#spiled ink


To say

We are here and

We’re here

To stay.

I fathom I say and

You say

‘Cause we would like to.

- we would stay if we want to


“I Crave The Sunshine Which Spills Out Of Your Lips When You Smile.”

— Yes, I want a piece of you.
// The Thinking Girl


“…You got into me As deep As ocean ever got into earth…”

— Excerpts from your eyes //

If we weren’t enough by ourselves,

we wouldn’t have been born.

(Take notes ♥)


“the way the sunshine plays in the folds of the curtains on lazy afternoons the burst of blackberry on your tongue in the summer heat the fire in your chest with that first sip of cider in the cold winter months the laugh of a stranger caught by the wind on the dappled path the graceful droop of an orchid regal melancholy in the curves of the petals these are the moments when the dreams of the world can be glimped these are the memory of pandora’s hope that serve as my suicide note”

— i am tired
