clings to their shoulder. Both are smiling. Text: “If all you have strength to do today is exist, then resist by existing.”]

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tom-isaacs:Anónimo 3 -  María Evelia Marmolejo Joining a roster of politically active Latin American


Anónimo 3 -  María Evelia Marmolejo

Joining a roster of politically active Latin American artists experimenting with performance art in the 1980s, Marmolejo’s works dealt largely with environmental issues, the role of women, and the concurrent political oppression in her native Colombia. Anónimo 3 (1982), for instance, was conceived as an atonement ritual in which she apologized to the Earth for years of pollution. The 15-minute performance in Valle del Cauca, Colombia, consisted of her covering her face with gauze and her body with surgical tape, then performing a vaginal wash over a toilet bowl in the center of a circular patch of earth. The fluids that fell to the ground were intended to re-fertilize the area.

This post was recently flagged as explicit. I requested a review and received an email within a matter of minutes to say the review had been performed and the ruling was upheld. There was no room for appeal. The post was taken off my tumblr. I decided to make a complaint through other channels. 

I sent a message to community support:

My post was incorrectly flagged as explicit. There is nothing sexual in this image and no nipples or genitals are showing.

I received the following response:

Adult content is not permitted on Tumblr.

If you feel that we have miscategorized your post, you can appeal this decision. Just open your account settings, select “Review flagged posts,” and you’ll see a timeline view of your posts that have been flagged on that blog.

Unsatisfied with this response I persisted:

Thanks [redacted],

But the person who reviewed the material has not followed your own guidelines. Furthermore, the review of my appeal took all of five minutes before it was denied so the claim that it was ‘carefully reviewed’ does not stand up to scrutiny.

I am very disappointed not only with the draconian turn that Tumblr has taken, but also the scattershot approach they’ve taken to upholding their own standards and rules.

Some time later I received the following email:


We’ve reviewed your classification appeal and have determined the contents of your post is not adult per our Community Guidelines located here: https://www.tumblr.com/policy/en/community. Your post has now been restored. We apologize for the error. For more information about what is considered adult content, please see our FAQ support post or the Tumblr Help Center.

Thank you,
Tumblr Trust & Safety

Post link

Ginger Spice for a Night….

“Liliane, will you be Ginger Spice?” they asked.  “We are all going as Spice Girls or super fans, Tyke has agreed to be Security and we don’t have a Ginger Spice.”  And that my dear readers is exactly how it happened.

3b15bfcfb522176f93238721f650df41Now I have to admit between you and me,  I was never much of a Spice Girls fan. However, to support the amazing organization PHAMEand the incredible work they do, I acquiesced. The…

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Armstreet, a Ukrainian company which normally makes Renaissance and fantasy costumes for cosplayers, LARPer, SCA actors, etc, now has a program which allows you to buy a sleeping bag for a soldier or a blanket for a refugee, which they are manufacturing using the equipment they had for their costuming business.

Sleeping bags for $39:
Blankets for $24:

Since this is getting a lot of notes, I also want to plug https://www.supportukrainian.army/ as a place to buy sleeping bags, tactical stretchers, etc, which was recced by @garland-on-thy-brow in this post. Prices in Ukrainian currency, so much cheaper than they look in USD.
