#story inspiration


1. “You can’t just make it disappear.”
“No, but I can make myself disappear.”

2. “What the hell is that?”
“Don’t worry, it’s not staying for dinner.”

3. “Am I missing something? Why does he want you dead?”

4. “She came back.”
“From the west?”
“From the dead.”

5. “Say, whatever happened to you and I?”

6. “I can never go back.”

7. “Do you ever wonder what would’ve happened to us if we hadn’t be tossed in prison together?”
“Well, we wouldn’t be back here now would we?!”

8. “I wish we could start over.”

9. “The docks, half past midnight, bring a weapon.”

10. “You can’t just do things like that! I thought you were dead!”
“Yeah? And I thought we were a team!”

1. “Well if you aren’t going then why should I?” 

2. “You forget yourself. Are you a prince or a poor man? You have decisions to make, I suggest you make them soon or risk the future of your kingdom.” 

3. “Mom and dad didn’t say you were coming.” 
“They didn’t know.” 

4. “I came to you because you’re supposed to be the best. Am I mistaken?” 
“Unfortunately for you, no.” 

5. “Are you from around here?” 
“No, I arrived today. With the other survivors.” 

1. a blizzard, a bucket list, soul searching 

2. a theme of loneliness, a stray cat, flickering gas station lights 

3. a falling out of love story, an open window, something broken 

4. a swing set, a supernatural experience, a character who is lost 

5. a garden, a magic key, a child of warring parents 

1. “Don’t tell me what to do! It’s mycurse.” 

2. “Oh, just kick me off this cliff! It would be merciful at this point!” 
“I can’t do that my liege, I was charged with-” 
“With keeping me alive, yes, I am aware.” 

3. “I thought you’d be scarier.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“Well, I don’t know. I just thought, ‘reclusive vampire who lives on a mountain, he’s probably scary’ and … .” 
“And taller. I thought you’d be taller.” 

4. “Your mother always loved you best in red.” 
“Yes, well my mother also always loved me best in prison so I think I’ll go with the blue.” 

5. “Well? What are you waiting for?” 
“I thought this was gonna be the moment where you confess your undying love for me before I run into the thick of the battle where I’ll probably be martyred? Or did I read the moment wrong.” 
“You read the moment wrong. Go!” 

Write a story including a set of three things

1. a grey sky, a farm, a broken fence 

2. a magical item, a middle schooler, a pawn shop 

3. a letter without a return address, a stockbroker with a dark secret, a curse of a family who really deserves it 

4. two opposing organized crime families, a silver coin, a painting 

5. a garden, a talking bird, a shattered window 

6. an ill parent, an after school job, a suspicious person 

7. a shopping mall, time travel, bells chiming 

8. a warm fire, a traveler seeking shelter for the night, a deal to be settled in blood 

9. reincarnation, a spell that goes wrong, a smashed vase 

10. footprints, fog, a bus 

1. “Who the hell do you think you are?” 

2. “I didn’t want you! I didn’t want any of this! You should have left well enough alone.” 

3. “Are you still there?” “Of course. I’ll always be here.” 

4. “We have a visitor.” “A visitor?” “They are waiting at the door?” “What are you talking about? Who’s here?” “A visitor.” 

5. “Well, you haven’t changed, have you?” 

6. “Arson is not an acceptable coping mechanism.” 

7. “Don’t go in there! Don’t! He’s there, he’s back, he’s coming for us!” 

8. “I got you that. For your 17th birthday, do you remember?” 

9. “I did this for us!” 

10. “If you want to go back I won’t stop you. But I am never setting foot in that city again so help me god.” 

1. apples, an accomplice, an articulate character 

2. a bacchanal, a backstabbing, a book 

3. a curiosity shop, a calico cat, a calendar 

4. a daisy, a dime, a dance 

5. an earthquake, an early morning, an Easter lily 

6. a fable, fainting, a false alarm 

7. a distant galaxy, a game, a garden 

8. a habit, a hero, a home remedy 

9. an isle, an idealistic character, an imposter 

10. a joke gone wrong, a jar of something precious, a jogger 

11. a knife, a kid, a kite 

12. a lost family heirloom, a letter, a lonely old man 

13. mac and cheese, a myth, a musty old attic 

14. a nagging sibling, a nap, a nighttime walk 

15. an open door, an oak tree, an old key 

16. a poem, a penknife, a pocket that seems endless 

17. a quest, a quitter, a queen 

18. a roaming cat, a romcom, a radio 

19. a snake, a spy, sand 

20. a table, a toothache, a tabby cat 

21. multiple universes, a university for the strange and dangerous, a urn 

22. a vegetarian, West Virginia, a vet 

23. a windy night, a wobbly desk, a wedding 

24. a xanthic flower, a xylophone, a xeric environment (idk folks) 

25. a young girl, a yellow scarf, a yawning cat 

26. a zoo, a zero, a zigzag 

1. “I tracked him into the forest, lost him at the creek, I’m sorry sir … he’s gone.” 

2. “I’m not looking for trouble, mister.” 

3. “Have you ever thought anything through in your life?!” 

4. “I know better than to mess with them. If you want this job done you better find someone else and they better be as dumb as a box of rocks.” 

5. “This wasn’t the deal!” 

6. “Let me help him, please!” 

7. “After the incident well, everyone thought they would be too ashamed to show their faces in town ever again, we figured they would leave. We were only half right. They’ve been holed up in that mansion of theirs out in the woods for the past thirty years, I haven’t seen them since the funeral.” 

8. “This city … it’s like it’s alive.” “Something isn’t right here. I want to go home.” 

9. “And what exactly makes you think I’m gonna hop on this crazy plan of yours?” “Don’t you remember? You owe me.” 

10. “Forget about them. That’s an order.” 

1. a lantern, a boat, a foggy night 

2. a new planet, a government with a shady side project, a wayward pilot 

3. a tense family reunion, a book deal, a painting 

4. a sick child, a car, a town deep in the mountains 

5. a reserved and mysterious neighbor, a pet bird, a town mystery 

6. a party, a proposal, a stamp 

7. a diary, a suitcase, a ticket out of the city 

8. a clock that’s never right, a forest, a cottage 

9. a mad scientist, a swing set, a window 

10. a bus ride, headphones, time travel 

Story Prompt 3

A foreign exchange student, who knows barely enough of the language to survive, is being given freedom from her host family while they’re at work.

So explores the city she’s in, buying a couple things here and there, and then stops at a cafe where she meets a mysteriously handsome young man. He introduces himself briefly, before leaving with his coffee.

After the day ends, the host family announces that they’ll be having a guest over for dinner. It’s the mysterious stranger.

“How do you know the ________’s?”

“I met them today, told them a couple things and they let me come over for dinner.”

“Like what?”

“Things about you.”

Story Prompt 2

Twins, a boy and a girl, are abducted in the midsts of war. The war is between two supreme leaders, and the bad one decided to take the twins and raise them as his own.

He names them Halo and Grim because their abilities are opposite.

Halo, born with naturally white hair and dark brown eyes, has more natural abilities. Pyrokenisis, hydrokenisis, poison touch, anti-gravity, chronokenisis, and electrokenisis.

Grim, with black hair and light grey eyes, has more artificial abilities. Near invisibility, teleportation, telekinesis, telepathy, and resistance to pain.

Their “father” decides to put them in the front lines. But once they realize they’re on the bad side, do they stay together and fight for their father? Or fight for the good? Do they split up and fight each other?

Story Prompt 1

A young girl commits a series of crimes. The police, nor investigators can figure out it was her or that the crimes are linked. She turns herself in. They called her the greatest serial killer in the world.

After a few years it happens again, and they aren’t able to figure out who it was. They ask her for help, and she obliged by giving them tips here and there. After a while, she gets annoyed and solves it herself. She figures out who it was in a fraction of the time it took for them to link two of the murders.

“Why did you do it only to be the good guy in the end?”

“You have to become the worst monster of them all to find the monsters.”





yeah no offense to confucius or anything but if i was about to embark on a journey of revenge i would simply not dig two graves

jesus christ, getting laid in your enemy’s grave? that’s some freak shit but honestly i kinda dig it

well yeah you dig it thats how you make a grave

A feel like this is a conversation between  Shakespeare’s clowns, and I love that.


TW: death, neglect

Shortly after Wendy Darling returned from Neverland, her mother didn’t survive the birth of her sister, reducing her father to a husk of his former self. With only twelve year old Wendy to take care of her two brothers and baby sister, she longed for her days with Peter Pan, when she only had to worry about their wild adventures.

However, twelve more years pass and Neverland is far from her mind until her sister Jane goes missing. With leftover fairy dust as her only clue, Wendy returns to Neverland, but this time around the island is more of a prison than a paradise, and Peter’s mischief has gained a sharper edge. No longer sure if she can trust the boy she left behind, she will have to turn to the hook-wielding man that was once her enemy, or risk Jane becoming the first ever Lost Girl.

- Lynn

Trilogy Prompt

Book 1: The Healer’s Daughter

Jeanette Avice is the daughter of the royal healer, and she is expected to follow in his footsteps. However, she has no interest in serving the cruel and corrupt king, much less ensuring that he lives longer. She is much more interested in sneaking off to the towns on the outskirts of the castle, pretending to be someone she is not. However, when her newfound friends whisper of rebellion in the castle, of how her father might be involved, Jeanette begins to wonder if the responsibility she’s always loathed might help change not only her future, but the future of the kingdom.

Book 2: The Princess’s Assassin

Jeanette Avice never expected the king’s greatest opposition to be from his own daughter, Princess Isolde, commended for her demure attitude and gentle nature. She expected even less that that Isolde would ask her to use her healer’s education in herbs and potions to inflict harm, to kill. As she stains her hands redder and redder for the princess, Jeanette begins to wonder if Isolde is that different from her father at all, and if this future they’re fighting to build is worth the blood-soaked foundation.

Book 3: The Queen’s Throne

With the king dead and the rebellion scattered, the future of the kingdom is tremulous. Now that the throne is vacant, it is crucial that Princess Isolde assert herself as queen. Except, the princess is gone, and so is most of the nobility. With what she did for Isolde haunting her, Jeanette refuses to let it all be in vain, and she pretends to be the missing princess. Though she despises Isolde for abandoning her, the more Jeanette discovers as faux-queen, the less she realizes she knew about Isolde at all.

- Lynn

Dialogue Prompt

“I know your secret.”

“Oh, which one?”

“…The worst one?”

“Hun, if you knew my worst secret, we wouldn’t be talking right now. You’d be running.”

- Lynn

World Building Prompt

TW: themes of child abuse

Superpowers only manifest out of great danger or trauma, and they are related to the manner with which they were obtained. For example, a character gains the power to manipulate water after almost drowning, but since they were only underwater for about three minutes, they can only use their power in three minute spurts. In contrast, longer term trauma yields stronger/ less fatigable powers.

Unfortunately, this causes greedy parents to try to induce powers in their kids, and though a whole division of social work is dedicated to catching these parents and protecting children, social workers are often paid to look the other way.

- Lynn


At a royal ball, a beautiful woman, dressed in a shimmering gown, pulls a man of importance into a dark corner. Before, she’d baited him with charming smiles and sweet words; to him, she’s just another high-born ditzy girl hoping to giggle her way into his coffers. She pulls him in for a kiss, and soon after she scurries away, pretending to be embarrassed about her reputation.

Later, when the guards come rushing to the sounds of screams, and he’s laying on the floor, blue in the face and eyes glassy, they’ll find no wounds. They’ll interrogate servers, smell half-drank glasses for poison, and find nothing.

She will return home, richer than she was before, her lips still tinted with a gloss lethal to all but her.

- Lynn

Dialogue Prompt

“I loved you before I knew you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Before we ever met, every time I listened to a love song or planned my future or dreamt about being happy, you were there. Blurry and undefined, but there. My heart’s always had a space for you.”

- Lynn

Scene Prompt

“Have you ever thought that they made us enemies on purpose? We come from the same place, know each other’s weaknesses inside and out. We can’t defeat each other, ” B said, twirling their knife in their hand nonchalantly as they circled A.

A, shoulders tense, tightened their grip on the twisted metal bar they had brandished in front of them. “Why would they want us to be in an eternal stalemate?”

“Because it’s never been about us. While our people watch us dance around each other-“ B launched forward, knife aimed for the spot between A’s ribs, but A pirouetted away, their makeshift weapon scraping against B’s knife as they deflected it.

Halting their attack as if it had never happened, B resumed flipping their knife with deft fingers and grinned. “-We’re buying them time.”

“Time to do what?” A sidestepped, putting more space between them.

“Time to bring this world to its knees, together, before anyone notices. Because they’ve never really been enemies. And neither should we.” With a flick of their wrist, B tossed their knife, and it landed at A’s feet.

- Lynn
