#still love him



fathers casually dropping the craziest lore of their lives in the middle of a conversation

Everyone saying that snow in the sanctum means that somethings going on with Strange. I know the reference they’re going by to make the connection but Ummmm do you not remember that’s there’s still a Hulk shape hole in the roof and Strange and Wong were gone for five years and New York winters can be a real bitch.

Also Stephen in a nice guy. He was never strict. He jokes with Wong and is kind to people he knows. Being nice to Peter isn’t weird. Like he said they saved half the world together. Yes he can make himself stern but that’s not the only side to him.

My theory it’s Strange in the beginning who greets Peter in the sanctum but something happens. In the trailer with the train we don’t see the cloak of levitation. He’s nowhere near Strange or Peter for that matter and if we know anything about Cloak he’s never far away from Stephen and he can’t be worn by anyone else but Stephen.

And the Devil in Disguise poster can reference to Daredevil because Matt Murdock becomes Peter’s lawyer and we know Charlie Cox will be in the movie.

I had a whole debate with my friend until 1am on this!


actually obi wan (so far) has been characterized sooooo well. he’s tormented. he’s traumatized and unwilling to involve himself in current affairs at risk of making things worse. he buys luke a toy and leia gloves. he mourns his fallen fellow jedi and most of all he mourns his brother. he’s dry humored and cracks jokes when he shouldn’t. he’s witty and bright and insightful. he’s hidden and lost and cloaked. he walks into a trap bc that’s who he is. he gets out of the trap with ease bc that’s who he is. he cares so much. he loves so much. just wow.

 don’t you disrespect me, little man [the disney villains promenade, disneyland paris]  don’t you disrespect me, little man [the disney villains promenade, disneyland paris]  don’t you disrespect me, little man [the disney villains promenade, disneyland paris]  don’t you disrespect me, little man [the disney villains promenade, disneyland paris]

don’t you disrespect me, little man [the disney villains promenade, disneyland paris]

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today it’s Louis birthday!! :D I know everyone is like saying “ohh no he’s so old now” 21 is not even close to old! Lou is young and it’s his day today so Happy birthday Lou I love you and I wish you a good one!! And I really hope Harry spends this day with Lou and not Taylor.

This was the last Aoyama of 2019 that I am now posting on 2020
