


What the fuck is a stellium?It’sa bunch of planets in one sign. How many? No one can agree, yo. Some old men said three, other old men said four. Who cares. Just pick a number and roll with it - it really just depends on the planets involved and the vibe of the chart as a whole. You gotta decide what’s significant.

Listen, this is some foundational knowledge: where your planets fall show where you need extra support. You don’t have Sun in Aries because you naturally know how to let go of things and move forward with your life, you have Sun in Aries because you gotta learn how to let go of things and move forward with your life.

By that same mf-ing logic, if you have a damn stellium got seventeen planets in one sign, you’re working over time with that particular energy. You’ve got mad growing and understanding and learning to do, and a double dose of whatever sign will help you accomplish that shit.

(Can you have a stellium in a house? For sure. But we’ll deal with that later.)

Now, some particulars for the party people:

STELLIUM IN ARIES damn, you better stop projecting your shit onto everyone else and develop some faith in yourself so you can actually move your shit in a new direction

STELLIUM IN TAURUS damn, you better curb your fear of failure asap and spend some time thinking about what wealth, happiness and relationships actually mean to you

STELLIUM IN GEMINI damn, you better get a motherfucking grip on yourself and go explore everything under the sun so you can figure out who you are

STELLIUM IN CANCER damn, you better stop floating the fuck out of reality and ground yourself down so you can communicate those feelings in a real way

STELLIUM IN LEO damn, you better reflect and decide if you’re setting a constructive or destructive tone for your life and relationships before you do the most

STELLIUM IN VIRGO damn, you better develop some self-acceptanceandcompassion so you can actually improve things instead of always feeling dissatisfied and upset

STELLIUM IN LIBRA damn, you better figure out how you want to approach the world so you and everyone around you can be their best

STELLIUM IN SCORPIO damn, you better work out some of that serious shit you been repressing so you can rise the fuck up out of it and leave it behind

STELLIUM IN SAG damn, you better recognize that everyone has a truth before you get out there and share the knowledge

STELLIUM IN CAPRICORN damn, you better think about whether or not you actually like how you’re living before you lock yourself into a situation that’s unbearable

STELLIUM IN AQUARIUS damn, you better get your motherfucking life together so people will take your smart ass seriously

STELLIUM IN PISCES damn, you better let go of all the ugly ass behaviors and habits you picked up along the way so you can actually be happy

Peace out, bitches.



Stelliums show us where most of one’s energy is directed. Thus, based on which house you have a stellium in, more of your energy will be channelled towards what that house represents.

1st house stellium:

⭐️People are naturally drawn to you. The second you walk into a room all eyes are on you.

⭐️Tend to be self absorbed. Y’all definitely look into every reflective surface just to make sure your hair still looks right.

⭐️Work well in the public eye. You’re a natural in front of the camera.

⭐️ As the 1st house is ruled by Aries the “child” of the zodiac, those with a stellium in this house tend to have a strong desire for instant gratification and are known to “throw tantrums” when things don’t go their way.

2nd house stellium:

Most of one’s energy is directed towards obtaining wealth. Providing financial security for themselves and their loved ones is of upmost importance.

Love to shower those closest to them with gifts, that’s definitely their love language.

Usually hold traditional values.

Their home is their sanctuary. Homes tend to be beautifully decorated and well kept. A lot of energy is directed towards turning a house into a home.

3rd house stellium:

✏️ A lot of energy is directed into building strong relationships with siblings.

✏️ Natural communicators and conversationalists.

✏️ Witty and charming but maybe not the best at small talk.

✏️Y’all have a multitude of interests and love to share your knowledge with the world.

4th house stelliums:

Energy directed towards maintaining strong familial bonds. Family comes first for these individuals.

Loyal to those they love. The definition of “ride or die”

Highly intuitive beings. Excellent at reading in between the lines and analysing others.

Nostalgic. They can’t help but dwell on the past, and what used to be.

5th house stellium:

Creativity courses through your blood. Naturally gifted when it comes to the performing arts.

Energy is directed towards your passion projects and hobbies. You believe in prioritising things that make you happy.

Y’all are usually great with children. Depending on the planets you have in this house and how they’re aspected.

Passionate people, who give their 100% in everything they do.

6th house stellium:

Perfectionists to a fault- a lot of your energy is spent on tweaking minute details.

Extremely dedicated to their job. Most tend to work in the service industry.

Stemming from the previous points, you have an innate desire to “fix” those around you, it’s your way of showing them you care.

Can be very in tune with their body and it’s needs, however on the extreme, those with this placement could become hypochondriacs.

7th house stellium:

Energy is directed towards romantic relationships.

A few people I know with this placement have mentioned they find most of their romantic endeavours “exhausting”, this might be because y’all tend to obsess over every aspect of the relationship, thus leading to an emotional burnout.

A lot of energy is directed towards introspection as well. However, those with the stellium tend to value external measures to better understand themselves such as astrology, numerology, personality quizzes etc.

Strong desire for equality and harmony and strive to achieve this ideal in their day to day lives.

8th house stellium:

Naturally drawn towards the dark and taboo . You tend to find solace in topics that are commonly misunderstood

Tend to equate money with control. Control is everything for those with this stellium.

Strong obsession with money , which can be seen as they grapple at their assets with the paranoia that they’ll be snatched from their grasp at any minute.

In tune with their spirituality. It is very likely that they have had supernatural experiences/encounters.

9th house stellium:

Energy is directed towards all things related to philosophy, religion and different cultures.

You find inspiration everywhere. Tend to have endless curiosity.

Find comfort amongst your thoughts and studies. Sometimes you feel as though you’re so caught up in your own mind you miss out on real life experiences.

Natural teacher, love to help others and share your vast knowledge.

10th house stellium:

Energy is directed towards your career.

Natural leaders, this stellium also makes it hard for you to accept authoritative figures, due to this, problems can arise.

Big dreams and intricate plans as to how they will achieve their goals.

Cut throat and efficient. Nothing gets in the way of these individuals when they have their mind set on something.

11th house stellium:

Value collectivism over individualism.

This can be stifling, as it becomes challenging to form your own identity separate from the group you have attached yourself to.

Energy is directed towards platonic relationships and humanitarian activities.

Very progressive and open minded, however you might feel as though your ideas are only of value when presented and worked towards with a large backing, this is not the case.

12th house stellium:

☕️Energy is directed towards introspection and spirituality.

☕️Deeply value their alone time.

☕️Have a way of analysing the present which allows them to foretell the events of the future.

☕️Remove themselves from the centre of attention and prefer to work behind the scenes.
