#pots syndrome


Me, still, 3 years into chronic illness diagnosis despite living with symptoms daily

What is this?
What’s happening to me?
Is it all in my head?


We feel like we have to project this image of disabled and chronically ill people being so brave. Like they’re such heroes because of everything they go through without complaining. And it’s true that we’re cool, but sometimes I’m sick of it. Sometimes I don’t want to be seen as someone brave or tough, even by myself. I cried for hours today because the pain just got so bad, and afterwards I found myself apologising to my family. Screw that. Why was that my first reaction? I want it to be okay for me to have days when I’ve had enough of it, to just cry and be sad and angry and frustrated because it’s not bloody fair. To not constantly worry that I’m a burden to everyone around me. Sure, I like making people smile, I think it’s good to be sunshine when you can’t find any, but I’m sick of insisting it’s not raining. I like to inspire people and do good where I can, but I am not your inspiration. That’s not my sole purpose. I didn’t choose this. I don’t owe it to anyone to turn this into some kind of origin story. Some days I just need to frickin survive and know it’s ok to not be ok and cry without apologising for it and be mad without feeling guilty because this is not my fault


friendly reminder that being disabled is a full-time job. don’t let anyone make you feel bad for not working when you are physically incapable. you work harder than anyone else just to keep up with your day-to-day life.


Dear kind people of the internet,

After about 6 years of trying to make this happen, and almost giving up a few months ago, I’m finally getting an assistance dog. I have 10 different disabilites, chronic illnesses and disorders and so as you can probably imagine, my lfie is quite restricted.

I really hope and believe that this pupper can change that, and together we can gain my independence.

It won’t be easy though, or cheap- the charity estimates it will cost around £1200 for a year of raising him and training costs (that I will be responsible for, the charity will cover what they can).

I can’t work right now due to my health, so I’ve set up a just giving page to help cover the costs of the first year of training and raising him. So far I’ve raised enough to just about cover basic assistance dog training (yay!) but I still have to pay for puppy classes, travel to the trainer, his equipment and of course the general costs of raising a puppy. I want to be able to give him the life he deserves and take care of him well.

I know times are hard for everyone, so if you can’t donate then I understand and I don’t want anyone to feel pressured. If you could share or boost the page or this post in any way I’d really, really appreciate it.

Thank you for reading

P.s his name is Hobi, because he is my hope and sunshine, so if kpop tumblr could see and share this I’d be really grateful

Don’t forget the commercial of skipping,happy people haha.

Except I’d change W from women to warrior.

Even though 90% are women, men still get it. I don’t want to leave them out of this.

My pots is so much worse in heat. With lupus the sun wants to off me haha. Almost 90 degrees here today. Oof.

Heating pad is not enough. I wrap myself in a heated blanket on high. I’ll just cook myself.

Systemic Lupus, APS, thyroid. And fibromyalgia and pots have stemmed from my autoimmunity.

My mind is young. Not my body ha. I look like that old lady whenever I get up from a seated position
