#stray kids blurb


blurbs / hyung line

idols: hyung line × reader

genre:super kjut




chan?”, you croaked out while poking his puffy cheek.

“yes, babygirl.”

“are you asleep?”, you whispered to him.

“i mean it’s 2am, what do you think?.”, he laughed tiredly as you hit his chest playfully.

“what’s wrong, you okay?”, his eyes were locked with yours before he gently wipes a few hair strands out of your face.

“i can’t sleep.”, you then admit, caressing his cheek.

“is it the stress?”, he asked and you only nodded.

but then he pulled you more into his chest to give you a big hug. “that’s okay my babygirl, you work a lot, it’s fine yeah?”

“yeah, it’s okay.”, you mumbled against his neck. “thank you.”, you continued and kissed the spot softly.

“how about we watch a movie? i guess we could fall asleep from it.”, chan suggests and you immediately agreed.

“i love you.”, were the words you told him before you pushed your lips against his in a loving kiss.


“good morning.”, you rumbled as you entered the bathroom where woojin was changing.

“wanna hug.”, you then mumbled before hugging his torso.

“you look tired. go back to bed and rest a bit babe.”, woojin said before ruffling your hair and pecking your head.

“but i wanna spend some time with you before you leave.”, you whined and hugged him even closer to your freezing body.

“you’re cute, but you do so much, i want you to rest.”, woojin replied while cupping your puffy morning cheeks.

“i want cuddles.”, you whispered out of the blue and he could only smile at your tired and exhausted state.

“then let me get ready real quick and then we’ll cuddle before i go, okay?” you nodded.

you huddled back to bed and tangled into the sheets, but right before you realized, you were back asleep.

whenwoojin got out of the bathroom, he chuckled, of course you fell asleep. you were so stressed these days and all he wanted was you to rest and sleep enough.

he made his way towards your peaceful sleeping body and sat beside you while stroking your hair lightly. he admired you for a bit, but then noticed he was going to be late for today’s practice. 

“good night, my angel.”


“you comfortable?”, minho asked while adjusting himself.

“yeah, more than that.”, you quietly said, looking up at him lovingly.

“i missed you.”, you told him.

“i missed you too, so so much.”, minho admit, coming closer to your face by each second passing by, and before you knew it, he was kissing you passionately. he pulled away and you rested your head onto his chest.

“are you okay?”, he then asked, noticing your rather stressful sigh.

“it’s just getting too much right now, you know work and stuff. i want to be able to see you more often.”, you pouted.

“that would be great, but soon it’s christmas. i promise to spend a lot of time with you, my babygirl.”

“that means you would stay for the nights?”, you smiled at him.

“if you want me to, then i will.”, he giggled.

“i love you.”

“i love you more, y/n.


both of you were quiet as you relaxed to the sound of sizzling fire and cracking wood. it was really late at night but you and changbin decided to enjoy the dim and warm atmosphere.

"you tired?”, changbinasked.

“yeah, a little bit, but i like this.”, you giggled at yourself. “what about you?”

“i like this as well, but i’m really tired.”, he yawned.

“that’s okay.”, you smiled, brushing your thumb against his cheek. “do you wanna sleep here or in bed?”, you continued.

“here, it’s comfortable.”, he took a deep breath, smelling your sweet scent.

“i’ll get a blanket and a big pillow.”, you stood up from the couch, kissed his cheek and left the living room. meanwhile, changbin was readjusting the couch, making it from a couch to a small bed.

you came back and handed him the bed sheets and pillows. you turned out all the lights in your apartment before joining him to sleep.

“good night my baby.”, changbinwhispered.

he was back hugging you, all cuddled up into your neck while caressing your hand gently. and eventually both of you fell asleep.

29-“This is a terrible idea.”

“Do you want to go home?”

“Hell no! This is the most fun I’ve had in years!”

{8:38 pm}

This was soooooo not going to end well. Why were my friends so DUMB? I’m not ready to go to jail!

But too bad for me that my friends were convincing and quote unquote called me a “party pooper” so here we are. 

I sighed staring at the black material in my hands. I slipped it over my head, briefly obstructing my vision before I was ready to go. My hair was hidden under the material that matched the rest of my clothing. With a deep breath I stepped out of the van…yeah I said vAN. 

The entire thing would end with us probably in jail and I was starting to regret this so hard. “This is a terrible idea!” I shouted at my friends as we all dived head first into the van rushing to get outta there.

“ThIS Is A TeRrIbLe iDeA.” Jisung mimicked me smirking. I glared at him not impressed. 

“Guys! This is serious we could get into huge trouble for this!”

“Oh come on y/n where is your sense of adventure?” Chan teased.

Do you want to go home?” Minho asked me holding my hands. 

I thought about it. Yeah it was a bad idea and we could have serious consequences, but I was actually having fun and didn’t want to ruin the boys’ fun too. 

“You know what. Not only no, but hell no! This is the most fun I’ve had in years!” I smiled wider when I saw Minho begin to grin too.

“Then come on we’ve got four bags full of money, a full tank of gas, and an empty road!” Minho grinned widely pulling me to the sunroof and shouting in joy. 

“Does this mean we are obligated to make more bad decisions tonight?” Jisung asked smirking. 

“Tonight we are young, wild, and free. Let’s make the most of it!” Chan hollered flooring the gas pedal.

2 - “Why is there a duckling floating in the bathtub?” - girl rescues a duckling from side of the road and brings in home. Bf discovers it and they become duck parents.

{2:32 pm}

Chan was utterly so grateful for the break they were given. With promotions going on the boys had been working left and right, day and night. Luckily the company had seen how hard they had been working and decided to give them a well deserved break. 

Chan was just ready to go home to cuddle his girlfriend and maybe take her out to dinner as a date and a thank you for her being so understanding. What he didn’t expect to find was a suspiciously quiet house. He slipped his shoes off and shuffled through the living room and kitchen and found them empty. Next he tried the bedroom and as soon as he stepped foot into the room he heard the unmistakable sound of the tub faucet turning off. 

He smiled softly happy that his girlfriend was home. He softly knocked on the door expecting her to reply, but all he heard was a gasp and shuffling. The door slid open and she looked suspicious as she wasn’t letting him see inside the bathroom. 

“H-hey babe you’re home early…” She smiled sheepishly. 

Chan narrowed his eyes at her. “Hi baby. Whatcha doing?”

She stared up at him grinning trying to slip out of the bathroom without him seeing in. “Oh you know just…chilling?” It came off as more of a question which piqued his interest even more.

Chan raised his eyebrow. “Uh huh. What’s in the bathroom babe?”

Her eyes widened and she quickly stepped out and shut the door not letting him see inside. “What are you hiding?” Chan teased stepping closer. 

“N-nothing! There is definitely nothing in the bathroom and we should leave it be.” She knew she just revealed way too much info.

Chan smirked hand reaching around her frame for the doorknob, while his other arm snaked around her waist to tug her to the side. “Then you wouldn’t mind if I looked inside!” In one swift motion Chan had moved her out of the way and slid the door open.

Silence. Blinking. More silence.

“Baby?” Chan called for her. “Why is there a duckling floating in the bathtub?”

“Funny story actually. I may have saw it on the side of the road and I couldn’t just let it stay there to die so I rescued it….surprise?” She smiled sheepishly hoping he wouldn’t be angry.

Chan blinked at his girlfriend before he slowly began to grin widely. “You are so lucky that I love you. Come on we can’t be duck parents unless you introduce me!”

{1:25 am}

Why am I still awake one may ask. The answer? Two words. Comeback season. It wasn’t me who was having said comeback, but my boyfriend. He worked so hard for every single song and album and this time was no different. He would slave away in his studio for hours on end. Did I mention he would ‘conveniently’ be so busy and invested in his work that he forgot to eat? 

Yeah that happened more times than I’d like to admit, but as a good s/o I made it my job to bring him a hot meal and my love. It’s solely for his health…and the fact that I missed him too. 

The weather outside wasn’t too bad, which surprised me. But the studio? It could rival with Antarctica for how cold it was. I shivered plopping down into a chair next to Chan as he happily ate the take out I brought for him. 

“Are you cold baby?” Chan asked taking note of my shivering figure. I tried protesting, but he saw right through me. 

Chan rolled his eyes playfully before standing up and forcing me to do the same. He physically wrapped me in the fluffy blanket resting in the spare chair. Once he was satisfied, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his lap. 

He thanked me for the meal before he began to work on yet another song. He hit keys on the keyboard testing how they sounded with one another. Unfortunately for him I was feeling a bit mischievous. Each time he’d pause to interpret the notes I’d hit a key on the opposite end of the keyboard and gauge his reaction.

He would eye me, but not do a thing. I waited a minute and decided to do it again. He narrowed his eyes and huffed, but I could see the smile threatening on his lips.

“Babygirl.” Chan muttered the pet name in a warning tone. I just wanted to see how far I could go with this so I slowly reached for the highest pitched key I could and pressed it, not breaking eye contact. 

“Now you’ve asked for it.” He mercilessly danced his fingers over my sides, easily holding me down. I squealed trying to squirm away, but that only encouraged him to place kisses all over my neck. Another ticklish spot for me.

I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. “Chan. Chan please! Have mercy!”

He grinned eventually giving in, but not before he blew a raspberry into my neck as one final payback. His fingers finally stopped their torture and rested around my waist. He pulled me closer nuzzling into my neck yawning. 

“You should rest baby.” I whispered turning to look up at him.  Chan hummed tapping my thigh, a signal for me to stand up. As I stood up he followed and I soon found myself on the sofa with him cuddled into my chest. 

“Let’s stay like this for a bit baby.” He whispered burying his face into my neck and relaxing. I smiled playing with his hair knowing full well that he would be fast asleep within minutes. 

Chan nuzzled closer to me, his breathing evening out. Yes comeback season was hard, but at least I was there to make sure he stayed healthy. I let my eyes flutter closed and joined my hardworking boyfriend in dreamland. 

You pass by the living room and see Seungmin smiling discreetly at his phone. You got curious because the boy wasn’t even typing anything, he was just staring at his screen. Walking on your tiptoes, you stopped by his side and peeked at his phone. At first you didn’t understand much of what you saw, but in a flash the memories of last weekend flooded your mind and you suddenly remembered the pictures you and Stray Kids took while celebrating Jeongin’s birthday. Seungmin was specifically staring at one in which you were smiling widely to the camera while his arm hugged your waist tightly, pressing you against his body. It was the first time he got a bit more physically affectionate with you since you two met, and to be honest you liked a lot seeing this new side of him.
“Admiring the view?” you poked him and smirked seeing his surprised expression.
“Hm, yeah…” he said scrolling to the next picture, the one being a blurry selfie of Seungmin and you at the end of the night, both already spent after having so much fun together.
“I don’t know why but I can’t stop staring at us. We’d make such a cute couple” Seugnmin confessed quietly, but still loud enough for you to hear and blush a little.
“Are you flirting with me, Mr. Kim Seungmin?” you asked in a teasing tone, and even though his ears were completely red by now, he turned to look at you and smile.
“Yeah, I am. Are you okay with it?” your heart fluttered. Seungmin is always so considerate of you and your feelings that sometimes you think he’s literally an angel.
“I’m more than okay” you returned his smile and pecked his cheek.
