#stranger things imagine


Sorry, it’s over…

Summary: you and Eddie lived in two different worlds, you had everything you’ve ever wanted and more, so when a more fitting guy tries to get with you… Eddie feels it’s what’s best… (Also poc friendly if I got anything wrong please let me know)

Warnings: fluff/hurt no comfort, Eddie making sex jokes, talks of making out, language, Eddie being sad, reader AND Eddie having doubts (but for different reasons), people being jerks, mention of smoking, reader has hair long enough to put into a ponytail and is described to have curls (those curls can be natural or created with a curling iron is up to you) and use of Y/n like twice

You and Eddie have been going out in secret for some time now, and you couldn’t be happier! He made you feel so alive and happy, you felt like giggling and kicking your feet like a little girl when he smiled at you in the hallways.

You always snuck him in when you’re parents were away, laying in your bed as you pull him in for a kiss and when you pull away he leans in for more; the cooling feeling of his rings against your face when his hands cup your cheeks, your fingers playing with his dark hair or lightly tugging at his shirt.

You always kissed him before he went to his Dungeons and Dragons campaign, he always leaves with the dopiest smile on his face as he tries to get ready for when the party members arrive.

And his members have noticed he was a little off too, he had been generous and forgiving for a while now; the group rarely gets close to death anymore because of his mood. Even his moments and voice sound more cheery and pumped up than scary or mysterious.

But when he is asked about it, he just says he has been smoking a bit more weed than he normally does, the group all just take that as Eddie did get more cheery and laid back when he smoked some weed.

But he actually hasn’t been smoking weed that much anymore, he has been hanging out with you and the only time he smokes is when you and he are in his trailer together cuddling.

You both felt so in love, so happy, and so content with how your lives were connected together, even if you had to keep it a secret.

You were a Cheerleader with high expectations of you thanks to your parents and he was…well Eddie the freak Munson… But you both were ok with this. You loved each other, that was all that mattered… Until…

You walked down the hallway from your last class to your locker to finally put your stuff away now that the day was over, you just wanted to finish so you and Eddie could sneak behind the school for a much-needed make-out session.

But when you turned to your locker a boy was there… And it wasn’t your Eddie… He was nothing like Eddie actually. He had neatly done short blonde hair, bright greenish-blue eyes, no tattoos, caramel skin, a nicely pressed and well-fitting button-down, light blue pants with a brown belt, and black shiny shoes.

“Hello, I’m Logan.” He said as he held his hand out for you to take, you take it expecting a handshake while telling him your name, he kisses you’re hand and says “I know.” He smiles at you trying to be charming but coming off creepy to you.

‘He knows my name? That’s creepy… I have no idea who this guy even is…’ You thought as you force a smile pulling your hand away.

“Yeah. Well, it was nice to meet you but I uhh- I promised to meet my best friend Chrissy later today to go over some cheers for the next game.” You say as you open your locker and shove everything inside, he looks skeptical but doesn’t push on the matter.

You don’t bother saying goodbye as you rush away to meet Eddie at the back of the school…

“Hey, baby!” Eddie calls out to you as you arrived at your and Eddie’s special spot, you rush to him hugging him with a kiss; you lean back with a “Muah!!” Making him chuckle as he leans in to take in your sent.

You both sit at this single table across from each other talking about your day, Eddie telling you the plan he had in mind for the next Dungeons and Dragons session; you even out in some of your own ideas that he would put his own Eddie twist to it for his master plan.

You play with the rings on his fingers as you listen to him rant on and on about this game, and when you absentmindedly tell him you would love to play sometime his eyes light up, and he tells you all about how you can come over and plan your character out together and he starts listing some of the types and races he could picture you as, and you just sat there listening and watching him geek out. Yup, you want to be like this forever.

If only…

When you got home, your mother was rushing over practically pushing you up the stairs to your bedroom, “where were you?! You are late! now, I laid out an outfit for you ok? Put it on and put 'this’- she motions to your hair picking up a curl before dropping it- up into a ponytail and get down here as soon as you can. Ok? Ok.”

You were confused, you didn’t remember anything important happening today that you needed to be home as soon as possible, dressed nice, and at the dinner table. What was going on?

As you finished getting ready and headed down the stairs to the dining room, you heard your father opening the door and greeting someone hartley before ushering the person and the two other guests in, if the number of steps being heard had anything to say it was that more than two people were entering the house.

As you sat in your chair and your mother rushed to place the final dishes on the table, your father walked in with three people; a man a woman you assumed was his wife, and… That boy from school? Logan, it was if you remembered correctly.

Your mother greeted everyone before looking at you with an expectant look, “oh… Umm, hello. Everyone?” You say unsure, still confused as to why Logan and assuming his family was in your home for dinner. Did your family know them? Were you all related somehow? You doubted it. But it was the only idea you could come up with at that moment.

But it was far worse…

Halfway through the dinner, your father announced that you were going to marry this Logan guy because he and Logan’s father goes way back and think joining the families would be good for business.

You slightly choked on your juice as your father said this, you look to your mother who looks at you for a moment before looking back to her food as if that didn’t just happen.

You look to Logan only to see how he looked… Smug… He was happy? About this? Why was he ok with this?! You didn’t want this! But from the look, your father gave you it looked like you didn’t really have a choice.

After that dinner, you and Logan were 'dating’ as he and your family liked to say, but you weren’t Logan’s girl… You were Eddie’s girl!

…well, not that anyone would really know that due to it being a secret. But that didn’t change the fact you loved Eddie and weren’t giving him up.

You were so upset you had become irritable, and the smallest things started to bug you; what was pissing you off the most was when Logan would try to do couply things with you, you didn’t do those kinds of stuff with him! You only did that stuff with Eddie damn it! Why wasn’t this guy getting the hint you didn’t want to be with him?!

Poor Eddie didn’t understand what had gotten you so angry this week, he tried everything to try and figure it out. And for the first time you had… Yelled at him. He genuinely was scared even though he was bigger than you, he noticeably flinched.

It made your heartbreak, you apologized to him saying that you were just stressed but just weren’t in the mood to walk about it at the moment. He let it go at first, saying when you were ready to talk so was he.

But then he started seeing this Guy keep showing up at your locker and talking with you in the hallways and he started getting antsy… Did you know this guy? Who was he? Did you think he was a cool guy?

But Eddie kept telling himself everything was fine and it was just some guy thinking he had a shit when he didn’t… At least that’s what he thought at first. But the more he saw the guy, the more the guy was around you talking and even giving you gifts… Expensive ones… He knew something was very very wrong…

And one day that thought came to be true…

Eddie sat in an empty classroom writing down some ideas for the next session with his party and he couldn’t wait to share them with you… But then someone got his attention.

“Hey there.” A voice called, Eddie looked up eyebrow raised “do I know you?” He asked in a sour tone slightly noticeable in his voice.

“Well you don’t know me exactly, but I know that you see me with Y/n in the hallways,” Logan said with a teasing tone in his voice… He was taunting him.

Eddie was ready to punch this guy in the jaw when he was interrupted by Logan saying “I know about your little secret relationship…”

Eddie looked shocked for a moment, how? You and Eddie don’t talk at all in school to be sure no one suspected anything! How did?

“I saw you behind the school, and look. There’s no nice way to put this so I’ll just say it ok? Y/n and I are getting married.”

And Eddie felt his heart drop into a pit in his stomach, Married? You? And this guy? His princess was going to marry this prick?!

“Look I can tell you are both shocked and angry and I would be too if I were the one losing such a pretty thing. However, we both know that’s what’s best right?” Logan continued looking down at where Eddie still sat looking up at Logan.

“What do you mean?” Eddie asked not fully following this guy’s thought process as he was still in shock at the who you marrying someone that isn’t him…

“Well, you see you are… Well, you! you’re the freak of Hawkings High! You can’t support her, if anything you would ruin her! You can’t take care of and provide for her as I can.” Eddie was barely grasping what Logan was saying but he knew that Logan was right. He couldn’t give you the life you deserve.

Who was he kidding? to think someone like you would be with someone like him forever? He was hanging on to a wish that would never happen… He was just… A phase. You like him now but once you’re over the whole bad boy phase you’ll move on.

“I… I guess… You’re right.”

Logan smiled in fake pity, resting a hand on Eddie’s shoulder.

“I know I am… You know what to do. If you really love her, you’ll just let her go.” And with that Logan walked away… And Eddie had something to tell you…

Your parents were away and you didn’t have to worry about Logan sneaking up on you here trying to be all cute with you, and you felt so much better! You had called Eddie telling him he could come over and you really wanted to talk with him, and he told you he had something big to tell you, so at first you were excited as to what it could’ve been, but when Eddie showed up and he looked upset and like he was ready to break down you had quickly invited him in.

He sat on your bed and looked over to you, and told you the big news.

“I don’t think we should see each other liken this anymore…”

And at the moment your world shattered around you, what was he saying? why was he saying that? What happened? Did he find someone he liked better? Was she more like him? Did she make him feel more loved than you did? Please don’t be saying what you think he’s saying…

“What? No! I mean we don’t have to keep quiet about us anymore if that’s what this is about I-”

He stood from your bed before looking to you taking a deep breath,

“No! I mean… Look at us! This was never going to last were just too different!”

“What… What are you saying?”

He huffed running a hand through his hair before gesturing to your mirror,

“I mean look at you and then look at me, you deserve everything… And I’m… Me, The freak…”

You walk over to him and he backs away before you can get too close,

“Look… I hate to have this happen the way this has to happen… But I think I owe it to you… To set you free… You would be better off without me…” He tries to walk away out of the room but you manage to get in front of him,

“Do back away from me, What’s gotten into you? This isn’t the Eddie I know. What happened? What did I do to make you do this? Did someone say something to you? I don’t care about what anyone has to say and neither should you! Please, Eddie!”

He just shakes his head…

“I’m sorry, it’s over…”

“Eddie please this can’t be-”

“You and I? Don’t belong it’s wrong! We aren’t perfect after all like we thought.”

He tries to leave again but you take his arm,

“Eddie, you and I were meant to be! I know it! Please!”

“ … I’m really sorry, but we’re done.” He slips past you, you make a last attempt to take his hand but miss as he rushes out the room shutting the door.

You stand there for a moment, the situation finally setting in before You fall to the floor on your knees sobbing.

A few days later and you were still miserable, you even missed some school telling your parents how you felt awfully sick and felt like you wanted to throw up, which wasn’t exactly a lie as you did feel that way, but not because you were sick.

But today you were forced to go to school, you looked like you but… Your curls were a mess in your normally neat braid, your skirt and shirt had wrinkles, and your eyes and nose were red and puffy. And ever so often when something would remind you of Eddie your lip would tremble…

You didn’t want to go straight home, you didn’t feel like walking right now… You thought that you could visit you and Eddie’s special place one last time walking behind the school.

But you stopped when you heard voices, and they both sounded very familiar… It was Eddie… And Chrissy…

Looking from behind a tree you spotted them, They were sitting across from each other and she was in your spot where you would’ve normally sat, smiling and giggling having a conversation with Eddie.

You… You didn’t know they knew each other…

Your brows furrowed when Chrissy said something and Eddie pushed his hands to his heart falling out of his seat, getting up and brushing leaves from his hair as Chrissy laughed, they talked more as Eddie made jokes and motions making Chrissy giggle and shake her head… And the way Eddie was looking at her… It made your heart hurt, shattering into even more and tinier pieces…

You felt sick, you ran home. Your lungs burned and your eyes watered, how could Chrissy do this? How could Eddie do this?! Was this why he broke up with you? He was seeing Chirssy?

You pushed your way inside your home before falling and letting out a painful cry, why was the world doing this to you? What did you do to deserve this?

After crying yourself to sleep you woke up to the phone in your room ringing loudly, you grogally stood as you held the phone to your ear,


And what you heard next shocked you, Eddie?

“Chrissy was found dead. And it was in Eddie’s trailer, he is the number one suspect.”

Your Eddie?

So, I’m kinda obsessed with stranger things… I feel like making a series(a LOOONG ass one) where reader is in the story and has powers.

So you know how like we have a few numbers already? Reader could be seven, (since we don’t know that number yet) whereas we already know one, six, eight, 9 and 9.5, And Elleven

The power I have in mind is like a Boogie Man power of sorts, where reader can manipulate shadows and use them to create monsters of fear that can shift and change based on the person being attacked by them into what they fear most. (Kinda like a pennywise power)

I’m kinda leaning towards a slight Billy x Reader thing but if you have any ideas please let me know.

(Might just make reader the forgotten unlucky 13)

List 3



Photos are windows to the soul

Don’t ever let Jules find out…

Yandere!Rue HC


Nothing yet


Nothing yet



Nothing yet


Nothing yet


Nothing yet


Nothing yet


Nothing yet


Nothing yet


Nothing yet


Nothing yet


Nothing yet


Nothing yet


Nothing yet


Nothing yet

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Nothing yet


Sorry, it’s over


Nothing yet


Nothing yet


Nothing yet


Nothing yet


Nothing yet


Nothing yet


Nothing yet


Nothing yet


Nothing yet


Nothing yet


Nothing yet

Billy Hargrove x reader

summary: getting high with Billy and making out

word count: 655

warnings: like the last one it isn’t really NSFW but towards the end sex it suggested, also the words dick and clit are mentioned. 

the previousone(can totally be read separately)

Billy and you had arrived at the party not too long ago. Tina was once again throwing a Halloween party, and as usual, her house was packed. Billy had convinced you to go with him even though you felt like staying home. Normally you didn’t mind going to parties with him, you actually enjoyed how needy he got when he was drunk. whenever Billy was drunk he couldn’t get enough of you, and you basked in the attention.  Of course, you got some dirty looks from some scantily clad jealous girls but you didn’t care. You knew Billy was yours so it didn’t matter what those girls thought of you.

The nature of your relationship with Billy was shrouded with mystery and questions. Sometimes it seemed as if you two were just 2 friends hooking up, other times it seemed as if you two were in a relationship, like right now. Billy was sitting on a couch surrounded by his friends and with you on his lap. Both of you were already tipsy from the beers you had chugged earlier. Billy’s hand rested on your thigh as you played with a lock of his hair and littered his neck with kisses. He knew you were trying to tease him but he made sure not to show how it affected him.

Quite a few songs and a keg stand later Billy and you were once again seated on the couch, you in his lap once again. The both of you were sufficiently drunker than before, and , in result, also hornier than before. Billy’s hand rubbed up and down your thigh, every now and then giving it a slight squeeze. you occupied his other hand, admiring how big it looked compared to yours and thinking about all the things he could do with it to you. whenever Billy wasn’t talking or when the conversation was boring he would kiss up and down you neck, leaving small kisses.

“Hey I got some weed, you guys in?”, said Tilly. This immediately peaked Billy’s interest “Yeah”. He pulled you closer to him and mumbled into you ear “What about you kitten?”. His voice made a shiver run down your spine causing Billy to chuckle. “sure”, you said, turning your head to kiss him. When you looked up you saw some girls shooting you some dirty looks but you were too far away to care. By now Tommy had lit the blunt and passed it to Billy and you. Billy held it out for you so you took a drag, your lips slightly touching the tips of his fingers. As you were blowing out the smoke Billy took a drag himself before passing it onto the next. 

Before long the blunt was gone and you were all high. People danced around you as the music played but you didn’t care. you turned around in Billy’s lap so that you were straddling him. “Hey there princess”, he numbleled in his groggy voice, against his lips to yours. “Hey” you giggled before closing the almost non-existing gap between your lips. Billy groaned against your lips as you slipped your tongue inside his mouth, deepening the kiss. One of your hands rested on Billy’s chest, admiring his muscles while the other gently tugged on his locks. Both of you were moaning because of the way Billy moved your hips against his hardening dick. Your jeans rubbed against your clit just right, making you moaned with pleasure. The sounds that you were making spurring Billy on. He started to move your hips faster but you stopped him.

You pulled after from his lips, looking at how they were slightly swollen and red, just like yours probably were. You pressed you forehead against his and said “Let’s go somewhere more private”. Billy didn’t needed to be told twice. After you had gotten of his lap he grabbed your hand and pulled you outside, towards his Camaro. 

the car


words: 1,341

tales from the great beyond

A/N: I do not claim to, nor do I own Stranger Things; the concept, characters, plot, etc.

At the beginning of the month, Kate’s parents had bought her a refurbished 1970 Dodge Charger. And Billy was green with envy.

Sure, he loved his car. It was kickass. It made him a spectacle, got him tons of babes, and treated him well in many other ways. It wasn’t the kind of car Kate got, it could’ve been a thirty-year-old station wagon, and he still would’ve been jealous.

He was jealous because she didn’t have to put a cent towards it.

She woke up on the day of her driving exam, aced it, and that weekend she had a Charger sitting in the driveway, ready to be used.

Surely, it couldn’t have been cheap, as it was pushing sixteen years old, and it was spotless. Everything looked perfect, from the chrome on the rims, to the stitching on the upholstery, and the minor tinting on the windows.

Her parents even paid for the insurance, and gave her a gas allowance. And footed the bill for upkeep, which is why Billy jumped at the opportunity to change the oil in the car.

Kate had asked him to do it, one: because he needed the money and her parents would pay good; and two: because it would allow him to practice working on his future occupation.

Billy loved cars. And he couldn’t see himself going to school any further than high school, so he had decided that he was going to get into mechanical work. And maybe someday he could open up his own garage, provide for his family.

Do better than his dad did.

Kate’s plan however, was faulty.

“I’m gonna tell them I’m taking it to a garage, you can charge them whatever you want.” She had said, after explaining her genius plan to him.

That was pretty fool-proof. Kate’s parents didn’t give her the time of day on average, so if she presented them with a bill from a mechanic, they wouldn’t even bat an eye.

“You can just do it at the house.” She had shrugged, as if it was no big deal. “I mean, everyone knows we hang in the same group, so if you show up to change my oil, it won’t be thatmuch of a shock.”

She also promised to make Steve swear he wouldn’t snitch about the whole “Billy disguising himself as the garage” bit.

Billy was not confident that Steve would hold up his end of the deal. However, Kate’s confidence in him was enough to make him say yes to the job.

So here he was, bright and early on a Saturday morning, laying underneath Kate’s car, on the freezing cold sidewalk outside of her house.

And changing the oil was already not going well.

For starters, he couldn’t get the cap off, so Kate spent five minutes searching through her father’s tools in the garage for a wrench.

Then, when Billy finally went to use the wrench to twist the cap off, it practically fell off, right onto his face. And in-turn, so did a steady stream of oil.

Kate rushed inside to grab old towels for him to clean up with, but by that time he was already ready to call it quits and go home. But nevertheless, he continued.

He emptied the rest of the old oil into the drip pan, and just as he was about to slide out from underneath the car and start replacing the oil, he realized Kate had bought the incorrect oil.

So Billy, very verybegrudgingly, let Kate drive his car downtown to pick up the right oil. There was no way he was getting in his car covered in oil remnants, so he chose the lesser of two evils, which was letting her drive.

Billy sat with bated breath, inside the garage, trying to keep himself warm by the minuscule space heater, as he waited for her return.

After almost an hour, Kate finally came back, not only with oil, but an entire load of groceries.

Billy jumped up from the floor, feeling heat rise in his chest at the sight of her with her arms full of bags. “You got a whole grocery order Harrington?” He gawked, pointing at the bags in her arms. “Did you at least get the oil?”

She waved the sticky note he had written the correct oil on in her fingers. “Duh!” She snickered, pushing past him and dropping the oil at his feet.

“Well I just had to ask because it looks like you had other things on your mind.” He shook his head, grabbing the oil from the ground.

“When convenience strikes!” She replied, shrugging. “Let me know if you need more help, I’ll be inside.”

Billy rolled his eyes, venturing back out into the brisk air to finally finish the job he had started.

He went to work, pouring the new oil into the container and waiting for it to settle before testing the depth with the dipstick.

Unfortunately for him, when he pulled the dipstick back out, it was clean as could be. “What the fuck?” He practically screamed, confused and frustrated beyond belief.

Then it dawned on him.

Jaw clenched, he squatted down, noticing the oil pan underneath the car, full to the brim with oil.

He had forgotten to put the cap back on the oil container under the car.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” He didscream this time, aggressively shoving the dipstick back into it’s hole.

Fuming, he stormed into the Harrington house, startling Kate as she was putting groceries away. “What the hell!” She gasped, hand over her heart.

“I forgot to put the cap back on under your car!” He shouted back, throwing it onto the island.

Kate frowned, looking between Billy and the cap. “So-“

“Where did you put my keys?” He snapped, cocking his head at her.

She pointed to the counter beside the sink. “Where are you going?”

Billy crossed the room, grabbing his keys from the counter. “I’m going to buy another pint of oil, I’m gonna come back and change it, and then I’m going home, getting a shower and going to bed the rest of the day!”

Before Kate could even speak, Billy was gone.

The oil covering his body had mostly dried by the time he got into the car, and sped (like literally almost twenty miles over the speed limit.) downtown.

At Bradley’s Big Buy, he purchased two of the correct pints of oil, one extra for good measure.

He drove back to the Harrington house, and changed the oil, WITH the cap on the container this time, and almost didn’t go back inside to say goodbye when he was done.

Kate was sat on the couch in the living room, a mug of tea beside her and a movie playing on the television in front of her. She looked away from the screen, eyebrows raising at him. “You finished?” She asked.

Billy nodded, clenching his jaw. “Never ask me to do that again.” He huffed, walking over to the couch and plopping down beside her. “Is your brother home?”

Kate sighed, fighting with a torn edge of the blanket that was draped over her. “Upstairs.”

Billy wanted to scream even more. He had a hell of a morning, and all he wanted to do was spend some time with his girl to make himself feel better, but he couldn’t even do that.

He rolled his eyes. “Then I’d better go-“

“We can still hang tonight if you want.” Kate shrugged, grabbing onto his wrist.

Billy felt his heart soften a bit. “Course we can. I’ll pick you up, same time as usual, okay?” He whispered, standing up and bending down to be face-to-face with her.

“Same time as usual.” She replied, stretching upwards to press a quick kiss to his lips.

Billy relished in the feeling, as it was the only thing that would keep him from reaching his breaking point the rest of his day. Which was almost guaranteed, heading home to Neil.

the scars

words: 1,151

tales from the great beyond

A/N: I do not claim to, nor do I own Stranger Things; the concept, characters, plot, etc.

Also, Kate is very much lying about where she got her scars from, as this is from Billy’s POV, he doesn’t know. 

If you’re wondering the origin of the head scar, refer to S1E5. It isn’t explicitly said, but when she falls, its pretty much on her face.
And the origin of the leg scar isS2E6. Thanks Dart.

It was the middle of February, the heat was cranked to max in the Hargrove house, and Kate and Billy were definitely feeling toasty wrapped up in a cocoon of blankets on Billy’s bed. The lamp was still on in the corner of the room, they had forgotten to turn it off earlier.

“Quit moving around.” Billy grumbled, his face half-buried by the pillow tucked under his cheek.

Kate huffed, kicking her legs a bit to agitate him.

He popped one eye open, finally giving her the attention she wanted. “What’s the deal?” He asked, rolling onto his back. “It’s like three in the morning-“

“And I can’t sleep.” She whispered, dramatically falling back against the pillows.

“Why is this my problem?” Billy asked, internally screaming as she sat herself upright against the wall.

“The moment you invited me over, it became a you problem.” She raised her eyebrows, tugging on the blanket.

He sighed, rolling over onto his side again and propping himself up on an elbow. “What do you want me to do about it? Should I call the sandman-“

“Let’s talk.” Kate replied, eyes flitting over the various posters hung on his wall.

“Talk? About what?”

She shrugged, still looking around at the posters.

Billy reached out with his free hand, fingers brushing over the scar on her thigh. He still remembered the night she got it.

Kate’s eyes trailed down to where his fingers touched her skin. “Remember that night?” She asked, keeping her voice low.

Billy nodded.

In hindsight, he wasn’t proud of his actions that night. It was one of the major reasons they had to keep their relationship so hush-hush; He had burned bridges with everyone that was close to Kate, all within the span of a few minutes. Steve, Mike, Lucas, and Max.

Sorry as he was, he didn’t want to forget that night. Or the way Kate looked when he had first arrived at the Byers home.

The moon was shining just right on her, illuminating her features, making her look almost angel-like. Then he idiotic brother had to stick his nose where it didn’t belong and everything went to shit from there.

He also would never forget that first kiss.

Be as it might, a form of bribery to get him to leave, it was as real a “first kiss” in their relationship, as any other first kiss Billy had ever had. Even if then, it didn’t really mean anything.

“That was a hot kiss.” He smiled coyly, knowing this would make Kate fluster. And it did, her cheeks turned pink as she remembered the night too.

“Whatever-“ She rolled her eyes, playing it off. She grabbed his hand from her leg, holding it up and examining it. “Where’d you get those?”

She was talking about the scattered white specks that decorated his hand. “Somebody dared me to break into a car.”

Kate furrowed her eyebrows, looking at him suspiciously.

Specifically, he was at a party, and the DD of his friend group had locked his keys in his car accidentally.

They tried everything they could before reaching the conclusion of breaking the window; Picking the handle lock, using a wire hanger to get into the window, etc.

It went a little something like:

“The only other way I see this happening is if we break the window open.”

“You have insurance right?”

Then Billy said “I’ll just break it with my fist.”

And all his friends looked at him like he had two heads. But all it took was one “Bet you won’t.” For him to punch his fist straight through the glass.

They immediately went to the emergency room.

“You’re serious?” She asked, finally deciding that she believed him.

“Cross my heart.” He nodded, pulling his hand from between her’s and crossing his heart.

His eyes studied her face, coming to rest on a small scar, just at the edge of her hairline on her forehead. “What’s that one from?”

Kate lifted her hand to touch it, trying to remember where it came from. “Freshman year, went to a softball game, got cracked in the head.”

Billy couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of Kate getting obliterated by a softball. “It’s actually not funny because it gave me a concussion and I had to be wheeled out in an ambulance in front of the entire softball game.”

Kate wasn’t being entirely serious, as she spoke her mouth upturned in a smile. Like she couldn’t help but laugh at herself.

“Okay, what about that one?” She asked, leaning forward and tapping his chin, where a small scar was wedged by his lower lip.

“You sure you don’t already know the answer to that one?” He asked, eyes shifting to look out the window.

Kate sighed, fidgeting a bit. “Your dad.” She answered for herself.

“Good old Neil.” Billy nodded. “One of many.”

Kate sighed again, sinking herself back down on the bed and wrapping the blankets around herself. “You ever break any bones?” She asked, laying on her side to face him.

Billy shook his head. “I sprained my wrist though once. Beat some kid up in like fifth grade, and my hand took a beating too.”

“That’s not nice!” Kate gasped, swatting at his arm.

Billy shrugged, rolling over to lay on his back. “You ever break anything? I wouldn’t be surprised, you’re like the most clumsy person I’ve ever met-“

“Oh seriously?” She scoffed, fluffing her pillow. “I’ve broken both of my ankles, three fingers, and almost my back.”

Billy whipped his head around, staring at her in disbelief. “How do you almost break your back?”

“Rope swing and shallow water.” She nodded, clicking her tongue. “I landed on my ass though, not my feet, so I kinda broke my own fall.”

Billy was torn between laughing his ass off at the thought of that scenario playing out in real life, and being genuinely concerned for her wellbeing.

“Maybe you’re right, I am kinda clumsy.” She mumbled, cuddling into his side. “Got any more fun stories to tell me?”

Billy blinked, a small smile appearing on his face. He began to recount the time he flipped off his surfboard and gave himself a black eye from hitting the fin.

And the time he tripped over Max’s Barbie Dreamhouse and not only broke it, but also the handle off his bedroom door. (From running away from his father.)

And the time that he thought it was a good idea to touch freshly-poured tar and it stuck to his hand for a week, and left a nasty scar to boot.

By the time he had finished the third story, he glanced down. Kate was fast asleep, nestled into his chest.

Billy felt warmth rise in him. But whether it was the scalding heat of the room, or the girl asleep on top of him, he would never really know.

i’ve been wondering why i feel like there was never a tangible and meaningful relationship portrayed between kate + billy

then i remember it’s because basically their entire relationship happened in my head and i never wrote about it

so this week, upcoming is:

the drawer

the scars

the close call

the car

letter 002

the hellfire club

stay tuned

if there’s one thing about kate harrington, it’s that she will never pass on an opportunity to rag on her brother

and that’s on healthy sibling relationships

i just have to say i am absolutely awful at taglists. so if you would like to be on the tag list for s4 please reply to this post!

hopefully this will help me get my shit together

just a warning: thus far “the battle at starcourt” has been my longest piece of work, clocking in at 8.4k

i just finished “the hellfire club” and it’s 9.3k…

get ready

letter 001


Everything fucking sucks.

I just verbalized that too.

You weren’t in Hawkins long enough to uncover the truth about what happens behind closed doors.

To the vast majority, Hawkins was normal. Plain as can be.

For you it was normal. Nothing spectacular.

No golden sandy beaches, or salted air. You couldn’t do any of the things you enjoyed here. So I know you know it sucks too.

But there’s so much more than a quiet little town here. Hawkins is dangerous. There are monster around every corner, and they appear when you least expect it.

And I don’t mean metaphorical monsters. I mean literal monsters. Ones made of flesh and blood, just like us. They hunt us down and take us out, every year there’s more. Nobody knows what to do, nobody can come to an answer. And those that do know what’s going on, are sworn to secrecy. So if anyone were to ever see this, I’ll be dead.

Almost three years ago, Will went missing. He was riding his bike home from the Wheeler’s, and vanished. A few days later, a body was recovered from the quarry, and everyone thought it was Will’s. But it wasn’t.

It was a decoy, set up by the Hawkins lab.

We mourned him, had a funeral, he was dead.

On the second night that Will was missing, we found a girl in the woods. It was pouring down rain, and she was in the middle of the woods, alone, and only wearing a t-shirt.

It was Eleven.

She helped us find Will, find the truth. The truth that he wasn’t actually dead.

He was somewhere in an alternate universe. Trapped and alone, and being stalked by a creature.

The creature traveled between lands, hunting us. Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, they fought the monster and scared it away.

Chief Hopper and Mrs. Byers rescued Will from the Upside Down (which is what we called the other place.)

Eleven wasn’t as lucky as the rest of us. She was young, she hadn’t been able to harness her powers to their full ability. Any overextension of herself left her drained, sometimes she could hardly walk.

But she persevered, she disintegrated the Demogorgon with no effort, but not before it dragged her back to the Upside Down with her.

We were devastated when she was gone, but she didn’t stay away for too long.

The next fall, when you moved here, things got bad again.

Will began having attacks of anxiety, he would lash out, and when he wasn’t in one of his episodes he was quiet. He didn’t speak to anyone.

He was being possessed by the Mind Flayer, another creature from the Upside Down. It had latched itself onto him when he was in the Upside Down, and knew the perfect time to make an appearance.

It unleashed an army of Demo-dogs (not fully-grown spawn of the Demogorgon). They killed Bob, Mrs. Byers’s boyfriend, one attacked me. That’s what the scar on my thigh is from. Not from a tree branch.

(And I forgot to mention that Dustin fostered a Demo-dog before it was full-grown. But then it ate his cat and escaped.)

That’s why the Hawkins lab is condemned. It was a blood-bath.

But El came back. She used her powers to close the gate between worlds, and finally we were safe again.

Everything happened right under your nose and you had no idea.

I should’ve told you. I should’ve kept you safe.

There was so much more I could’ve done.

Then came the summer. The happiest time in my life. This wasn’t how it was supposed to end.

We were supposed to be tackling senior year together. You should be playing your senior basketball season. You should be graduating this spring. You should be here.

As far as we know, you were possessed by the same thing Will was. The Mind Flayer.

But it didn’t use you, like it used Will. It destroyed you. It wore you down until you were nothing but a pile of blood and bones. No life, no joy, no future.

It made you do irreversible things. You killed people. You killed so many people.

And just when you had finally escaped, when you’d clawed your way to the surface, it broke you.

You are a hero, solidifying your fate. The moment you stood up to the creature, there was no other way out, except death.

And it really isn’t fair.

It’s not fair to have to go through this life without you. It’s not fair for you to be alone. You should be with the people you love, you should be here.

I didn’t attend your funeral.

I can hardly get out of bed.

I don’t eat, I don’t do much of anything.

I just think.

Thinking about what could’ve been. What should’ve been. All the things we said we were going to do, tossed into the fire and turned to ashes.

My parents are making me see a therapist.

I guess I’ve worried my brother enough that he felt it necessary to call in reinforcements. And after a grueling intervention, I agreed, although I don’t think it’s going to help.

So I’m writing this letter to you, in attempts to “give myself some closure.” To try and get over you. To try to make it go away.

It doesn’t seem to be working.



hey!this is based off this song! sorry i kind of disappeared off the face of the planet. i dunno what happened, i think maybe i just needed some time away, plus i’ve been really struggling with writing. but this is something from ages ago that i’ve found in my drafts, so i hope you all like it! 

27 small wooden panels on the wall. 

Four wall length lights, one in each corner. 

Two smaller lights, shining directly onto you and Steve and making you sweat more than you already are. 

307 minutes since Steve was dropped in here, lifeless and bleeding and it feels like he’s barely taken ten full breaths. You can only hear him wheezing, that horrible, strangled wheezing that you’re never ever going to forget. 

You’re running out of ideas now. You tried fighting back and it just ended in you getting a black eye and a bloody nose. You tried shouting, but it’s just made your throat sore and scratchy. You’ve tried getting free, but it’s just cut up your arms and made you even more exhausted. 

The only thing left to do is cry and hope that somebody, somewhere is on their way to save you. That somehow, Hopper or Joyce know where you are, maybe Dustin, Erica and Robin got out and they’ve told someone and now everyone is coming to get you. 

Or even better, you’re gonna wake up, and you’ll be covered in sweat, but you’ll see Steve and Robin at work and the only scary thing that you’ll have to deal with is the hoard of aerobic moms wanting ice cream before they have to go deal with their bratty kids and distant husbands. 

“Please Steve, please wake up.” You sob, the realisation that this is the end finally hitting you. You don’t want to die alone. “Steve!” You yell out of pure frustration and throw your body against his. He groans and you suddenly stop, whipping your head around in an attempt to see him. 

“Ow.” He huffs. “Quite you’re yelling will you, I have a headache.” 

“Oh my God.” You let out a sigh of relief and tears roll down your cheeks as you lean your head against his shoulder. He bumps his own head against yours and you force yourself to stop crying. Steve’s alive and that’s good enough for you at the minute. “You have no idea how happy I am to hear you bitch and whine.” You laugh and he huffs in reply. “How are you feeling?” 

“Shit.” He replies making you snort a laugh. 

“Yeah.” You nod. “You look like it too.” 

“Thanks.” He chuckles. 

“But lucky for you, they’re getting you a doctor, although they’ve been gone for hours so, maybe he’s flying over from Russia.” 

“Yay.” He deadpans. “Can’t wait to meet him.” He adds and the two of you fall silent. You strain your hands against the restraints, wiggling a little until you manage to grab his hand and he squeezes it. 

His head falls onto your shoulder and you join him, the two of you staring up at the metal ceiling and silently counting down the minutes until your timer runs out. 

“Can you believe that this is where it ends.” You laugh, but there’s nothing funny about it. It’s pathetic really, laced with sadness and disappointment and thinly veiled fear. Steve opens his mouth to say something comforting, but there’s only so many times he can say that you’ll be okay, before you stop believing him, and he has a feeling that this is the time. 

He thinks back to three years ago, and the fear he felt back then. It was overruled by adrenaline and confusion, but now he’s running thin on everything apart from terror. And as he listens to you quietly cry beside him, your hot tears dampening his cheeks and his own joining in, he thinks back to before he knew about the upside down and secret Russians. 

He thinks back to when the two of you were kids. Real, loud, carefree kids. Who’s only worries were homework and unfair teachers. He wishes he could go back to that time, he would give anything to bike around Hawkins with you following. The two of you getting lost in the woods while creating your own worlds, that had nothing to do with the death and destruction that you would face later on in life. 

“Do you remember days on our old block?” He asks out of nowhere and you sit up, a little surprised. 

“Messing with our neighbours who called the cops?” You ask and he laughs, nodding as he remembers how scared you were as the two of you ran back to his house and hid in his dad’s office.

“You and me could get away with anything back then.” 

“No.” You argue. “You could, I just got away with it by proxy.” You say and you can feel him roll his eyes at you. “But being friends with The Harrington’s son, The King of Hawkins High had its perks I suppose.” You shrug. 

“Yeah, you’ve got to be friends with me.” He says. “Friends until we die remember, you promised.” He adds, his tone becoming a lot sadder and a watery smile pulls at your lips when you remember where you are. 

“I would have tried to make more friends if I’d known I would have been stuck with you.” You try to lighten the mood and he tries to laugh, but it sounds more like a strangled sob and suddenly your cries can no longer stay silent…hidden. 

Steve’s shoulders shake and you join in, the two of you accepting your fate together. 

“There is no one else I’d rather die beside.” You whisper and he stops momentarily. 

“That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.” 

“That’s not true!” You argue, despite the fact that you’re still sobbing. “I’ve said so many nice things to you over the years. Remember that one time, we lay on the grass all day, just talking and I said some really nice things that I can’t quite remember at this time.” You say and think back to all the days spent on fields talking about what your plans for the future were and shyly brushing your fingers against his while trying to hide the fact that the contact made your cheeks hotter than the sun that was beating down on you. 

He remembers those days, he remembers all the times he almost kissed you, all the times he wanted to brush the hair from your face and feel your lips against his. 

“I really don’t know how we got away with that.” You say, shaking your head and small huff escapes your lips. Your let your head drop and stare down at your stained. In all honestly, the blood and dirt make them look better. 

“I’m a Harrington…remember.” He replies, cringing as soon as the words pass his lips and you let out a loud groan at his words. “I’ve been feeling really strange lately.” He says and you furrow your eyebrows. 

“Really?” You ask. “Do you think that has anything to do with the fact that we’re tied to some chairs in a secret Russian base, waiting for death?” You can feel him rolls his eyes and he forces a laugh before continuing with whatever nonsense he’s talking about. 

“No, not that. I dunno, it’s just everybody has been telling me to act my age. Especially my dad, and especially because I’m not going to college. He says I need to grow up and act like a man, but well, if he could see me now I’m sure he would be so fucking proud.” You wince at his words and your heart aches as you hear the hurt shining through the anger. “I think back to three years ago, and yeah, I was a dick, but I never thought everything I had would fade. I mean look at me, I’m pathetic. Covered in dirt, blood, snot, tied to a chair with a girl I’ve been too much of a pussy to say how I really feel about her, and now I’ll never get the chance. I was The King back then, now look at me.” He finishes his rant and you chew on your bottom lip while trying to hold back tears. 

“Steve.” You start, your voice shaky as you strain to hold his hand again. “You are so far from pathetic, you have no idea. I look at you, and I’m just amazed at how much you’ve grown. I’ve always loved you, you know that. But the you that you are now, the you that I’ve always known, is by far my favourite. Because he’s kind and smart and he would do anything for his friends, and he makes me feel safe, even when I’m facing almost certain death.” 

He shakes his head, and his breathing shakes and rattles around in his ribcage, forcing you to continue speaking. 

“Sometimes, I just look at our street and wonder where the hell everybody went.” You sigh, thinking about just how empty Hawkins has become over the years. Whether they’ve moved, died or disappeared, the population of Hawkins has been dwindling, the places that you and your friends made countless of memories in, now empty, abandoned, which is rather fitting to the way you’ve been feeling recently. 

“Probably snatched into the upside down.” He huffs and you roll your eyes at his bluntness. “We were so dumb when we were kids weren’t we. We didn’t know how it would be, we were so fucking stupid.” 

“Yeah.” You laugh.

“You said almost certain death, I think even by our standards this is certain death. So why did you say almost?” 

“Because, I have waited so many years for you to say that you liked me back, and if you think I’m gonna let something minor like death get in the way of going on a date with you, then you’re out of your damn mind.” You say, still crying and he chuckles. 

“Fair enough.” He adds, happy tears rolling down his cheeks as he lets himself think of a future where you’re not stuck in this room.

A future, where you can put all of this behind you. And he’ll pick you up and compliment you but his words will get all mixed up and you’ll laugh and kiss his cheek. He’ll give you the flowers he bought and your face will light up while the two of you walk towards his car. He’ll open the door for you and then drive the two of you to that restaurant Hopper was supposed to take Joyce to, although hopefully your date will end better. You’ll laugh at his stupid jokes and he’ll feel his cheeks hurt from how much he’s smiling back at you. And when he walks you home, you’ll kiss him, the way he’s been dreaming of, and that’ll be the beginning of the rest of your lives. 

“We’ll be okay.” He says one last time and squeezes your hand tightly. The door creaks open and the two of you watch as men filter in. “I promise.” 

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hey!i had so much fun writing this!! usually i hate writing angst with gays because well, who wants gays to be sad? but this, i quite enjoyed! first part and it’s based off thissong! 

Robin groans as she stumbles sleepily to the front door, and a string of curses slip from her lips when she trips over a pair of shoes that she doesn’t even remember kicking off. 

She steadies herself on the wooden door and tries to blink some of the exhaustion out of her eyes but it does nothing. She hasn’t been able to sleep properly for the past two weeks, ever since when went back to you after promising herself it was the last time. 

She thinks of your lips when kissing her, she imagines it’s you lying beside her instead of the girl that’s really there. And every time she looks at her, she feels her heart sink deeper and deeper, one day it’s going to settle in her stomach and she’s not sure she’ll ever be able to fix it. 

“Robin!” She’s instantly awake when she hears your voice on the other side of the door, and your mid knock when she swings the door open, throwing quick glances down the corridor in case any of her nosy neighbours decide to see what’s going on and pulling you inside. 

You gasp, and then a smirk pulls at your lips as she pins you against the wall. 

“What are you doing here?” She snaps, and the smirk drops. You look up at her and she sighs when you can’t quite look her in the eye. You’re drunk, of course. 

She doesn’t know how she didn’t smell the alcohol straight away, cheap beer and cherry. It’s not the best combination and you’re definitely gonna regret it in the morning and the smell makes her gag a little before staring straight at you again. 

“I came to see you.” You smile and boop her nose, the flicker of self doubt seems to have passed, either that or you’ve just forgotten how angry she seemed seconds ago. And now you’re back to grinning at her, a lopsided warm smile that tugs Robin’s heart further into an abys. 

“I said, no more.” She says sternly, but the hard expression on her face flickers as she looks you up and down. Your dress is short and crinkled, but it’s the one she met you in and she has to force herself to look away. Instead she settles on your face, your makeup smudged, dark circles around your eyes from the mascara that you rubbed off in the taxi over here, well that and the crying. 

“You always say that.” You shrug and kick your heel off, gently pushing her away from you and stumbling into the kitchen. She pinches the bridge of her nose and takes a deep breath, she really can’t deal with this now. 

How is she supposed to choose between you and her, it’s simple really, she knows who she wants, or at least she thinks she does. But every time she finds herself wandering dangerously close to saying those three small words that hold so much meaning, she finds herself running back to the other one, too afraid to actually commit. 

A loud smash pulls her from her thoughts and she runs into the kitchen, her eyes wide as she see’s you standing with broken glass around your feet. You look back at her, and try to smile as innocently as you can, making her just huff before she bends down to clean the three month out of date pickles off the floor. 

You bend down to help, but she smacks your hands away and you pout before pulling yourself to sit on the counter, a bottle of wine in your hand and you watch with a warm smile as she picks up glass and pickles. 

“You’re cute when you’re angry.” You say casually and she pauses for a second, the compliment causing an unwelcome blush to spread over her cheeks. 

“I’m not angry.” She says, her voice low and you send her a pointed look, despite her back being to you. 

“You’re about to beeee.” You sing and she turns around to face you, an eyebrow raised and a bag full of glass in her hand. 

“Why?” She sighs and you watch her move around the kitchen. The bag goes in the bin, kitchen roll goes on the floor to soak up the pickle juice and you frown. 

“You don’t like pickles, why do you have a jar of them?” 

“Julia likes them.” She shrugs, trying so hard to seem casual about it, but when your eyebrows raise and you give her a look she rolls her eyes and turns around, trying to busy herself with something else. She can’t stand to see you’re judging face, it’s your worst face.

“Wow, it must be getting serious, leaving pickles at each other’s places.” You tease and she shakes her head while handing you a glass of water. 

“I don’t leave pickles at her house.” She replies and you snort a laugh. “Anyway, why am I gonna be angry?” 

“I kissed someone.” You whisper, your eyes shining and she feels her heart sink. Yep, it’s officially hit rock bottom. “And it wasn’t you.” You add and her face goes slack. 

“Good for you.” She replies, deciding that right now is the best time to do the dishes she’s been putting off for the past few days. 

She runs the tap as fast as she can, trying to drown out your drunk ramblings, but still some of them make their way through and she hears you talk about how you leaned in, how you didn’t feel anything and how it didn’t feel like you.

She bites her lip at the last part, trying to stop the sadness from spreading over her entire face. She’s not happy that her eyes a blurring with tears, so there’s no way she’s gonna frown. She hums in response, trying to act as casually as she can while washing a plate. 

“I kissed someone.” You repeat, your tone giddy and she forces herself to look at you, she really wishes she hadn’t. Because as soon as the two of you make eye contact, your expression hardens. The smile drops and your eyes become cold and distant. “Because it’s fair.” 

Robin didn’t think she could feel any worse than she already does, but with those three words, she finds a whole new level of guilt and so she drops your gaze and turns back to face the sink, a shaky breath escaping her lips as she tries to stop the tears threatening to spill. 

“Why am I even telling you? It’s not like you care. You’ve already got someone, you have done for months, this is like everyday for you. Are you hurt?” You ask and jump off the counter. 

You walk towards her, already more stable than you were when you first turned up and suddenly she feels you beside her. The warmth from your body makes her blush and her breath hitches when she feels your breath fan against her face. 

“Beg for who.” You lean in and whisper, making goosebumps erupt all across her body. There’s a few seconds of silence between the two of you, the tension building as you stay close to her, but just as Robin is about to say something she’ll probably regret, you interrupt. 

“Put me in a car, I wanna go home.” You say quietly, and Robin picks up on the quiet sobs escaping your lips as you stumble towards the front door, picking your shoes up as you go. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come here.” 

“It’s fine, Y/n. But please stay, it’s really late and I don’t want you to get hurt.” She tries but you brush her away, leaning against the door so you can put your shoes on. 

“No, it’s fine. I wanna go home.” You argue and open the door. She follows you outside, making sure to stay a few steps behind you so you can have some space.

She watches with a pained expression as you stumble and shiver and wipe the tears from your face, and the only thing she can think of is, how could it be anyone but you?

She helps you into a cab, and as she’s about to close the door, you cling on to her arm a desperate look in your eyes. 

“Kiss me.” You sound pathetic, you know you do and when Robin hesitates it makes you feel even worse. The taxi driver is trying her best not to seem annoyed by the waiting around, but you shrug her off and focus only on Robin. “One last time.” 

She leans in, like she’s supposed and you follow, your heartbeat increasing and hers slowing. Her lips brush yours before she kisses you properly and it’s nothing but desperate. She’s not sure what she’s desperate for, for you to stay, for you to still want her, she doesn’t know.

And when she pulls away, the taste of alcohol being the only trace of you on her lips, you sigh and slam the door closed, leaving her standing alone on the side of the road. 

It’s what you waited for, one last goodbye, but it just made you miss her more.

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Reality Bites: Dazed & Confused Masterlist

Summary:Aliens may not be real, but Steve Harrington kissing your anxieties away is very, very real. Passionate. Lipstick smeared kisses. Dreamy.

Pairing:Steve Harrington x Plus Sized Reader

Warnings:Huge amounts of cannibas use. Smut. Cursing. General debauchery. Heavy on the Angst, light horror. Teenage girl hell.

A/N:This joint story has been our baby, and we’re so excited to finally let you guys into the lives of Princess Peach and Jelly Bean. To find the sister of D&C- head over to @allaboardthereadingrailroad page! Cruel Summer’s Masterlist is out now!

Tunes to Dissociate to/ Dazed Playlist✨


All Chapters are already completed and will be posted on a schedule!

= Smut!

Chapter One: Opening Time Down on Fascination Street6/29

Chapter Two: He’s a Magic Man 7/06

(Drabble-ish)You Spin Me Right Round, Baby7/08

Chapter Three: As the World Falls Down 7/13

Chapter Four: Love Will Tear Us Apart, Again7/20

Chapter Five: There is a Light That Never Goes Out 7/26

Taglist is now OPEN

Jonathan Byers x Reader
Warnings: none
WC: 1050


Summary: Jonathan and Reader get kind of awkward in Christmas time after confessing to each other.


Note: I binge watched stranger things and I’m such Jonathan trash…I love that sweet pumpkin so much. Here is a small drabble of him. This doesn’t necessarily follow the stranger things plot…but eh. If you want more Jonathan, please read over the rules and leave a request! Feedback would be great ♥


You nervously stood in front of the Byers household, debating if you should knock. The presents in your arms were starting to tire you, so you gathered all the courage to knock. Before you can raise an arm to knock, the door flew open revealing the eldest of the two Byers siblings. Jonathan let out a small gasp at the sight of you and his gaze quickly fell to his feet.

“(Name), I didn’t expect you to come.” His voice wavered a little, but you dismissed that.

“Of course, I couldn’t let down your invitation to come over. Especially when it’s you.” You said the last part in a murmur, hoping he didn’t catch that. His mouth twitched up in a smile and he looked up at you, noticing the presents in your arms.

“Let me help you with that.” He reached for the presents and you were left empty handed. Jonathan opened the door wider for you to come in and you slowly made your way in. The house smelled exactly like him. It was a welcoming smell. He placed the presents under the tree and he stood there with hands in his pockets. His mom came into the living room, face lighting up at the sight of you.

“(Name)! Sweetie, it is so good to see you!” Joyce instantly had her arms around you, hugging you tightly. You returned the affection telling her it was great to see her also.

“Jonathan was getting nervous he wasn’t going to see you today.” Joyce nudged your side.

“Mom!” Jonathan exclaimed, while hiding his face. You blushed, but chuckled at his embarrassment. He was too cute for words.

“Is Will here?” You asked, looking around for the boy.

“Actually, Jonathan was about to go pick him up from the Wheeler’s house. Go with him, I’ll have the food ready by the time you three come back.” She patted your arm and made her way to the kitchen. Jonathan glanced up at you and you gestured for you two to go. He nodded and walked to the door motioning you to follow him. You two made it to his car and there was no exchange of words until he drove to the main road.

“I hope you like the present I got you.” You awkwardly started.

“I-I also got you something.” He shyly glanced at you and then back to the road.

Ever since you two confessed to each other about your feelings, it has become awkward. You both were nervous on how to have a step further in a relationship, in which you two haven’t experienced. Joyce took notice of both your behaviors and always teased you two. Having been friends since elementary, being this quiet was strange.

You two arrived at the Wheeler’s household, both getting off to greet them. Steve opened the door, surprising you.

“Harrington?” You questioned.

“Hey, (Name)…and Jonathan.” He pointed at the two of you with a suggestive smirk. You rolled your eyes, pushing him aside. His childish ways will never die. Nancy came to view and smiled warmly at you.

“Hey, Nance!” You ran to hug her and whispered, “Should’ve left Steve.” You laughed at her expression when you pulled away. She punched your arm and gave in to the laughing fit.

“I don’t know what you two are laughing about, but I’m going to go back and talk to my father-in-law.” Steve walked away winking at Nancy. You shook your head at his non-sense. Jonathan slid past you to get Will and you stayed with Nancy.

“So…how are things with Jon?” Nancy wiggled her eyebrows.

“Oh, not you too!” You covered a small laugh and playfully glared at her.

“Hey, you haven’t updated since the confession.” She shrugged.

“How about I update you on new years?” You said, holding her small shoulders. Nancy frowned, wanting more dish on your relationship with Jonathan. Speaking about him, he bid goodbye to Nancy’s parents and Will right behind him.

“Tell your parents I said Merry Christmas! I’ll see you all on New Years.” You rubbed her shoulders and waved goodbye. She waved at the three of you and closed the door after you all left.

“Will! My little munchkin, how did the game go?” You asked the twelve-year-old. He smiled up at you and rambled on his game with the boys. You carefully listened and made little comments here and there. You loved this boy to death. Jonathan listened to the whole thing, trying to focus on driving home. When you two got to the house, Jonathan told Will to go in and help his mom. Will agreed and got off the car leaving you and Jonathan alone.

“(Name), I actually your present here with me.” You saw him reach for something in his pocket, revealing a small box. He quickly handed it to you, motioning you to open it. You slowly started unwrapping the small box and it unveiled a necklace with a heart. You gasped and look up at him. He shyly looked your way, hoping you liked it.

“Jonathan…” You were speechless. He beamed at your reaction and quickly took a hold of the necklace, wanting you to wear it already. You turned away, holding your hair allowing him to put it on. Once it clipped, you let your hair down and studied the beautiful necklace. You turned around to face him and instantaneously hugged him.

“Thank you, I love it so much.” You told him and pulled away, arms still around him. He didn’t have time to say something before you placed a kiss on his lips. Jonathan jumped in astonishment, but soon melted into the kiss. He couldn’t fully enjoy the kiss before you pulled away, smiling at him.

“Thank you.”

He liked the way your lips felt and he leaned in for another kiss. You didn’t stop him and you kept giving him pecks on the lips.

“Let’s go inside before your mom and Will start worrying.” You giggled at his pouting face.

When you two arrived inside, Joyce and Will stared at you two knowingly.

“Alright, lovebirds. Dinner is ready.” Joyce raised an eyebrow at you two. You gave a nervous glance at Jonathan and you both let out a small laugh.

It was going to be a great Christmas.
