

Tried to write but the words won’t come,

tried to feel but I felt numb.

Tried to talk but no one would listen,

My own mind felt like a goddamn prison.

These dark thoughts keep haunting my head,

This emptiness making me wish if i was dead.

All I hear is my souls muffled screams,

echoing in my skull and in my dreams.

I remember a time when

I thought he would change

When I thought that my love

Would take his anger away

What a dangerous choice

I was willing to make

To sacrifice myself for a man

Who could never be saved

The day will still come

No matter how hard you close your eyes

The night will kiss the day goodbye

Painting colors in the sky

Welcome the darkness

Embrace the light

Don’t fight against the up’s and down’s of life

If forever is a place

I hope I go there with you

But I know that heaven will sigh

When you arrive with tears in your eyes

Wishing you could face the fire

Just to bring me too

“I seek love, yet I hide from it when it reaches out.

I seek the warmth of a lover but cower when it surrounds me.

I seek the words laced with honey but accept those filled with poison.

I seek eyes filled with adoration but find an empty space in front of me.

I seek someone in my sheets, my hands roaming to find someone, but only stumble upon blankets and cold sheets.

I seek a smile but find myself drowning in tears.

I seek a life filled with love but find myself running away when it finds me.

I wish upon the stars to find what I am seeking to find me before I yield and cower again.

I pray there comes a day where I’ll stumble upon all the things I yearn for and that the warmth, the smile will grab me with so much strength that I will have no choice but to accept it with everything in me.

Because for once, I’ll allow the love I run away from to fill me up with everything I wished upon the stars, and for once, I’ll smile without any fear.

It’ll look me in the eyes and tell me that what I had been seeking was just waiting for me to accept myself and be free of the chains.

The smile and the crinkle beside their eyes will tell me that I was everything they too were seeking for, and they were glad we found each other in a place that had no place of running away.

I seek for you, and I pray you also seek for me.

I wish upon the stars that when we find each other, it will all be enough.

Because baby, you’re all my wishes upon the stars.”

- g.d. (the stars)

“I want to love you between my sheets, baby. Shower you with kisses and leave marks where nobody can see them. I want to be the one that makes you see the stars and the moon. Be the one who knows what you like and how you like it. The one who knows what makes you smile like that.Be the one you seek out at night for more than just a hug. I want to be more and be forever. I want to be yours baby, forever and ever. I want to be the one you love between the sheets.”

- g.d (sheets)


My whims are nothing more

Than passing fancies

My thoughts no more than a sprout

My dreams are nothing more

Than strange realities

My melancholy no more than an out.

-s.r.f (if we were poets)


The mountains fallen with sleepy purple

And over the garden wall.

A giant’s castle in the clouds,

The blackberry scent of fall.

Softly bleed, and close your eyes,

Night tapping on the panes.

The glowy aura of the moon,

And the homely sound of rain.


I can hear the wind howl in my ear, the crackling of the fire, the sound of my breathing, and my heart beating.

I stand still, the rain falling on my face, my blood running cold.

A speck of my past lightens my heart, a memory of a smile.

I remember his laugh and the way his body moved; The taste of his lips, the feeling of his skin.

In my head, he’s in the rain, a ghost, a memory of his hands in my hair.

He was so warm and heavy.

I lift my face, frozen, burning, and numb.

Staring into the sky and the clouds overhead, I cry.

You don’t know me anymore,

but I’m still here

in the corner of your mind,

a lamp you turn off and on

whenever you please.

You left me in silence, with thin, thin skin

and cracked lips that tasted like iron

and salt.

The sound of my car

escaping your street like a long-ago train,

still rings in my ears.

You say you regret what you’ve done to me,

but I’ve been broken in places you’ve never seen.

If I was already cracked, already estranged-

What is left of me?

The sun rises

at the same time,

but the shadows are all new.

I remember your fingers,

frozen in time, from the last moment I saw you.

I can still feel them on my skin,

cold, so cold, and that’s all they are now.

They’re not the same,

and you can’t warm me up from the inside out


The night falls,

and the world is nothing but a room.

Light strays into the darkness

and gets lost.

I know what it’s like to go missing, too.

I could love you from the bone-deep

familiarity of childhood, from the startled

adventure of adolescence, I could love you

with all the joy and grief of womanhood.

Without turning away, without losing my place.

I could love you.
