#star wars sequel trilogy




Were Reylos Foolish to Expect A HEA Ending?

It’s a question that has been bugging me for a while as I’ve seen a few different people implying that, in hindsight, we should have known better than to expect a different ending and that we were foolish to hope for a happy one. And these are claims made, not by antis, but by fellow or former Reylos. So were we?

Short answer: No. Long answer: Reylos expected exactly what we were promised. Rian Johnson had expanded on the bond between Ben and Reylo when he could just have easily disregarded it. JJ Abrams himself called the ending of TROS “hopeful” before it was released. The movies itself foreshadowed a happy Reylo ending. Rey looking at the children on Pasaana showed her longing for children of her own. Rey’s healing of the snake while Poe, Finn, and Chewie watched foreshadowed Rey bringing Ben back to the Resistance. 

And there is strong evidence to suggest that the ending was changed last minute, that Ben was originally going to survive Exegol. The editing feels weird, the musical score doesn’t add up to the scene, Ben’s dialogue has been removed, and Finn and Poe are clearly shocked in a “what the hell is he doing here!?” sort of way when Rey rejoins the Resistance at the end of the movie, and the last shot of Rey with BB8 is just a reused shot from TFA. 

I know JJ has said Ben was always going to die, but as this is coming from the same man who once claimed that Benedict Cumberbatch was not going to be playing Khan in Star Trek: Into Darkness even though that’s exactly who he was playing, I have no reason to believe him when all the evidence suggests otherwise.

Ben was meant to live! Ben was meant to survive! Ben and Rey were to supposed to get their happy ending! But for whatever reason, where it was to pander to the angry dude-bros or so they could resurrect Ben later down the line (*fingers crossed*), they decided to kill him off instead last minute.

Reylos weren’t foolish at all. We saw the signs. DLF just changed their game plan.

Absolutely! The OT had a happy ending, and even though the PT ended tragically, the audience always knew that Padmé’s twins would fulfill their mother’s life’s work and the story would end happily eventually. Expecting that the ST would end happily made perfect sense.

Which is why I’m here hoping that the next trilogy will set things right, the way the OT did with the PT…
