
M.I.L.F #fergie #MILFMONEY #thedutchess #doubledutchess #fergalicious #itunes #billboard #spotify #U

M.I.L.F #fergie #MILFMONEY #thedutchess #doubledutchess #fergalicious #itunes #billboard #spotify #USA #UK #instamusic #Gay #gayboy #Diva #FollowMe #Follow #ken #KenCrystal #Crystal

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why does it hit different omg

“I don’t know why but it feels to right to me…”

could listen to joseph quinn talk all damn day (his part starts around 44 mins)

Illustration by Brian Stauffer for Jonathan Ringen’s article about lessons learned from Spotify, App

Illustration by Brian Stauffer for Jonathan Ringen’s article about lessons learned from Spotify, Apple Music, and the streaming wars.

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I’m so proud and excited to share this with you guys. I’ve actually never done any type of visuals for myself as a solo artist and for this to be my first offering is incredibly meaningful to me. I wrote this little ditty in the midst of a pretty serious anxiety attack. I was really feeling at my worst, but decided to sing some sense into myself, and it just came out so easily. For the video I wanted to give a glimpse into the life of the person I admire most in the world, my mom.

As a recovering addict I watched her go through the ringer, and occasionally drag my sister and I down with her. But through it all, she managed to put the bullsh*t behind her and has become a beacon of hope for not only myself but everyone she meets.

We were able to capture a very special moment, her 15 year sobriety birthday. This is an incredible milestone. She is one of my biggest inspirations. This video is dedicated to her and the countless other recovering addicts who keep pushing even on their worst days. Remember to JUST BREATHE and take it one day at a time. RELAX, you got this and you’re not alone.

If you need help please visit for more information. www.aa.org

IG/FB - @yungkobramusic - www.yungkobra.com

Written and Produced by Robyn Troup - @robynthebank and Simonne Jones - @simonnejones

Video Production by Jared Jones - www.thejayspence.com - @thejayspence

#robynhoodscloset    #yung kobra    #yungkobramusic    #new music    #music video    #robynthebank    #robyn the bank    #fashion    #blogger    #fashion blog    #music blog    #singer    #box braids    #black barbie    #alt black girl    #alt black women    #black girls    #houston    #spotify    #youtube    #blonde braids    #artists    


Like his music

Summary: You and Bucky argue again, solving it the way you both know works best.

Pairing: Rockstar!Bucky Barnes x Reader


Warnings: language, toxic relationship/behaviour, violence (slapping), rough smut/sexy times. 18+ only. Please heed the warnings - if this makes you uncomfortable then click away. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN MEDIA CONSUMPTION.

Disclaimer: I do not give anyone permission to take, repost, copy or translate my stories, regardless of whether or not they are credited. This blog and all works associated with are 18+ only. Minors please do not interact or follow.

A/N: For my lovely mutual @slothspaghettiwrites because she begged so sweetly. Also, I’ve never written rockstar!Bucky before. I hate this, but out it goes.

Main Masterlist/Bucky Barnes Masterlist

Sex with Bucky is been much like his music - loud, messy and exciting.

Too bad he was a fucking asshole.

“You’re a massive bitch, you know that?”

“Says the guy who just throat punched his own manager.”

Bucky hisses as you drag your nails down his tatted back, the newest addition of black ink still sore to the touch. “Didn’t like the way he was lookin’ at you.”

Keep reading

You can hate it, but I love it

Give me that toxic love that makes people wary to fuck with us.

The song that had me begging my bestie to write it.

doing a million things but it feels like nothing

Tired of your discover weekly disappearing each week?

I found a simple solution.

This website: Rediscover

automatically saves each of your discover weekly playlists every week. Lifesaver for me.

Good Girls Are Bad Girls That Haven’t Been Caught - A Quil Ateara x fem!Reader Imagine

That’s a small story for Quil who is always overlooked, but we stan all of the wolfpack here (almost)

Based on the song “Good Girls” (previously known as “Good Girls are Bad Girls that haven’t been caught”) by 5SOS

She’s a good girl, she’s daddy’s favorite

He’s saved for Harvard (he knows she’ll make it)

She’s good at school, she’s never truant

She can speak French (I think she’s fluent)

Quil’s POV

(Y/N) was the perfect girl. Beautiful, confident, ambitious, probably the best student you could ever come across. She was quiet; she never got into trouble; she was always participating in extracurricular activities, and she always volunteered for every project that was happening around the school, La Push, and Forks.

She was known for being a goody-two-shoes, never going against authorities, never objecting to the teachers. She always arrived 20 minutes before the first bell, just to check her books once again, having small talks with the teachers who all seemed to adore her. She was the easiest person to get around with, always willing to help everyone, whether that was homework, advice, or money.

She was the pride of her family, the golden kid, their future. Her parents were always praising her, and always bragging to others about their daughter’s achievements. Her father wanted her to attend Harvard, being one of the prestigious colleges in the country. (Y/N) could definitely attend Harvard, having achieved perfect scores, and with a rich background in athletics, volunteering, and languages.

Apart from English, (Y/N) could speak German, Italian, Spanish, and Greek, but her favorite language was French, which she spoke fluently. She had an affinity for learning new languages and learning about different cultures. In my eyes, she was the perfect girl for me.

But that meant I could not get close to her. I could only look at her from afar. I was a good student too - probably one of the best around, but (Y/N) was the best among everyone. I had my circles and friendships, but not (Y/N)’s friends or personality. For her being the best student around, she was also extremely sociable and friendly. (Y/N) was a good girl.

Something which shocked me beyond comprehension was when she started hanging out with one of the worst guys around. Damian was probably the worst guy I had ever seen. He was a bully, a gang member, the worst guy you could ever meet. Yet, (Y/N) saw the best in him. She was always hanging around him, laughing and having genuine fun with him. She would tease him all the time, and he would go crazy for her, licking his lips and all. 

I was disgusted; (Y/N) deserved someone better, someone sweet and caring to treat her like the queen she was, not someone who she should have avoided all along. And she wouldn’t see that she didn’t need Damian in her life. They weren’t really a couple, but there was definitely something going on between them, though (Y/N) would always remain the sweet, pure girl she had always been. I just wanted him to leave her alone; he wasn’t a good influence to have around, and I was worried about (Y/N) following his ways. 

‘Cause every night, she studies hard in her room

At least that’s what her parents assume

But she sneaks out the window to meet with her boyfriend

Here’s what she told me, the time that I caught her

She said to me, “Forget what you thought

'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven’t been caught

So just turn around and forget what you saw

'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven’t been caught”

(Y/N) lived a couple of hundred feet away from my own house. (Y/N) would never go out at night; she would never go out on the weekends. She would always spend her nights studying in her room, until late at the night. She would start early in the afternoon, have dinner in between, and then study until 1 or 2 am. (Y/N) was only focused on school, and she was aiming high.

Her parents were worried about her, sleeping late and waking up early, but she would always convince them that she was doing fine and that she had to make a few sacrifices if she wanted to get into a good college. Her parents were satisfied with her attitude, believing their daughter was a good girl who only focused on school. But, that’s what they thought. Because I knew that wasn’t true at all.

I was out late one night, patrolling around the area. I was really tempted to see how (Y/N) was doing. I imagined her focused on her books, studying under her desk lamp, writing and studying her notes, and solving complicated math problems. I couldn’t help myself, so I decided to go by her house, and look at her from afar.

Before I could even come close enough to see her through her window, I heard a small window open, and a few rattles. I hid behind a bush and looked closer, to find out it was (Y/N), leaving the house through her bedroom window. She was all dressed up, makeup on, with a few bracelets and an intoxicating perfume emitting from her body.

She turned around to look at me and then smiled and winked. Everything around me narrowed around her as if she was in the center of my new galaxy. I could not see anything but her; she was the only thing that mattered to me at that moment. It took me a few moments to realize I had imprinted on her.

When I came back from my vision, (Y/) was standing right in front of me, looking at me with worry and curiosity. “Quil? Are you okay? You zoned out for a few minutes and I got worried.” 

“You… You know my name?” 

She chuckled. “Of course I do, Quil. Now tell me, what are you doing here?”

“I…” I had to think about something quickly. “I was out walking. I have terrible insomnia, and walking really helps me sleep at night. Then I heard a small commotion around your house and I thought someone was trying to break in. I got scared, so I hid behind the bush.”

“Oh, okay. Don’t worry. It was just me.” She quickly took her phone out of her purse and looked at the time. “Oh, I have to go now, or I’ll be running late.”

“Wait! It is quite late. Where are you going?” I sounded, and probably also looked, worried.

“I’m going out with my boyfriend. He’s waiting for me at his house, and then we’ll go out. I don’t know where yet.” She smiled.

I was shocked. “Wait. What? Why are you going out? I thought you would be studying at this time. I… I… I don’t know what to say.” I was clueless and lost. “I thought you were supposed to be a “good girl”, you know?”

She took my hand in hers, and I could swear I felt my heart flying away. “Quil, don’t believe anything you hear. I think you should forget what you thought, ‘cause good girls are bad girls that haven’t been caught. I think I may be one of these girls; being a goody-two-shoes to everyone’s eyes, but a rebel at heart. Please, do me a favor, just turn around and forget what you saw, and maybe, just maybe we could hang out a few times. You seem like a cool guy.” She smiled again and kissed my cheek lightly before walking away.

I could only stand still and watch her mesmerized, as she walked away to meet her lover, who, sadly, wasn’t me. 

She’s a good girl, a straight A-student

She’s really into all that self-improvement

(I swear she lives in that library)

But if you ask her, she’ll say, “That’s where you’ll find me”

But if you look then you won’t find her there

She may be clever, but she just acts too square

'Cause in the back of the room where nobody looks (nobody looks)

She’ll be with her boyfriend (she’s not reading books)

Another day, another A for (Y/N). Just like yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. All the teachers called her a role model for everyone else, but she insisted that grades do not matter as much as character and personality do. She certainly had both in surplus, but maybe that was just the imprinting talking.

I couldn’t stop thinking about her. (Y/N) was too good for me, she was too good for everyone, and, especially, too good for Damian. Yet, she somehow could not spend a moment without him. She was with him on our lunch break, sitting on his lap and cuddling; she was with him during our study break, at the back of the library where nobody could see them, making out and cuddling.

I was so jealous of Damian for being with (Y/N) all the time; for being able to cuddle, touch, and kiss her. I wanted to be with her; to be able to do all these things with her; to show her a world she would have never imagined. I didn’t want to force her into this world, so I decided I wouldn’t tell her anything unless I had to.

The pack was always nagging and pushing me to tell her, but I wouldn’t do it. It had to be with her own conscience and her own will. If she ever felt the same way I feel for her, then she would come to me. I could only wait, hoping that she would see and would come to me. 

She said to me, “Forget what you thought

'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven’t been caught

So just turn around and forget what you saw

'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven’t been caught

Day after day, it became harder to stay away from (Y/N). We would occasionally spend time together at school or be partnered up in projects together, but it wasn’t enough for me. It didn’t feel right to stay away from her, even if I couldn’t get close to her. She was with someone else, and, as long as she was happy, I was happy with her.

And days would go by like this: me wishing (Y/N) was mine, and (Y/N) being with someone else. Though, lately, she seemed sadder and lonelier than before, and I was wondering if Damian did anything to upset her, as she did not spend as much time with him as she did before, at least in front of others. 

I was really curious to know, so when we partnered up one day for a Physics project, I gained enough courage to ask her. “Hey, (Y/N), don’t misunderstand me, but has anything happened between you and Damian? You don’t seem fine lately. Has he done anything to you?

“Quil, I…” Her mouth trembled, and her eyes started watering.

“Hey, hey! You don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t feel like saying anything. I’m really sorry for asking.” I tried to sympathize with her, caressing her hand.

“It’s not that. I do want to talk with you. It’s just… Lately, I’ve been feeling some way about someone else, and I couldn’t keep on doing this with Damian anymore. He looks like a scary guy but he’s a good person deep down. I couldn’t stay with him when I was only thinking about a different guy. It wouldn’t be fair to him, or me.”

My heart sunk. Her mind was already in someone else. “Oh, yeah. That was nice of you. So, how are you feeling after the break-up? Are you okay? Do you need some time? We can stop now with the project and you can go home if you’d like that.”

“No, no. I like it here. I like taking my mind off of everything by focusing on homework. I like spending time with you.” She smiled shyly. (Y/N) was never shy. 

Something sparked in me, an unfound confidence, and I leaned in to kiss her on the lips. I thought she would pull away, but after a small shock, she kissed me back harder than I did, and caressed my cheek with her hand. After a few minutes, we pulled away to breathe.

“Just in case you haven’t realized it yet, you are the guy I’ve been constantly thinking about.” She leaned in to kiss me once again, and all I could think about was…

Good girls are bad girls that haven’t been caught

Road Rage - A Paul Lahote x fem!Reader Imagine

Tagging (from previous Paul story): @xxx-wounded-angel-xxx @chocolatechipcookiesandcamembert @florence-end @emmy1148 @ilove-bts @crazyacegirl @emerald-jade1 @lahoete @navs-bhat@aquanova99

(Y/N)’s POV

I was driving down the provincial roads of Washington, going towards La Push, where my friend, Nessie, and her family were waiting for me. “Immortale” by Måneskin was bursting through my rental car, which Nessie had arranged for me, as I was hitting the steering wheel in the rhythm of the song. I loved that song so much, I was singing it at the top of my lungs - at least, the parts I knew how to say.

“Credimi, credimi, sono diventato immortale (Believe me, believe me, I became immortal).”

I was tired after flying for 20 hours and having to drive for another 4, but this song always brought my mood up. That, and the fact that I managed to sleep plenty of hours through the flights. I was counting down the hours until I reached La Push. It was Nessie’s birthday tomorrow, and she had invited me over to spend a few weeks with her and her family. 

Nessie and I met when she came to my university as a study abroad student. At first, she only planned to stay here for a semester, but that turned into two semesters - the maximum time study abroad students were allowed to stay there. I was heartbroken when she had to go back home, but she had promised me she’ll do anything to meet again.

I didn’t know what it was with Nessie - or Renesmee, as she was officially named. She was such a fun person to be around. She made everyone feel welcome and happy, and she was probably the easiest person to get along with. She was up for anything, but she was also the most responsible out of everyone, kind of like the mom in our small group of her, me, and my four other friends.

I was getting more and more excited the closer I got to La Push, though I still had to drive within the required speed limits. It was really difficult to estimate the kilometers to miles, and thankfully the car was already in miles, but it was still difficult to keep up with the speed limits around here. The US was really strict with the speed limits, which I never experienced before, but better to be safe than sorry. I didn’t want to get deported or something, so I drove much slower than I usually did.

I liked driving fast, testing the car’s limits, as well as my own, and kind of brag about my driving to others. I liked driving fast, but I was also extremely cautious, and these two often clashed with each other. I would sometimes hate slow drivers, and other times I would wish other drivers drove more slowly. Unfortunately, I had terrible road rage in either case.

Fortunately, I was aware of where I could drive fast, and where I had better drive slowly and carefully. And these narrow, provincial roads were not made for speeding. They were steep from the constant rain, and they had too many turns to count - the very opposite of a road to speed on.

That, however, did not stop the asshole that was following me from almost bumping onto my car, speeding beyond my own comprehension, and almost colliding with the back of my car. Said asshole was flashing his car’s lights and honking at me as if any of these would actually make me go any faster. I was driving for over three and a half hours, just to come across this ass in the last 20 minutes of my driving.

The man kept honking and trying to scare me into speeding or moving over so he could run past me. I was a bigger asshole than he was and my anger rose rapidly as it usually did, so I stepped gently on my brakes, forcing him to step hard on his before he decided that enough was enough. 

He stepped on his gas, and, with an abrupt movement, ran past me, before cutting me off and then speeding off like the ass he was. I sent a lovely open palm on his side, cursing him, and continued driving. My heart was beating fast all this time - a mix of fear and adrenaline, and I was slowly trying to calm myself down, but my hands were still shaking. 

“Just a few more minutes, (Y/N). Just a few more minutes.” 

I was trying to calm myself down, as I was known for getting too angry too quickly, and now, it was not the time for that. I had to remain calm and collected. It was Nessie’s birthday after all, and I didn’t want to ruin everything because of a random asshole. It would be the first time I met her family and friends, and I wanted to leave a good impression, not be the angry ass around here.

I reached the address she had given me after a few minutes. The house seemed small and old, slightly worn out by the rain and humidity, but the location, being slightly away from other houses around the area, offered peace and quiet. It wasn’t a place I would have imagined Nessie would be staying - she dressed too expensive, and spent a lot of money, at least when she was a study abroad.

“(Y/N)!” Ness ran up to me the second I walked out of my car. “I’m so happy you’re finally here! I missed you so much!” Nessie’s embrace was so tight and overwhelming, but warm and welcoming. 

I took a step back to look at her. She hadn’t changed at all. She had the same sweet face, wavy curls, and bright smile as she always did.

“It’s nice to see you, too, Nessie. I missed you, too.” I answered back wholeheartedly, but the look on my face did not match my sincerity.

“Hey, boo, what happened? You don’t seem happy to be here.” Ness furrowed her eyebrows, looking at me worriedly. 

“Well.. Can I vent to you a bit?” 

“Of course, you can. Come on, let’s go inside and you can tell me everything.” She took my hand in hers, and she led me into the house.

The same house that looked old and worn out on the outside was nothing like its interior. It was so warm and welcoming, beautifully decorated with warm, earthly colors, and was actually much bigger than it looked from the outside. Ness sat me down on one of the couches in the living room.

“Now, tell me, what’s got you so upset?” She smiled encouragingly.

“Well, someone almost crashed on my car. I was driving slow, not just because of the police, but, you know, the roads were steep and I was scared. He came behind me. He was running really fast, and he kept honking and flashing his lights. And I got scared, but you know me, I wouldn’t just let this asshole do whatever he wants. So, I stepped on my brakes, he stepped on his. He was really mad, he moved past me, and cut me off. He almost sent me off-road! So, I just showed him my open palm as he drove away. I still feel the adrenaline and the fear run through me. It felt like a near-death experience.”

Ness was looking at me shocked. “Because it was! (Y/N), you have to be careful around here. Did you, at least, notice his face or anything? Do you remember his car, his car plate?”

“Well, I did notice him in my mirror. He was…handsome, but an asshole nonetheless.”

“I’m sorry for that, sweety. I hope you are better now. Would you like to meet the rest of my family?”

“I thought you said your actual family would be away for the week.”

“Well, yeah, but I mean my La Push family; Brady and his family and friends. We’ll have dinner at Emily and Sam’s place. They’re like our mom and dad, even though they do have their own kids.”

“Oh, do you go there often?”

“Well, pretty much every day. Or every other day. Emily is the sweetest and her cooking is amazing. Brady and the others are already there.”

“The others? How many more are there?”

“Well, apart from Brady, Sam, and Emily, there are Jared and Kim, Leah and Angela, Seth and Daniel, Quil and Claire, Embry and Laura, Collin and Diana, and Jacob and Christine. Oh, there is also Paul, but I’m not sure if he’ll come. Everyone told him to be there, but you never know with him.”

“So, there will be just couples?” That made me nervous. I was definitely going to be left out.

“Oh, no, don’t worry. Even if Paul, who’s the only single, won’t come, we’ll still stay together. You won’t be alone. And the girls are amazingly sweet. You’ll see. Now, go get changed and ready for dinner. I’ll be waiting right here.” Ness took me to - I assumed - a guest room and gently pushed me in, closing the door behind me.

She had left some underwear and a red, long-sleeved dress with a deep V-neck on the bed for me to wear. I sighed sadly; I hated wearing dresses, and Ness knew that, but she may have had a reason to do so. Without questioning her intentions further, I went into the small bathroom and got myself cleaned quickly. I came out 10 minutes later and got dressed and ready within a few minutes. I met Nessie back in the living room.

“Wow, (Y/N)! You should definitely wear dresses more often. It looks beautiful on you.”

I turned around to look at myself in the mirror. Sure, it looked good but it was not as comfortable as my jeans and t-shirt. “I’m just doing it for you, Ness.”

“Mmh, sure, hun. Let’s go. The others will start eating without us.” 

We walked outside and got into Nessie’s Volvo SUV Hybrid. Now, that was a car I knew Nessie would drive, ‘cause I knew she loved luxury. Ness was way more comfortable speeding through the narrow roads than I was, and yet she never crossed the other lane once. 

Within a few minutes, we were in front of a house similar to Nessie’s, though this one was a two-floor house and it was literally surrounded by trees and woods. There were ten other cars in front of the house, which I assumed belonged to the people waiting in the house for us. Ness parked behind a truck and we exited her car.

“Everyone seems to be here, except for Paul, but it’s okay. I’ll be by your side, so you don’t feel uncomfortable. But I’m sure you will quickly feel at home. Everyone is very welcoming and kind.” 

Nessie’s smile encouraged me and calmed me down a bit. I didn’t know what to expect coming here to this new place, meeting these new people who were already a big family. We walked up the porch stairs to the house. Most people were sitting in the front living room, with the exception of a woman and a man walking around in the kitchen, still preparing food and setting up the table. 

“Hey, guys! This is my friend, (Y/N), that I told you about. She’ll be staying with Brady and me for a few weeks. (Y/N), these are my friends that I told you about.”

I greeted every single one of them before Ness led me to the kitchen. “(Y/N), this is Emily and this is Sam. They kind of are like a mom and dad to me, so I usually call them my parents, though they’re not too much older than I am.”

“Hello, Emily, Sam. It’s nice finally meeting you.”

“Hi, sweetheart.” Emily hugged me tightly, and I could feel all of my stress washing away. “How are you? I bet you had a long and tiring trip. Are you hungry? Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.”

“Yeah, well, it was long for sure. 20 hours flying, 4 hours driving. It was…something else. I am a bit hungry, thank you.” I chuckled.

“Nessie, get (Y/N) to sit down in the meantime. Everything will be ready in a few minutes.”

“Where are the kids, anyway?” Ness wondered, and I remembered she mentioned Sam and Emily having children.

“Oh, they’re up in the Macah rez for a few days. It’s not often we have guests around, and the kids haven’t seen my parents for a while now, so I thought that it would be a good time for everyone. Go sit down now.” Emily gently pushed us towards the living room. 

Ness went straight into her boyfriend’s, Brady, arms, and they leaned on each other. I went to sit nearby, looking around at all the happy couples, sitting in the living room, embracing one another. I felt like a fish out of water, being the only had around who had no one to hug and lay down next to or on. I felt awkward, to say the least. 

Ness broke the silence. “So, where is Paul anyway?”

“He needed to break off some steam. Apparently, he got road rage again. But Sam told him he has to be here, so he will come eventually” A guy, I think his name was Embry, answered back.

“What’s new, really?” Another guy commented, and everyone around laughed. 

I didn’t know who Paul was yet, but he sounded like an angry guy for sure. Looking at all the people around me, I didn’t know if I would like to cross paths with him. It wasn’t that I wasn’t someone who got angry too quickly for no reason, but at least, I didn’t want to have to deal with someone who acted the same way as I did. Calm people brought me calmness, and I preferred to be surrounded by them rather than people who were similar to me. 

“Well, speaking of road rage, someone almost crashed into (Y/N) on her way here.”

“What? How? Who?” A girl asked upset.

“I don’t really know. Some guy. I was driving slow because I was scared, I didn’t know the roads, and I wasn’t going to drive too fast around here. And then this guy comes speeding behind me and he almost crashed into my car. I slowed the car and he got angrier, so he drove past me and almost threw me off the road.” 

“That’s terrible, sweety. Are you okay now?” Emily asked concerned, now standing across from me.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it. Everything is fine now.” I smiled at her, slightly moved that she showed so much interest and cared for me.

The next few minutes went by with everyone talking, asking me questions, and commenting on my answers. Overall, they were really nice people, and I saw why Ness was so happy to be around them. They didn’t make me feel nervous or anxious; on the contrary, they made me feel very calm and I could easily open up to them, though there seemed to be something they hid from me, which I wouldn’t question them about, at least not yet.

The conversation was interrupted by a guy entering the house with heavy steps. He looked frustrated at something, as he went to sit alone at the dining table in the kitchen. Everyone turned to look at him, but no one dared to say anything, as if they knew better than to irritate him even more. 

It was only when he turned around to ask why nobody had eaten yet that I recognized who he was. The man looked around everyone until his eyes fell on me. He looked at me shocked, almost as if he froze in his place, unable to say anything else.

I felt my eyes almost popping off, as I turned to Nessie and whispered. “Ness, that’s the one who almost threw me off the road earlier.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Paul’s POV

I was literally fuming. I was driving towards Emily and Sam’s place for the dinner Emily was preparing for Nessie’s friend who would be arriving in town today. She would be staying at Nessie and Brady’s house for a few weeks, and Nessie asked us to be as discreet as we could about the shifting thing around her. Not that I would be around her or the others as much; I didn’t like these big gatherings anymore. 

Everyone was hanging out with their imprints, and I would be the only one who had been and will be alone, so after some time, I started ditching all these meetings and dinners. I would have ditched tonight as well if it weren’t for Sam forcing me to come along. I was already angry, but I was trying to control my anger, so as to not risk exposing our secret to Nessie’s friend later.

But I was running late, and I was already pretty angry about it, thinking every complaint the others would make the second I arrived there. To add to my anger, there was a car in front of me driving so slow, it almost made me crawl out of my skin. The driver, a woman, was driving too slow for my liking as if she had never driven here before. I couldn’t help myself when she refused to speed up.

I started honking and flashing my car’s lights at her, hoping that she’d wake up and step on the gas a bit. She looked me through the mirror, angry but smirked a bit, before stepping on her brakes, forcing me to step on mine to not crash with her car. Not caring if Chief Swan or any camera caught me, I stepped on my gas, driving quickly past her car, and cutting her off by stepping on my brakes.

She looked at me angrily, shouting but I couldn’t hear her, before I sped up once again, leaving the bitch behind. My heart was beating fast with anger, and I couldn’t force myself to calm down, no matter how much I tried. I changed the course of my route, going to my house instead. I quickly sent a message to the pack group chat, letting them know what happened, before I ran towards the woods, bursting out of my clothes, and running. 


I had been running for about half an hour before I decided that I was calm enough - not completely, but enough - to go by Emily and Sam’s for dinner. I quickly went back to my house, took a quick shower, threw some clean clothes on me, and hopped in my car, driving towards the house where everyone had been waiting for me.

Reaching the driveway, I parked beside the last car that was parked there, which happened to belong to Nessie. I stepped out of my car and jogged towards the house, stepping in with heavy steps. Everyone was already sitting in the front living room, talking with each other, until I stepped into the house which made everyone stop and turn to look towards me, as I walked towards the kitchen and sat on a chair at the dining table.

“Why hasn’t anyone eaten yet?” I looked around at the familiar faces before my eyes fell on the most beautiful creature I had ever met.

And then, the world around me stopped, and I could not focus on anything but her. It felt as if the whole world narrowed around me, and that girl was in the center of the new world that was created around me. I was looking at her bright eyes that shone under the sun, her perfect skin, her perfect face. I could see our whole life pass before me. I could hear her gurgling laugh, and see her eyes twinkle. It was the most beautiful and breathtaking spectacle I had ever seen in my whole life. 

And then I came back to reality. Everyone was looking at me shocked, as the girl looked confused, being the only one around here who did not know what had just happened to me. Nessie, who looked shocked at first, quickly grew frustrated, leaving Brady’s side, as she came towards me and pushed me off of my chair.

“Are you serious, Paul? You almost threw her off-road, and now…this?!” Her eyes were popping, full of anger and disbelief.

I didn’t understand what she meant by that, until I looked back at the girl, letting Nessie’s word sink in. And then, I realized that it was the same girl I almost bumped into with the car; the same girl I was honking and flashing my lights at; the same girl I almost…killed? All because of the anger that took me over.

I stood up, walking slowly towards her, unsure of how she felt. “Hey. I’m… I’m really sorry. I have no idea what’s gotten into me at that moment. I’m really sorry for everything.”

I saw her gulping. “It’s okay.” Her voice was trembling.

“No, (Y/N), it’s not okay. He could have gotten you killed! For no reason!” Nessie spat.

So, her name was (Y/N). Her name flattered my insides and made me want to melt from all the attraction I was feeling for her right now.

“Nessie…” Brady silently begged his imprint to calm down.

“No, Brady, he should feel guilty. You almost killed her. My best friend!” Nessie looked at me. “Your imprint!” She barely whispered, so only the pack and I could hear.

“Nessie, please don’t give it any more time than it already has. It’s fine. I’m okay. Nothing happened. What’s done is done. Yelling and arguing about it won’t change anything, so just let it go.” (Y/N) tried to calm her friend down, but I could only hear her soft voice in my ears.

I felt incredible shame and guilt. Even if she wasn’t my imprint, I only now realized I could have actually killed a human because of my anger. I had never been like that. But my day was terrible - I had to stay longer at the mechanic shop I was working at, because of a customer arriving at the last minute, and I was already late for dinner. However, that was no excuse for my behavior.

I slowly walked towards (Y/N), feeling so guilty. I leaned in front of her and took her hand in my own hands. She looked at me shocked, and I could feel she was getting uncomfortable, but I had to do this.

“I’m really sorry, (Y/N), honestly. I don’t know what’s gotten into me and I acted like an asshole. I never meant to scare you or even dare to kill you. I would have never imagined you were so important to m…Nessie. I’m really sorry for my behavior. It was inexcusable. I hope you can forgive me and we can start over.” I let go of her hand, and stood up, extending my hand toward her. “Hey, nice to meet you. I’m Paul, Paul Lahote. The hothead around, and probably the biggest asshole you could ever meet.”

(Y/N)’s shocked face was immediately replaced by a smirk and a chuckle, as she shook my hand. “Hi, Paul. Nice to meet you, too. I’m (Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/L/N). As much as it doesn’t show right now, I’m the hothead around my own family, and probably a bigger asshole than you are.”

“I hope you can still forgive me.” I smile slightly at her, not knowing how she felt about me.

“That may take some time, Paul, but I can definitely try.”

I was going to work my ass off for (Y/N) to forget and prove to her that I can become the best man she had ever met.


hay gays i made this for ya! (netflix please hire me). i based the playlist on heartstopper vol. 3 and in order of how i think the season 2 could play out. only lgbtq+ artists of course. follow the playlist here and my spotify here.

kendall roy bumps this song in his bluetooth headphones
