

Myanmar Hunk

Gorgeous Myanmar Straight boy

Myanmar Straight Guy

So Gorgeous Myanmar Straight guy staying in BKK (2)

So Handsome Myanmar Straight guy staying in BKK

Gorgeous @vixen_lingerie put together this image of us twinning in @silklaundry’s fabulous sil

Gorgeous @vixen_lingerie put together this image of us twinning in @silklaundry’s fabulous silk teddy!
For ages I didn’t realise @lingerieofthemonth’s “Twinning” concept was about looking or posing the same, the symmetry is wonderful when someone can make images that match beautifully like this but what I actually really enjoy about the theme is seeing the same garments or sets on different bodies.
My curves absolutely pale in comparison to this gorgeous woman’s, yet look; here we are, in the same garment, both wearing it well.
This is something that I think really speaks to the quality, design and cut of the piece (really nice work @silklaundry!) but also to our preconceived ideas of how something “should” look.
I know I’ve often times been duped seeing something in a catalogue/webstore/magazine on a model ~roughly~ my size and thinking “ooooh that’d fit me!” Only to be bitterly disappointed when the item shows up and is miles too big/too long/sits funny/gapes/gathers or falls off because it’s just not made to suit anything outside of the ‘standard’ body proportions.
So this is just a friendly PSA to say, you don’t have to be a leggy 5'9 and a stock standard size 8 for things to fit you, or even look good on you.
Explore brands and garment/fabric types that work best for you!
Look through these #LingerieOfTheMonth entries and see that maybe something you thought wouldn’t work on you, sits just right on someone a similar size or shape to you!
Knowledge is power ladies and when we share our knowledge, we give each other the power to inform our purchases and shape the industry with our cold hard cashola!

#Twinning #SilkLaundry #Silver #Silk #Teddy #Sleepwear #Loungewear #LingerieAddicts #Curvy #Straight #BodyPositive #BodyLove #Lingerie #Love #EveryBody #LoveYourself #Whatever #Size #Shape #Shade or #Sex you are

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New pixel hair trend 

New pixel hair trend 

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A straight guy I met on craigslist. Fucked my tight hole and made me call him daddy. Oh damn! Thanks

A straight guy I met on craigslist. Fucked my tight hole and made me call him daddy.

Oh damn! Thanks for the submisison
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@soul.fuls I love you bish!!! My straight soulmate haha thank you for being my best friend and under

@soul.fuls I love you bish!!! My straight soulmate haha thank you for being my best friend and understanding me as a human, for being there when no one else would, for being the person I can count on. Even when I do stupid shit, without you and a couple of other people I don’t think I could be sane. I’m sorry if I worried everyone with the previous post, no I was not trying to get attention. I just want to go far away and disappear from everything and everyone for a while. I’ve been through hell this past month and half and it sucks! If I don’t respond don’t worry, it’s just me cleansing myself and finding who I am.

#2019 #bestfriend #straight #goals #gay #followforfollowback #idgaf #night #nyc #instagay #photography #shining #solo #onmyown #loveyourself #likeforlikes #instaphoto #instacool #dazedandconfused #korean #latino #mixed #handsome

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how to talk to straight guys:

• use words like: dude, bro, dope, hella, tuff, frat, and yessir

• do NOT use all of the words in the same sentence

two alpha males

spencer reid smut!

warnings: this is my first smut?, i haven’t been able to write x reader smut so this is x my criminal minds oc chloe!, also a lot of smut like wow

wc: 1633


Reid was worn out- the case was more than tiring, it was more than exhausting, it was full out draining. Couples being killed in a romantic situation… One that he and Chloe had been through a few times. Rose petals, mood music, sexy lingerie. He’d done nothing but race to catch the guy- before he could get to Chloe. He’d do anything to make sure she didn’t get hurt. Especially since she’d traveled with the team this time.

The team had all gone out into the field, which by the way never got less terrifying for Chloe, knowing that the love of her life might die confronting a serial killer. Then again, of course, there was almost nothing sexier than Spencer Reid with a gun.

Chloe was still outside, and still thinking. He’d said two alpha males, like he wasn’t one of them. But Chloe knew he was quite the alpha male when he wanted to be. (Which was anytime he got turned on. It’s like there was a switch in the back of his brain that just flipped whenever certain things got hot).

They all had one more night before they could get the jet back to Quantico. It had to fuel up before the flight- which was probably a safe idea. So, Chloe and Spencer settled in for the night.

“Hey, Spence, can I ask you something?” Chloe said, as they laid in bed, Spencer reading, Chloe just watching him take in the words at a million miles a minute.

Spencer looked up from his book, “Well, we have been together for… A few years now, Clo. I hope that you’d know you can ask me anything.” He smiled goofily.

“Well, it’s just… Earlier, when you were talking to Hotch, you said that she’d react differently to you than to an alpha male. Are you not an alpha male, Spence?” She teased, raising her eyebrows at him, taunting him. She knew he’d hate this.

“What? No! I was just saying that I don’t tend to come off as one-“

“Baby, were you trying to tell everyone that you don’t wanna be alpha? Maybe that I’m the one who wears the pants in our relationship?” Chloe moved towards him, whispering huskily into his ear once she’d crawled close enough.

Spencer was basically a cartoon at this point- you could see the steam coming out of his ears but he wasn’t ready to explode yet. That’s when Chloe climbed on top of him.

“Were you telling them you need to be dominated by little girl like me? That you’re not man enough to take me roughly right here?” She whispered in his ear, starting to kiss down his neck slowly.

Spencer huffed, clenching his fists, but still not speaking, as Chloe unbutton his shirt. “Were you telling all your teammates that you couldn’t control me? That maybe you need to be dominated like the pretty boy they all think you are?”

Spencer had finally had enough, he flipped Chloe over with ease so that he was positioned on top of her. “You know damn well who’s gonna dominate who in this bed, princess.”

Chloe sighed, happy. This, of course, is what she’d been hoping for the entire time. “Why don’t you show me, Spence?”

And that’s all it took. Spencer was replaced with someone who looked like him, but had only one motivation: lust. Suddenly, with his shirt still all the way unbuttoned, he got off of Chloe.

“Shirt off, now. I can’t believe… You can’t just pull this shit, Clo!” Spencer ran a hand through his hair, practically boiling with rage. Chloe did as she was told, stripping off her tight shirt slowly, still not getting enough of Spencer like this.

“Oh but Dr. Reid, how could the gangly boy genius ever dominate a strong girl like me? You know they’d never believe it.” She taunted again, knowing the deep shit she’d just gotten herself into.

Spencer, at this point, was done with this bullshit. He got back onto the bed, slamming his hands on either side of Chloe’s face, getting as close as he could to her while being able to see her whole face.

“Oh, you know you’d be so frustrated without me, princess. I know how you feel about my hands, about my hair, about my lips.” His lips grazed her ear as he whispered angrily, “You know damn well no one else could make you feel like I make you feel, because no one else could ever dominate you like I do.”

And with that he pressed his lips to hers roughly, caring more about the actual contact of their flesh beneath them- their bare stomachs were touching, and he could feel how shallow her breathing was. He discarded the open fronted shirt and leaned down to whisper to her again, “You’re going to scream for me tonight, princess, and you’re not gonna hold back. Got it?” He asked, looking at Chloe for a response.

She was too eager to muster much of one, so all she could say was, “Oh, Dr. Reid, if you only knew how much of your name the people in this hotel will be hearing tonight.”

Their lips were connected once again, with Chloe’s hands in Spencer’s shorter hair cut, pulling and tugging at it every so often, making Spencer moan involuntary. Spencer however, had one hand on the bed to keep himself steady, and the other running up and down her side, not paying any specific attention to any place, just ghosting over the bare skin.

Chloe gasped, “Baby, please…” She whispered, forgetting about what Spencer had said earlier.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t quite hear that, princess. Speak up.”

She whimpered lightly, “Baby, I need you to do something, anything. Fuck, I’m desperate for you.” She said, louder this time.

Spencer laughed silently, “Same old Chloe, no patience.” He shook his head, “Good things come to those who wait.”

He brought his head down to kiss her neck, the valley between her breasts, and her stomach, before bringing his hands back up to pay attention to her still clothed chest. The cups were lightly padded, and she’d always been so sensitive. One firm grasp and she’d gasped.

When he started to kiss her again, entangling their tongues, without even a fight for dominance, Chloe knew the time for her teasing was over. He roughly massages her breasts as they kissed, the feelings of his girlfriends moans against his lips making him even harder than he previously was.

He pulled back from her completely, sitting up so that his hips were aligned with hers. “Princess, you made fun of me earlier. You know what you need to do to make up for it, right?” He asked, shifting his weight off of her and allowing her to climb on top of him again.

She nodded, “Of course, Dr. Reid.” She kissed his neck again, this time taking her time to suck and bite at it as he’d done to her- dear god this was going to be fun to cover up in the morning. Good thing she’d packed a turtleneck…

As she heard his moans from her assault on his neck she brought a hand down and started palming him through his jeans.

“Come on, now, princess.” He grunted, “No teasing.”

She batted her eyelashes at him and smiled innocently, much like she had earlier, “But Dr…. That’s what makes it fun.” She kissed down his stomach, his toned body still amazing her to this day. When she reached his belt buckle she skillfully undid it, tossing it to the side as she unbuttoned his jeans.

What she did next is something Spencer would never forget. She took the zipper in her mouth, and making eye contact with him, unzipped his pants. He practically felt himself cum at the sight. Once his pants were off she wasted no time ridding him of his boxers, leaving him fully vulnerable in front of her. She smiled at him, taking his length in her hand and slowly pumping. Agonizingly slow. She brought her thumb up to swipe the precum already gathering at his tip. She brought her face down, and while never looking away from Spencer, kissed the tip lightly. The kissed it again, this time stopping and licking up the remaining precum. Spencer moaned again, unable to hold it in. Even after all this time her skills amazed him.

She took her lips off of him and looked up at him, “When I’m done teasing… Are you gonna help me, Doctor?” He nodded, and she went back to her work. She pumped once more before removing her hand completely and licking a full stripe up his member. She then took the head in her mouth, swirling her tongue around it. He moaned again, bucking his hips up to her slowly, and twisting a hand in her hair.

That was her cue to get going. She slowly took as much of him into her mouth as she could, and drew back at the same pace. She slowly quickened her pace, taking more and more of him and his hand helped her head bob up and down. He was a moaning mess, just hips still bucking up to meet her mouths motions.

She felt him twitch in her mouth and let out a little moan, the vibrations sending him completely over the edge. She looked him in the eyes again as she swallowed his load, licking her lips after removing her mouth from him. He caught her lips in a loving kiss.

He then pulled back, his eyes still full of lust, “Now it’s your turn to scream my name, princess.”

the end! i might write a part two if this is any good ;))
