#star warsreader


If Only - Part Two

(Part One)(Part Three)

Plot: It has been four months since the last time Obi-Wan and Y/n saw each other. Reunited on a strange planet, they learn that their feelings for one another still remain. While stranded together, the time apart seems to have only made it harder for them to resist their hidden desires.

Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x GN!Reader

Warnings: Mentions of fighting, violence, blood (not graphic). Not really a warning, but this is a bit of a slow-burn part, but I still hope you like it.

Words: ~5k

General Taglist:@criminaly-supernatural,@caswinchester2000,@imaginesfire,@rexit-moStar Wars Taglist:@hoeforthefictional;@whimsical-daydreamsRequested Taglist:@angelsandarsenic,@havlindzk,@auryborealis (you showed interest in a second part, so I hope you don’t mind me tagging you)


As you stirred the tea in your mug, you stared out the window of your shelter. It was quiet, as usual, with no people for miles. It was just you out here, by yourself, surrounded by trees and mountains.

You had begun to get used to it, but sometimes you still yearned for company. Specifically that of Obi-Wan. You often fondly remembered the long conversations you had together, and how easy it was to talk to him.

You thought you would think of him less, the longer you were apart, but you were wrong. You often thought back on that day when you went on your last mission together. How close you got to breaking the rules. You could still remember the feel of his face brushing against yours, his lips pressed against your skin.

Letting your mind wander even more, you thought back to the day you left the resistance base, four months ago. Yoda had given you this mission, to be a Jedi spy out in the distant system. You couldn’t refuse him, even if he did not give you a reason for sending you off alone.

As you were packing up your things, Anakin and Obi-Wan came to see you off. When you had a moment alone with Obi-Wan, he expressed his concerns.

“Do you not think me ready?” You asked, somewhat offended.

He sighed and shook his head. “I think you more than qualified. It’s just-” He didn’t finish, but instead turned and stared off in the distance.

You spoke softly, daring to ask. “Is it that you will miss me?”

When he turned to you, you had a soft, almost playful smile on your face. A soft smile spread across his own face as well, as he nodded once. “Yes Y/n, I will miss you.” Turning and taking a step closer he peered into your eyes. “I also worry for you, out there on your own.”

You looked down at your feet. “Yes. It’s odd to think of being so alone. Especially after being here with everyone.”

“I only hope your mission does not keep you away long.”

Looking back up at him, you caught something in his gaze that he seemed to quickly hide. You smiled and nodded. “I hope so too.” Turning, you looked at the ship, as the pilot waved to you, signalling he was ready.

“It’s time.” You said softly, before turning back to him.

You were surprised when he suddenly took your hand in his. You felt him press something into your palm, closing your fist around it.

“Do not forget who you are Y/n.” Then he continued, with an even quieter voice “And do not forget to come back to me.” He smiled softly at you, an almost melancholy smile, before he released your hand and stepped back.

You hesitated for a moment, before you turned and walked to the ship. As you boarded, you turned once more, to see Anakin and the others waving you off. Opening your hand, you looked at the object Obi-Wan had given you, and you felt your chest tighten. It was a pendant, for a neck chain, the symbol of the Jedi order. You knew it was risky for him to give you something like this, especially when going off as spy. But you would keep it safe, to remind you of who you were, and where you belonged.

Looking up, you locked eyes with Obi-Wan one last time as the doors closed, you felt your gut clench as you wondered how long it would be before you saw him again.

Getting up from the table, you walked over to the corner of the room, uncovering a trunk. Opening it you reached in, pulling out a small box. Opening it, you pulled out the pendant that Obi-Wan had given you, which you now had on a chain.

You smiled to yourself as you ran your fingers over it. You let out a long sigh, as homesickness washed over you. The Clone Wars seems to be coming to a head, and you were stuck out here, when you should be with the resistance. You felt restless, useless.

Suddenly, your window was blown in by a weapons blast, causing you to throw yourself to the floor. You grabbed your nearby blaster as you waited, heart pounding.

“Come out Jedi scum!” You heard a metallic voice ring out.

‘Droids?’You cursed under your breath as you realized your cover was blown. Someone in the town must have recognized you last time you went. Looking at the still open trunk, you saw your cloaks and light-saber. Grabbing them, and a subspace transceiver, you ran out the back door.

As you ran through the woods, you heard the droid voices nearby, followed by more blasting into shelter you had called home over the last four months.

Hiding behind a large tree you began to send a message to the resistance base. Telling them your cover was blown, and you were on the run. You were unsure of when they would get the message, or how long you would be on your own.

As a tree beside you was suddenly blown apart, you ducked before continuing to run further into the woods, aware you were now being chased.


Obi-Wan listened to your message, as it played throughout the room. Your voice was hushed and panicked, in the background he could hear the clear sound of weapons fire. The rest of the council shared concerned looks as Yoda carefully watched Obi-Wan.

“I shall go.” Obi-Wan said with a resolute look at Master Yoda.

Yoda hummed to himself as he studied Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan knew why he was somewhat resistant to the thought, but he would not back down.

Surprisingly, he did not question Obi-Wan, or resist, but nodded his head. “Yes, go you shall. Find Y/n, you will. And return soon.”

Obi-Wan nodded in thanks, before bowing lightly and turning to leave. His thoughts raced as he hurried to his jet. Your message was hours old, and it would take him much longer than he’d like to get to the planet. He hoped you had not been captured, or killed.

'Hold out Y/n. For me. I’m coming.’ He thought deeply to himself, part of him reaching out with the force, hoping that somehow, you could hear him.

What he found when he arrived at the coordinates of your shelter caused his chest to clench. Your shelter had been completely destroyed, and there was no sign of you.

Following the tracks he could find entering the forest, he knew you had been followed by a small army of droids. Along the path, he discovered multiple droid bodies, clearly cut down by your saber.

Eventually, the woods grew thicker and dark, as the evening fog began to descend on him. Looking down into a distant valley, he spotted the group of droids looking or you.

Feeling a nearby presence, he pulled out his saber. Looking into the dense forest, he saw movement through the fog. He knew not if it was you, a native, or a droid. Slowly, he creeped into the fog, attempting to follow the figure.

As he rounded a small rock mound, he noted the empty clearing. Feeling movement behind him, he swung around, unleashing his saber, only for it to clash with another’s.

“Obi-Wan” Your voice rang out, full of surprise and relief.

Obi-Wan let out a breath as he saw you, quickly redrawing his saber. Putting your own away, you looked at him breathlessly. “You came.”

“Of course I did.”

He saw an odd look in your eyes, as if there was something you wanted to say. Clearing your throat a bit you stepped a bit closer. “Please tell me you have a ship nearby.”

He nodded, “Yes, we should go quickly.” His gaze washed over you and he hesitated when he saw your side covered in blood.

Seeing where his gaze was drawn, you looked down at our bloodied clothes. “It’s not as bad as it looks.” You said with a soft laugh.

Turning, he looked around, seeing a small cave nearby. “Come, in here, let me take a look.”

Watching him walk away, you felt your heart pounding heavily. Taking a deep breath you followed him. “Did Anakin not come as well? You two are usually inseparable.”

Obi-Wan looked back at you and smiled softly. “He was busy.”

Looking around the small cave, you hoped it was not the home to any creatures. You jumped slightly when you felt Obi-Wan suddenly touch your side.

“Sorry.” He said softly as he tugged at your shirt. “You are right, it’s not as bad as it looks, but you’ve been running with this wound, and you’ve lost a concerning amount of blood.” Looking out of the cave, you saw him considering what to do. “The ship is a bit too far I think. And the droids are in the opposite direction. I think we should stay here for the night.”

You looked out at the darkening forest and sighed. “You are probably right. I’ve come across some nasty creatures that prowl this forest at night.” As you spoke, you stretched out your arm, revealing a long scar along your forearm.

Obi-Wan grabbed your wrist, looking at the scar. He felt his gut clench lightly at the thought of what you had to deal with our here. He met our eyes. “I hope this is the only scar you’ve received out here.”

You shrugged your head a bit, suggesting there were more. You saw him frown slightly before he walked into the cave, looking around. You watched him for a moment as you let out a long breath.

Butterflies were erupting through your stomach, and you silently cursed them, having hoped maybe you could have repressed some of your feelings while while gone.

As darkness descended, you sat against the cold cave wall watching silently as Obi-Wan stood just outside the cave, listening and watching. In the distance you heard a long animalistic howl and you shivered. Recognizing the call of the animal that had almost taken your life a month earlier.

As Obi-Wan walked back into the cave he watched you closely. “The droid army is far away from us, we are safe.”

Sitting down across from you, he looked you over. Your hair had grown, and you looked worn out. His eyes stopped on your neck, as he spotted the Jedi pendant. He felt his heart palpitate and his neck grow hot. Clearing his throat, you looked over at him.

“Are things as bad as I hear? I haven’t been able to get any confirmation, only whispers from the people in town.”

“They are certainly not as good as I would like.”

“And things are only going to get worse, aren’t they?”

“I’m afraid so.”

You nodded your head as you looked out at the dark forest. “I felt useless out here.” You admitted.

“You are not useless, and you never have been. I have heard of the information you have gathered. Information that has helped the resistance considerably.”

You fiddled with your hands. “Did Master Yoda ever reveal why he sent me out here? Did I do something wrong? Did he not trust me to be with the resistance?”

Obi-Wan felt his guilt and dejection wash over him. “It was not that he did not trust you Y/n. It was that he did not trust me.”

You looked up at him, “What do you mean?”

As he stared at you silently, contemplating, you felt your ears grow hot as your mind began to race. Slowly, Obi-Wan spoke, his voice hesitant. “He could sense the conflict within me. My feelings for you. He was afraid it would effect my judgment.”

Your heart was pounding heavily in your chest. “So he sent me away?”

Obi-Wan looked down at his feet. “Yes. I am sorry.”

“I understand.” Obi-Wan looked at you inquisitively. “If he could feel the conflict within you, surely he could sense it within me as well. And you are much stronger than me, a better Jedi, more important. If he had to send someone away, it makes sense that it was me.”

Obi-Wan watched your face closely as you stared at the ground. He could tell your mind was racing, as you tried to suppress the strong emotions racing through you.

“But-” You began, slowly looking up at him. “Why did he allow you to come for me now?”

A small, almost unnoticeable smile crossed his lips. “Because he knew I would trust no one else to come”

Your eyes stayed locked, as you felt tension begin to grow. Forcing yourself to look away, you knew the more you talked, the harder it would be to repress your feelings. But, there was something you needed to know, needed to say.

“I-” You began, but faltered.

Obi-Wan watched you as you hesitated. “What?” He asked softly.

“It is possible that I imagined it, out of fear when I was fleeing, but…I thought that I, heard you. Before you got here.”

Obi-Wan felt his heart jolt as he as up straighter. “What did you hear?”

“I heard your voice in the back of my head. Saying ’Hold out Y/n. For me. I’m coming.’” I thought maybe it was just me trying to convince myself that the Jedi were coming to help me, perhaps to calm myself.“

"It was me.” He said abruptly.

You met his eyes and saw them full of surprise. “It was?”

He nodded once as he stood, walking over to you. Kneeling down in front of you he stared intently at you. “When I was leaving the resistance base to come to you, I thought those words. I sent them out with the force, hoping that you could hear me, but I didn’t know if you would. But you did.”

You nodded, unable to find any words. Your eyes were locked as various emotions washed over you. You knew his own eyes were reflecting yours.

As a cold wind blew through the cave, you wrapped your cloak around you tighter and looked away from him.

Obi-Wan took a deep breath as he moved to sit beside you, shielding you somewhat from the cold. His shoulder was pressed close against yours as you sat in silence.

You felt exhaustion begin to wash over you as the adrenaline of the day began to fade. Feeling Obi-Wan so close, you had nervous butterflies in your stomach. But even more, you felt safe, and relieved to be by his side.

As your eyes began to grow heavy, your body slowly began to relax and slump. Your thoughts had begun to grow foggy as you felt your head droop, resting on Obi-Wan’s shoulder. You felt him tense up for a moment before he relaxed. You knew you should move, but you could find no strength to.

Feeling Obi-Wan reach over and adjust your cloak so it was covering you completely, you let out a soft breath. “Obi-Wan?”

“Yes?” His soft voice met your ears.

“Thank you for coming to get me.”

There was a moment of silence as you began to drift into sleep. You thought for a moment, through the fog, that you felt him press his lips softly to your head. Followed by his whispered voice. “Always.”

And then there was darkness.


Staring out into the forest as the dawn light shone through the fog, you and Obi-Wan stood side by side, listening and waiting for any sign that the droids might be nearby.

After a few more moments, Obi-Wan let out a deep breath and nodded his head. “Lets go.”

Following him silently, you looked back once more at the cave, before you headed into the forest behind him. You walked silently, both of you aware you could be ambushed at any moment if the droids had returned to this side of the planet.

When you returned to what had been your shelter, you took a moment to look it over. Obi-Wan watched you silently, before you turned and nodded to him, signalling you were ready to move on.

“The ship is not too far from here.” He said quietly as he looked around.

“Do you remember the last mission we went on?” You asked softly.

Obi-Wan met your eyes and nodded. You were certain his mind flashed to the moment you had on the ship afterwards, just as yours had. But you were referring to that gut feeling, that something was going to go wrong.

“I have the same feeling I did on that planet.” You spoke as you looked into the nearby trees.

Obi-Wan nodded. “As do I.”

Following Obi-Wan away from the shelter, your defenses were up, both of you expecting to run into droids any moment. Hearing something nearby, you both stopped and listened.

Closing your eyes, you listened intently, reaching out with the force as best you could. Feeling as though something was coming up from behind, you did not hesitate. Taking out your saber, you spun and threw it into the woods behind you.

Obi-Wan spun around, watching as the saber went into the darkness, before clearly slicing trough some hidden droids. As your saber came back to you, Obi-Wan unleashed his own, watching you and waiting for more to come out, but none did.

You looked back at him and saw the clear surprise in his gaze at your actions. You shrugged lightly “When you are out here alone for as long as me, its easier to feel a disturbance.”

A soft smile graced his face as you both turned, hearing movement in the distance again. “There will be more between us and the ship.”

You nodded. “I’m ready if you are.”

After a short moment, he began to move, as you quickly followed him. You ventured through the woods cautiously, trying to go around the group of droids, waiting to avoid a fight if you could.

Spotting the ship in a nearby clearing, you saw a group of droids waiting around it, watching for you to come near. You and Obi-Wan crouched down behind a group of boulder-like rocks and watched the droids.

“I count seven.”

“Eight.” You added, and he looked over at you.

You motioned your head at the trees, and he looked up, spotting a hidden sentury drone in the trees.

“Very good. You’ve grown stronger.”

“I had no choice.” You said softly, aware that Obi-Wan looked over at you watching you closely.

“Once we get away from here, you must tell me all that transpired over your time here.”

Looking over and meeting his gaze, you smiled softly. “I’m sure you have some stories of your own too.”

He met your gaze softly for a moment before you both turned and looked back at the ship. “Ready?” He asked and you nodded silently.

Simultaneously you snuck out from behind the rocks and moved through the bushes, going separate directions, and getting as close as you could before you attacked. Getting right behind some of the droids, you looked across the clearing, spotting Obi-Wan behind two other droids. One nod and you both acted.

Slicing though the two droids, you grabbed a blaster and shot the sentry drone out of the tree. Obi-Wan took out two droids before the remaining three began to fire on the two of you. Diving behind a tree, you watched as Obi-Wan advanced on the droids. Firing on one of the droids with the blaster, you could hear droids coming from the distance, having heard the blaster fire.

As Obi-Wan took out the last two droids, you ran for the ship. As a blast hit the ship beside you, you spun around and began firing on the droids coming from the woods. Obi-Wan called out for you as the ship doors began to close.

Quickly diving into the ship, you returned more fire on the droids as the ship door closed. Obi-Wan quickly ran to the cock-pit as you heard more blaster fire hitting the ship. Following him to the cock-pit, you took the fighter seat preparing to fire on the droids as you took off.

“This is the most fun I’ve had in months.” You grinned as you fired down at the droids, taking the rest of them out.

You could see Obi-Wan roll his eyes, but he could barely repress his own smile at your comment.

When you were finally out of orbit, you let out a long drawn out breath as you watched the planet fade from view. You said a silent, but gladdened goodbye.

“At least we escape with less injuries this time.” You said as you leaned back in your seat.

He looked over at you and smiled, but looked at your still bloodied clothes. “How is your wound?”

You gently set your hand on your side. “Could be worse.”

Obi-Wan watched you for a moment before tearing his eyes away from you, trying to repress the memories of what happened in the ship the last time you were together alone.

Some time passed in silence, before you voiced your most recent thoughts. “Do you think, once we return, Master Yoda will let me stay?”

Obi-Wan looked over at you, he had not thought about it. “I do not know. But if you want to stay, I will fight for it.”

“Don’t you think that might make him suspicious?” You asked, half joking.

He smiled lightly. “Perhaps. But either way, his plan failed, so he might as well let you stay. ”

You furrowed your brow. “What do you mean his plan failed?” You asked cautiously.

Obi-Wan paused for a moment, uncertain if he should elaborate. Meeting your eyes, he knew the tension between the two of you was still there, and there it would remain.

Turning his seat to face you, he let out a soft breath. “It was Master Yoda’s intention to separate us, so that, perhaps, over time, the feelings that we have would fade. I know not how, or if your feelings have changed. But mine have not. In fact, I think it only made them grow, us being apart, it simply made me think of you more often.”

You were surprised by his words, surprised that he would so openly admit this to you. You swallowed the lump in your throat. “I feel the same.” Your voice was soft and shy as you held his gaze.

Obi-Wan felt the tightness in his chest growing as his eyes scanned your face. His eyes lingered on your lips, and he felt unsure if he could continue to ignore the tension that grew thick between you.

You recalled what happened last time you almost failed to suppress your feelings. You remembered how close he was, his breath against your cheek as he whispered 'If Only’.

Clearing your throat, you tore your gaze from his “I should go rest.” You said as you stood up.

Your breath caught in your throat as he stood as well. You were right in front of each other, chests almost touching. You met his gaze and almost staggered when you realized how close he was. His hands reached out and gently grabbed your arms, steadying you.

Your eyes were locked once again, but unlike before, you seemed unable to find the strength to look away. Obi-Wan’s breath was uneven as he gently held your arms, keeping you there, keeping you close.

He knew he should let go, let you leave, walk away. He should. He needed to.

He couldn’t.

As if the tension between you snapped like a bolt of lighting, your lips met in a rough kiss. His hands wrapped around your waist as he pulled you as close as he could, deepening the kiss as much as he could. Your hands gripped his cloaks tightly as you returned the kiss fervently, your mind blank, as your whole body seemed to tingle.

You felt one of his hands grip the back of your head, burying his fingers in your hair. You moved your arms, wrapping them around his neck as you felt you needed to be closer, but knew you couldn’t possibly be closer than you already were.

You weren’t sure how long you had been kissing before you both seemed to come to your senses. Pulling apart, your breaths heavy and uneven as your eyes burned into each others.

You felt a sense of unease wash over you as you stepped back, out of his arms. “We shouldn’t have done that.” Stepping away again, you regretfully looked away and left the room, heading further into the ship.

Obi-Wan watched you leave, almost going after you, but stopping himself with a reminder of who he was. He let out a long ragged breath as he closed his eyes. The feeling of your lips against his was still present in his mind, and he knew he would not forget it easily.

Sitting back down, he put his head in his hands, shaming himself, knowing that he failed. But no matter how hard he tried, he could not truly feel shame, because he knew he wanted to kiss you, that he did not regret it, as much as he should. And he knew he wanted to kiss you again and again, if only he could, but he couldn’t. This had to be the last time.

You had not spoken to Obi-Wan the rest of the trip. And as you got off the ship, back at the resistance base, side by side, shoulders brushing, you felt his hand graze yours, and thought for a moment he was going to grasp it. But as you saw Anakin and Master Yoda enter the room, you pulled away.

You smiled as Anakin walked up to you. “Hello Anakin.”

Hugging you, he pulled away. “I’m glad you are alright.”

“Returned safely you have. Glad I am.” Master Yoda said.

You looked down at him and bowed your head. “I am glad to be back Master.”

Yoda hummed as he studied you and Obi-Wan before he nodded his head. “Rest you must. Come, come.”

You spared a glance at Obi-Wan before you followed Master Yoda out of the room, beginning to answer questions Anakin began to trow at you.


Rushing into the room, you saw Obi-Wan nearby. Seeing you enter, he faced you as you approached.

“I heard you are leaving already?” You asked.

Obi-Wan nodded, “Yes. Senator Palpatine has been kidnapped, me and Anakin, have been assigned with his rescue, we are leaving immedietely.”

You nodded your head as you stared past his shoulder. Obi-Wan studied you, seeing that you had a lot you wanted to say. He opened his mouth to speak, but you broke in.

“I have a bad feeling Obi-Wan.” He saw the concern evident in your eyes. “I feel like something very bad is going to happen soon.”

Looking around, he made sure you were alone before he took a small step closer. Gently, he took your hand in his and squeezed it lightly. “I will return soon, and we will continue this fight, together.”

He saw your face fall for a moment before you spoke. “I wont be here Obi-Wan.”

He frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I have talked with Master Yoda. With everything going on, we need to be vigilant, the Jedi will be spreading out along the galaxy, to prepare for anything that might happen.”

“He is sending you away again?” He asked, his emotion rising.

“I volunteered.” You admitted, and you saw surprise cross his face.

“It’s better this way. I’m too much of a distraction, especially now.”

His chest grew tight, as pulled you closer, he spoke softly. “Where will you go?”

You shook your head. “I don’t know yet.” You lied.

He let out a soft breath. “I will see you again. When this is all over.”

You met his gaze, and felt yourself unable to hold back your emotion. You wrapped your arms around him in a hug. He hesitated for a moment, before he wrapped his own arms around you.

“Be careful.” You whispered.

“And you.” He replied.

Pulling away, you moved to step away, but he grabbed your hand. You saw him fighting between his emotions before he stepped closer to you. His face was close to yours, lips almost brushing. Bringing his hand up he gently caressed your cheek. You closed your eyes and let out a soft breath.

Your heart seemed to stop, as you felt his lips gently press against yours in a soft kiss, that ended almost as fast as it had begun.

When he pulled away, you opened your eyes, and met his equally emotional gaze. Grabbing his hand, you pressed something within his fist. “Don’t forget who you are Obi-Wan.” You said, repeating words he had once told you.

He frowned slightly as you let go of his hand. Stepping back, you looked at him one more time before you turned and walked away, fighting tears that threatened to spill. You pushed away the intrusive thought in the back of your mind, telling you, that this was the last time you would ever see Obi-Wan Kenobi.

He watched you disappear with an aching heart. Looking down at his hand, his breath caught in his throat as he stared down at the pendant. The one he had given you before you left for your mission months before.

Looking up, he felt an overwhelming urge to chase after you, but as the doors slid open and Anakin entered, he knew he was too late.

If only he had one more chance to tell you how he felt.

If only this was not the last time he would see you for what would feel like, a very long time.

xx End xx

So this is ending where Episode III begins.

Part Three

If Only - Part Three

Part OnePart Two

Plot: Four years after Obi-Wan goes into exile on Tatooine, he begins to dream of Y/n, someone he thought he had lost. But as these dreams begin to feel more like visions and messages, Obi-Wan begins to wonder if maybe you aren’t gone after all. Meanwhile, a very much alive Y/n is being held captive by Empire allies.

Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x GN!Reader

Warnings: Mentions of blood, injuries, torture, screaming,death. Weapons (blasters).

Words: 3.7k

Notes: Takes place four years after Revenge of the Sith movie. Angst + Whump with a happy ending. This is the last part of this short series.The “Netherworld” is in reference to where the Jedi go when they die. Sometimes you can see or contact them, as seen in some of the movies.


The dream was different this time. He was in a place he didn’t recognize. But he could hear you speaking, your voice was muffled, as if you were under water.

He began walking down the corridor, at least he thought it was a corridor. The walls seemed to be made of water, the path in front of him darkened by shadow.

He stopped as your voice called out again. No longer muffled, but distant, and sad. “If there is anyone left, please. Can anyone hear me?”

“Y/n?” He called you, is own voice seeming to echo around him.

“Obi-Wan?” Your voice returned.

He felt his heart racing. “Y/n! What is this?”

“Obi-Wan, where are you? Why can’t I see you?”

“Y/n, where are you?”

“Obi-Wan? Obi-Wan!”

Suddenly, within the darkness, a scream pierced his ears. You were screaming, you were in pain. You were dying.

As his eyes shot open, he could still hear the sound of your voice echoing in his head. Sitting up, he looked around, as though he expected you to be right there in front of him.

Rubbing his eyes he remembered your scream, piercing, horrible. Was he somehow connected to your memory through the force? Was that you dying? No. No it was just a dream.

Getting out of his bed, he looked out the window, dawn was just beginning. Looking around the room he let out a long sigh. His eyes lingered on a small chest on the floor. Walking over, he opened it, before rifling through and pulling out a cloth pouch. Dumping the contents into his hand he sat back on he bed.

Staring down at the pendant, he thought back on the last day he saw you. That last day. Though it was four years ago, he could still remember the way it felt to kiss you. And how painful it was to see you walk away from him. He thought he would see you again, but then everything changed, and everything ended, and you were gone.

There were very few Jedi left, and he was sure, at least at first, that you weren’t one of them. He had learned from Master Yoda later on where you had been stationed after he left. From what he could learn, every Jedi in that sector had been killed by the Empire. You were one. At least, that’s what he had thought these past four years.

But recently, since these dreams started, he began to wonder if that was true. What you said in the dream. “Where are you? Why can’t I see you?” What did that mean? Why would you be reaching out to him if you were dead?

He had tried to reach out before, with the force, to contact you in the Netherworld, like some could those with those who had died. But nothing happened. Was that what this was now? Him reaching out subconsiously, hearing your last moments some how?

Looking back down at the pendant, he squeezed it tight in his fist. Bringing his fist up to his face he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He felt regret and guilt building up in his gut. Regret at having never had the chance to be with you. Guilt at chasing you away.


His eyes shot open as he looked around the room. Standing up he called out. “Y/n?”

That was your voice, it sounded as though you were right there. But you sounded tired, weak, sad. Taking a deep breath he focused with the force. He could feel you, a connection surrounding him. “Y/n?”

Hearing a guttural scream echo throughout his house he let out a startled breath, and the connection disappeared.

“Y/n” He said softly to himself.

This was not you reaching out from the Netherworld, it couldn’t be. He needed to find out what happened to you. He needed to know if he was mourning you for four years, while you were still out there. And if you were out there, why were you in such pain?


“Obi-Wan, where are you? Why can’t I see you?” You swear you had heard his voice, as though he was right there. Hearing nothing in return you called out again, desperation in your voice. “Obi-wan? Obi-Wan!”

Before you could reach out again, the torture continued, but you tried to hold the connection, you didn’t want to be alone. You had been trying for weeks now to reach out with the force. To either contact another Jedi, or get help from someone in the Netherworld. But nothing had happened, no one came.

But then you heard his voice. Obi-Wan’s, but you could’t see him. From everything you heard, you should see him. Were you not strong enough to reach out to the Netherworld?

Some time had passed since you had heard Obi-Wan’s voice. You closed your eyes and leaned back against the cold wall, a tear streaming down your face. You had been in this place for weeks now, having been captured by allies of the Empire.

You thought back on everything that had happened as you sat in the darkness. After the deaths of most of the Jedi, you ran. You barely survived being killed, but now you were alone, and lost. You tried to find out more about the remaining Jedi, but found little over the years. Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin, everyone was gone.

But your questions drew attention, and now you were a captive being tortured for information. They thought you were a spy for the remaining Resistance. Even though you truly knew nothing about them anymore, they did not believe you. You were glad they had no way of knowing you had been a Jedi, but you feared they might find out somehow.

Hearing steps echoing down the corridor, closer and closer, you took a deep breath. They were coming for you, again. Maybe this time your body would finally give up.

Feeling a sudden rush of frustration wash over you, you shook away the thought of giving up. That wasn’t you. You needed to remember who you were. Obi-Wan’s voice echoed through your mind. ‘Remember who you are.’

If you were going to die here, it wouldn’t be while getting tortured. It would be while escaping. While fighting.

As the cell doors slid open, you looked up at the man in front of you. One of the guards you seemed to take a liking to hurting you. Looking down at you, he sneered, teeth showing, standing up, you let him get close, and you smiled back at him.


Obi-Wan looked down at the planet from orbit, it was small, and in the center of a large city, was a large military-like base, run by allies of the Empire.

After a few days of searching for information, he finally found a resistance spy. The spy knew nothing about you, whether you were dead or alive. The only information they had, was that recently, a supposed spy had been taken by these empire allies to be tortured for information.

There was nothing to prove that it was you, but Obi-Wan couldn’t shake this feeling in his gut that told him it was you down there. Alone, in pain, reaching out to anyone who was still around that might hear you. And the closer he got, the more the feeling increased.

So whether or not he was going to find you, or another resistance spy, there was no turning back, not now.


You crept through the corridor, staying in the darkness, as you tried to avoid being seen. You didn’t know how long it would be before a guard found that it was not you in your cell, but the guard who was supposed to watch you.

Hand gripped around a stun cane, you hid in the darkness as someone ran past. You let out a shaky breath as you began moving again, every part of your body screaming in pain. Sweat was caking your brow, your hands shaking, head aching. You could feel the warm stain of blood on your side as you moved, your wounds having opened during your fight with the guard.

Rounding the corner, you stumbled to a stop as you came face to face with one of the guards. He didn’t hesitate before lunging at you with his own stun cane.

Dodging the first blow, you swung your cane, hitting him in the leg. Yelling out in anger, he struck back, hitting you in the shoulder, the shock causing you to drop your own cane.

Striking you again, right in your wounded side, you groaned in pain before you grabbed his arm, pulling and flinging him over your shoulder. As he hit the ground, you grabbed his cane, forcing to his neck until he passed out. Rising, you stumbled into the wall, breathing heavily.

You flinched as you heard the sound of blaster fire echoing from somewhere else in the base. A moment later, the lights began flashing as an alarm started wailing. Grabbing the guard, you dragged him into a nearby storage room, taking his cloak, you put it on, hoping you could blend in.

As you got closer to the docking bay, you heard blaster fire getting closer. You jumped back as guards an past, paying you no mind, as the hood of your cloak shrouded your face.

You could see the docking bay just ahead of you, there was an intruder there, but you needed to steal a ship to get away. A sudden thought entered your mind. What if the intruder was here for you?

Quickly, doubt replaced the hope that built at the thought. No one was coming for you, you needed to get out yourself. Feeling you vision blur momentarily, you leaned against the wall. Looking back towards the docking bay as three more guards ran in, you felt panic begin to rise as the doors began to shut. Running, ignoring the pain and dizziness, you managed to barely make it as the doors shut behind you.

Hearing blaster fire just ahead of you, you dove behind a large container. Peaking out, you saw the guards firing on someone at the edge of the room. You could only see a glimpse of the person as they occasionally reached out to fire.

You watched as a guard tried to sneak up on them, and as they went behind a container, your eyes widened when you saw them fly back, and into the wall, unconscious.

'A Jedi? Did someone really hear me? Obi-Wan?’ Creeping around the edge of the room, your thoughts ran wild. 'It can’t be Obi-Wan, he’s dead. Isn’t he?’

As you peaked around another container, you felt your whole body freeze. You could see enough of him now, his face peaking out from beneath his own cloak as he fired on the guards. “Obi-Wan.” You whispered, feeling your head spin.

As a blaster shot grazed past Obi-Wan’s head, you came out of your shock, realizing he was outnumbered.

Looking around, you saw a nearby blaster, lying beside a dead guard. Taking a deep breath, and pushing past the screaming pain in your body and the weakness you felt threatening. You ran out, grabbing the blaster and firing at the guards.

Obi-Wan looked over at the sound of nearby blaster fire. He prepared to fire, but stopped as he saw the cloaked figure firing on the guards. As the figure ducked away from blaster fire, Obi-Wan rose, firing on the rest of the guards.

After the last guard finally fell, he let out a breath of relief. But jumped when a shot blew past him, spinning back, he saw a guard that had snuck up on him, fall to the ground. Turning back around, he aimed his blaster at the cloaked figure.

As Obi-Wan pointed his blaster at you, you lowered yours, and raised your hands up. Your voice was caught in your throat, though you wanted nothing more than to call out to him.

Slowly, you raised your hands towards your face, grabbing the edge of your hood, and pulling it back.

You saw Obi-Wan’s face change to surprise as he slowly lowered his gun. “Y/n.” His voice came out, barely audible.

You let out a soft breath and smiled at him. “Obi-Wan.” You took a small step forward, but felt your vision blur.

Obi-Wan ran towards you as you began to fall to the ground. Catching you in his arms before you hit the ground, he brought his hand to your face. “Y/n!” Your face was bruised, tired, and dirty. Looking down, he saw blood seeping through the cloak.

He could hear banging on the walls of the docking bay he had rigged to close. Scooping you up into his arms, he ran back the way he came, hoping he was not too late to get to you.

Your eyes fluttered open as cold metal was pressed against your back. Looking through blurred vision, you saw Obi-Wan at the head of the small ship.

Your eyes closed again.

“Y/n. Y/n?”

Obi-Wan’s voice pulled you from the darkness. As you opened your heavy eyes, you saw him leaning over you. You were still on the ship.

“It’s alright now, we’ve escaped.”

You stared into his eyes for a moment, unaware a tear was streaming down your face. As Obi-Wan wiped it away, you forced yourself to speak.

“H-how? I thought, you were dead.”

He smiled sadly as he kept his palm to your cheek. “I thought the same of you. Until the dreams.”

“So that was really you that I heard?”

He nodded his head once.

Another tear fell as you felt your eyes growing heavier again. “I-I thought that…I was alone.”

Obi-Wan felt his own eyes beginning to burn hot. “Not anymore.” He said softly.

As you met his eyes briefly, he felt his gut clench when your eyes closed, and your body went limp. Quickly grabbing what medical supplies he had, he laid you flat down on the ground.

Seeing to your wounds, he almost felt sick. It seemed that your whole body was bruised, small burns littered your side, and you had multiple wounds, the worse was on your side, which was still bleeding.

Thinking back on why you were in the docking bay, he saw your knuckles freshly red. You must have begun your own escape. But how long had you been there? Guilt rocketed through him. If only he had listened to the dreams before, when they first started.

Wipeing at your face, he stared down at you. Through the dirt and bruises, he could still tell you were just as alluring as you had been. Oh how he missed looking at you.

Turning and looking out of the ship window, he note that you’d arrive back on Tatooine in a few hours. He would take you back to his home. You would be safe there. He would have to tell you about Anakin. Padme, Luke, Leia. There was so much you weren’t there to see. And he was sure there was much you had to tell him.

Covering you with his cloak, he began to gently stroking your face. After everything he had lost, somehow, the universe brought you back to him. This time, he would not make the mistake of letting you go again.


As your eyes fluttered open, you felt a moment of panic and confusion. Sitting up you let out a small wince, as pain shot through your side. Looking around the small hut like structure, you wondered where you were.

Suddenly remembering everything that had taken place, you climbed out of the bed and walked to the door. Stepping out into the hot sun’s light, you looked around desperately.

And as Obi-Wan rounded the corner, water pale in hand, you felt an almost overwhelming mix of relief rush through you.

As his eyes landed on you, he stopped in his tracks. Slowly setting down the water pale, he watched you, seeing various emotions crossing your face.

“You’re finally awake.” He mused softly, days of worry, watching over you, fading into relief.

“I thought it was a dream.” You said softly. “When I woke up I thought I was…back there.”

He walked towards you. “It wasn’t a dream. You’re safe.”

Your eyes scanned his face, and it seemed as though he had aged much more than you’d expected. Then again, you didn’t know what these last four years had been like for him.

As he stopped in front of you, you felt overwhelmed again, and threw yourself forward, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly. A moment later you felt his arms wrap around you as well.

“All this time.” You didn’t finished your thought, you knew he knew exactly what you meant.

All this time, thinking the other was dead. All this time alone. All this time, you were so close to each other, yet so far away.

Pulling away, you met his eyes again, and he smiled at you. You felt your heart quake at the sight. You had missed that smile.

Going back to grab the water, he walked back to you and took your hand in his. “Come, lets go inside. We have a lot to discuss.”

You stared at the floor, processing everything Obi-Wan had told you. About Anakin. About Padme’s death, and her two children. That one was on this very planet.

You felt a tear stream down your face, and you quickly wiped it away. Looking at Obi-Wan, you could see heavy emotion weighing over him. You were close to Anakin, but not nearly as much as Obi-Wan.

“How could he do it?” You asked softly as you shook your head.

Obi-Wan shook his head softly. “I’ve been asking myself that for years.”

“And the boy. Luke, he’s safe here?”

He nodded his head. “Yes. I check in on him every now and again.” Clearing his throat he looked at you, scanning you for a second. “Now, what happened to you? I had heard that every Jedi in that sector you were in was killed. How did you survive?”

You let out a soft scoff. “I barely did. Sometimes I still wonder how. I was injured, pretty severely. But to my luck, I had befriended some resistance members on the planet. I made it to them, and they saved me. By the time I regained my strength…it was all over. Everyone was gone.”

There was a moment of thick silence hanging in the air. Looking around the small hut, you smiled to yourself.

“What?” Obi-Wan asked.

“I just thought about you staying here, alone. You must get so restless.”

He smiled softly and shrugged his head. “I keep busy when I can. But yes, you are correct. But, I suppose that will change now.”

“How so?” You asked softly as you met his gaze.

“Well I’m not alone anymore now am I? Or did you think I was going to shoo you off on your way?”

You let out a breathy laugh. “I hadn’t really thought that far.”

“Or is it…that you have somewhere to go back to?”

He didn’t say it, but you knew the unspoken question, you felt it. Do you have someone to go back to?

You shook your head softly. “No. I have nowhere to go back to, not really. I never stayed in one place for too long.”

He nodded his head. “Then you can stay here. With me.”

You felt your hear hammering in your chest. After all these years, he still did that to you. And for some reason, you still felt like you had to run away.

You looked out the window. “Master Yoda isn’t going to show up suddenly and tell me to leave is he?”

A short laugh escaped Obi-Wan, taking him by surprise. “No. No, and if he did I would certainly not be sure what to expect from him.”

Standing suddenly, he walked over to the table before walking back to you. He sat down in font of you, and took your hand in his. You felt him press something into your palm.

Even before you opened your hand, you knew what it was. The pendant. You stared down at it, memories rushing through your mind. The day he gave it to you. Your first kiss. Your last kiss.

“We may still be Jedi, in our hearts, in our whole beings. But…”

You looked up, meeting his eyes. “But?”

“But, there is no Jedi Order anymore. I do not know how long we must remain dormant, hidden away. So until then, we should live as we wish to. Do the things we want. Be with, who we want.” Reaching out, he enclosed his hands around yours. “We must remember who we are. But that includes who we love.”

“Love?” Your whispered out.

“Yes. No matter how hard I had to push it away, it was there. And there it remains.” Taking your hand, he brought it to his chest. You could feel his heart beating heavily in his chest. “Here.”

You took in a sharp breath as you met his eyes. “All those years ago, back on that ship. We mused about, 'if only things were different’. I don’t think either of us imagined things being how they are now. But they are different.”

“Yes.” Inching forward, he brought his other hand up to your face, cupping your cheek. “So many things are different. Frightening even. But one thing that never changed, was how I feel for you. And all these years I ached with guilt at having never had the courage to act on them. Guilt for having never been with you the way I wished. But now…”

“We can be together?” You asked in a whisper, as his face inched closer, his nose brushing yours.

“Yes. We can be together now, Y/n. There is nothing that can stop it now.”

Closing you eyes as his lips pressed against yours, you pushed away your thoughts. Thoughts about what you had lost, what you would never find again. If only you had never lost your friends. If only you had not lost your home.

Instead you embraced what you were feeling. Relief at no longer being completely alone. Relief at finding Obi-Wan. Happiness of finally being with him again.

Wrapping your arms around him, he pulled your closer, deepening the kiss. He held you tightly against him, knowing that no matter what, he had you.

xx End xx

I struggled a bit with this part unfortunately, but I hope you enjoyed it!

General Taglist:@criminaly-supernatural,@caswinchester2000,@imaginesfire,@rexit-moStar Wars Taglist:@hoeforthefictional,@whimsical-daydreamsRequested Taglist:@havlindzk,@angelsandarsenic,@auryborealis,@fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13,@rain-and-a-nice-nap
