#drabble game


requested by @coppertopging​ : Jackson + aphrodisiac

Part of the anniversary drabbles!
Author: Admin E
Word Count: 1405

‘Hey Jacky, i’m home!’, you yelled as you slipped out of your shoes, your hand leaning against the hallway wall of your shared apartment for balance. You felt a bit drained from a long day at work until suddenly a delicious smell caught your attention.

You shuffled towards the place effusing the aroma that was curling into your nostrils, only to find your boyfriend in an apron and pottering around the kitchen. You leaned against the doorframe as you watched him reading a recipe out of one of the cooking books you got from your mom when you and Jackson decided to move in together. He was so concentrated he didn’t even notice you getting home.

You cleared your throat not so subtly so he’d snap out of his cooking bubble and find you watching him with an amused grin plastered on your face.

‘Oh? ____-, i didn’t hear you coming in baby!’

The wide, genuine smile you adored so much spread across his handsome face as he dropped everything to walk over to you an give you a proper greeting by pulling you into his strong arms and lovingly placing a kiss on your lips.

‘What’s all this for?’, you asked him curiously.

Jackson scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion as he leaned back to see your face, his arms still around your waist.

‘What do you mean what’s this for?’

‘Well you usually don’t c-‘

You stopped right in the middle of your sentence. Oh no. You didn’t forget another anniversary, did you? That’d be disastrous! You shuddered when you remembered the last time you forgot an important date… You bit your lip in agony as you waited for his reaction, but a very overexaggerated pout was the only thing that followed. That wasn’t too bad, right? Nothing like being tied to the bed and being denied orgasm after orgasm after orgasm for the rest of the night. Never again do you want to experience such torture.

‘Can’t i do something nice for my lady just because i want to?’, he sulked as he looked at you with those bright puppy eyes.

‘Ahw baby ofcourse!’, you cooed as you pinched his cheeks before pecking a quick kiss on his pouty lips. ‘You’re so sweet!’

‘Well yeah! ‘Cause that’s just the man i am, you know. You’re so lucky to have me as a boyfriend, doing all that stuff spontaneously without any hidden motives, i’m the be-‘

You silenced him with a finger on his lips so he’d stop talking for a second.

‘Okay. What’s your deal Jackson, spill it.’

‘Deal? What deal? I really am just doing this to spoil my pretty princess.’, he kept looking at you all innocently like that, big eyes, puffy cheeks, pouty lips. Yeah, he was definitely up to something.

You rolled your eyes and snorted as he skipped towards the kitchen again, pulled out a big plate out of the fridge and handed you a glass of red wine.

You took a sip as you leaned against the counter and watched him carefully.

‘Seriously Jackson, what are you up to?’

‘Me? Nothing babe, i swear. Here, have an oyster!’, he exclaimed excitedly, picking up the giant plate and holding it in front of your nose. Oysters. No kidding.

‘You…You bought oysters? Do we eat that? How do we eat that?’

‘Uhh…I’m not sure myself…I heard you need to do it like this, hold on.’

He put down his glass of wine to crack one open, revealing a blubbery mollusk inside the shell. You both stared at it with an unsure expression.

‘Okay, so…You need to get it loose from the shell…like this…and then gulp it down in one go.’

He brought the shell to his lips and let the blubber slide inside of his mouth. His eyes immediately widened and you could swear you saw him turning pale.

You slapped your hands over your mouth to keep yourself from bursting out in laughter when his expression continued to grow in horror.

‘How-how does it taste babe?’, your voice trembled as you tried your best to hold down a snicker.

Jackson kept chewing and turning the oyster around in his mouth and he looked like he wanted to throw up.

‘Delicious. S-so good.’, he managed to choke out inbetween disgusted gags.

‘Really? In that case i think you should have another one.’, you kept grinning as you started to crack open another shell.

You were having way too much fun with this. It’s his own fault for being such a bluff.

‘N-not necess-hmp!’, he smashed his hand in front of his mouth, trying to stifle another gag, but it was no use.

He ran towards the sink to immediately spit out the chawed oyster and yell ‘Gross!’.

You blinked innocently at him this time. ‘What’s wrong baby? Weren’t they that delicious after all?’

He glared at you for a moment before looking at the full plate of oysters laying, waiting in a mountain of ice.

‘Won’t you try one?’, he asked you hopefully, putting on his best puppyface for you again.

‘I think i’ll pass.’

He sighed in regret.

‘These were so expensive… I thought they’d be delicious, why else would they cost that much?! How can people enjoy those?’

You laughed and patted your boyfriend on the crest of his head. He looked adorable sulking like that.

‘Well, you tried. But why buy them if you don’t know whether we’d like it?’

His pout vanished immediately, making place for an alerted expression.

‘No reason! Just…wanted to try it sometime. Guess that one flopped huh, my bad haha.’

You furrowed your brows in suspicion again.

‘Jackson, you’re acting weird. I mean, you’re not acting like yourself.’

‘Nonsense babycakes! Let me just take this out of the oven, hold on.’

Babycakes? Something was definitely up and you were sure to go crazy if you didn’t know what in the next 10 minutes.

Now you knew what smelled so good it made your mouth water as he pulled the ovendish out and placed it on the cooking range. He made Chicken PiriPiri aka hot and spicy chicken. It looked so good and delicious you almost forgot your mission. But then it hit you.

‘Baby, this looks amazing but don’t you hate too spicy food? I see a lot of chilipeppers in there.’

‘What? Me? No, i love spicy food babe. Could eat it all day.’

‘You threw up once when we went for the spiciest korean dish in the restaurant.’

‘That place was very unsanitary, i just got foodpoisening.’

‘No you didn’t, i had the exact same thing and i was completely fine!’

And then it started to dawn on you. Red wine…Oysters…Chilipeppers… You thought deeply and the little gears in your mind were running at full speed. You were onto something.

‘Jackson…What’s for dessert?’, you asked, suspecting.

‘How did you know i-‘

‘What is it?’

‘Moelleux au chocolat…’

You gasped loudly and pointed an accusing finger at him as the last piece of the puzzle fell into place.

‘You’re feeding me hornyfood!’

‘What?! I would never!’

You remembered clearly now. Just last week you were reading an article in your favourite magazine about aphrodisiacs, food that sparks the sexual appetite. Oysters, chilipeppers and chocolate were definitely in that list.

‘You’ve read my magazine haven’t you?’

‘What magazine?’


He held up his hands as he finally surrendered, giving up trying to hide his true motives.

‘Okay, okay! You’re right, i read your magazine. Thought i’d give it a try.’, he shrugged sheepishly, a halfly apologetic smile on his face.

You rolled your eyes but couldn’t suppress a giggle. It was sweet somehow, despite the fact he tried to trick you.

‘Baby…You know i don’t need all that to get in the mood…’, you softly said as you approached him further.

‘I know but…’

‘Why would i need oysters when my biggest aphrodisiac is standing right in front of me?

Jackson gulped but curled his arms around you nonetheless.

‘I’m only hungry for you’, you whispered before leaning in and crashing your lips on his in a heated kiss.

‘Good, because i don’t think i’d be able to eat that spicy chicken anyway.’, he grinned as you separated for a second to catch your breaths.

You chuckled amused. The lengths this guy would go to once he had his mind set on something…

‘Well let’s skip right to dessert then.’


Hey guys I’ve decided to do a Drabble game! My best friend helped me make this list! @himekute Love you bestie!

-One person = one number

-70 numbers available!

-Mainly stray kids but can do side characters from other groups in the Drabble

-You may request a time stamp along with your number 

1-“All it took was one look into those eyes and I knew that was the last time I’d be at home for a while.“ - girl of protective parents runs away/breaks rules for rebel bf

2-“Why is there a duckling floating in the bathtub?” - girl rescues a duckling from side of the road and brings in home. Bf discovers it and they become duck parents.

3-“I remember this feeling. It feels like home.“ cuddly bf attached to gf hip. Touching her one way or another - backhugs, holds hand, hand in back pocket, arm around hip.

4-“We didn’t know when we’d see each other again.” Spontaneous kissing. Passionate. Hands through hair. Picks up and pushes against the wall. Sits on counter tops. Nuzzling. Lip biting and bruising.

5-“Do you trust me?“

6-“You don’t have to do this. I can change. I’ll be better.”

7-“When I hear forever, I see their face smiling back at me.“

“8-“I didn’t mean to kill her.”

“Stop talking about me like I’m dead!”

“Her voice is still so energetic”

9-“Are we lost?”


“That sounded reassuring”

10-“I don’t really think before I act. It’s part of my charm”

11-“Excuse me? Are you telling me what to do?….thank goodness I have NO idea what I’m doing.”

12-“I’m dying.”

“No you’re just hungry.” (Not looking at them. Looking at tv)

(Lays body across their legs) “I’m not gonna make it.”

13-“You have three seconds before I start screaming.“

“Listen I-”


“You don’t understand-”


“You see the thing is-”



14-“Don’t worry nobody is expecting much. Just be you…actually be you but like less…you.”

“Was that supposed to be a pep talk?”

15-“You couldn’t handle me if I came with instructions”

16-“Oh bite me” I rolled my eyes. I failed to notice his smirk. “With pleasure darling”

17-“When I’m done with you, you’re back is gonna be four different shades of red”

“Not if you can’t catch me”

18-“Take your things and go!…what are you DOING?! Put me down!”

“You said take my things and go!”

19-“Talk dirty to me.“

"It’s your turn to do the dishes tonight.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“You broke our dishwasher trying to clean your crocs.”

20-“When I say who’s cute, you say me!“

"Who’s cute?” “Me”

“Who’s cute?” “You”

“Who’s cute?” “Us”

“This is why I love you”

21-“Iwon’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me”

“You’re the reason im injured!”

“How was I supposed to know you would be dancing around the house mopping and that you would be very jumpy???”

22-“We gotta go NOW!”

“Why WHERES the fire?”

“Listen idk if you wanna deal with them but I’m not in the mood to have purple marks all over my neck!”

23-“Yeah you think you’re tough! Come AT me!”

“This I was a TERRIBLE IDEA!”

24-“This has got to be one of your dumbest ideas you’ve ever thought of.“

"Relax babe.” [Wears goggles while chopping onions] “see no tears.”

“Did you just cut yourself?”

“I think we need to go to the ER”

25-“What’s the plan?”

“You had a plan?”

“YOU were supposed to have the plan!”

“well I didn’t!”

26-“Hey so I was wondering…“

"Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Like what?”

“Like you just found your next meal.”

“Because I just did.” Smirks

27-“You’re in trouble now baby.”

“Is is it too late to kiss it better?”

28-“I’m gonna show everyone who you belong to. You’re mine!”

29-“This is a terrible idea.”

“Do you wnat to go home?”

“Hell no! This is the most fun I’ve had in years!”

30-“I know this isn’t the way you wanted your life to turn out, but is that really such a bad thing?”

31-“You know when you said ‘let’s make tonight fun’ being hunted like deer in the back alleys wasnt exactly what I had in mind.“

32-“You were about to spend the night reorganizing your spice cabinet.”

“I don’t need to be attacked like this right now.”

33-“I’m cold, I’m

Tired, and I’m going to lose it if I don’t have cuddles and coffee in the next three minutes”

34-“How fast are you?”

“I compete with tiger”

“You mean A tiger?”

“No I mean tiger….my cousin’s rabbit”

35-“If they catch us were dead!”

36 “If I get one more jump scare I’m pulling this car over!”


37-“ Remind me again why I’m doing this.“

"Because you love me.”

38-“ Out of my way my baby is hurt!”

“39-“I’m not gonna ask again. You stay away from MY girl or I’ll rip You to shreds!”

40-“Your lips look cold can I warm them up?”

….”is that your way of asking for a kiss?”

“Listen linda I’ve been wanting to do this for MONTHS now just let me be smooth for once-“


“Well what?”

“Make yourself useful and kiss me.”

42-“So tell me whatcha want, whatcha really want.“

"I’ll tell ya what i want, what i really really want.

I want to kiss you (or i want to marry you or i want you to be mine).”

43-“Hey babe.“


“We’re out of sugar.”

“I’ll add it to the grocery list lat-”

Kisses her lips

“Don’t worry about it. I got some.”

44-“Why do we have 50,000 pillows on the bed. We only need two.“

"Listen, when the dust bunny soliders bust into our home we won’t be sitting ducks. You’ll thank me later.”

45-“How many lives need to be ruined before you admit here’s a problem?”

46-“Just because you can see a use doesn’t make something useless!”

47-“I never asked you to save me. And I definitely didn’t ask for the rest of this.”

48-“Stop shutting me out and talk to me for once. PLEASE.“

49-“Everybody makes mistakes.”

“Not everyone makes the same mistake three times!”

50-“Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you. Fool me three times shame on you again for taking advantage of my good nature!”

51-“Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed the wya they look at you, whisper and chatter when you appear. They think you’re going to rescue them.”

52-“Run away if you want, but know who you are leaving behind and the risk you are taking. They may not be so patient.”

53-“I told you this all those months ago when we first met. I’ll say it again. I’m not who you think I am.”

54-“Don’t act like you know me. You don’t KNOW me”

“Yes I do!”

“What’s my favorite color then??”

“Easy blue!”

“…that doesn’t prove anything.”


"No that’s not it.”

“What is is then?!?!”

“I love you.”

56-“I love you on the outside.”

“Wow that makes me feel SOOOO much better”

“Now let me love you on the inside.”

57-“I already said ‘I love you’.“

"I know.”

“Then what do you want?”

“I want you to say it to me again and mean it this time.”

58-“I love you”

“…what did you say?”

“Umm I said you cute?” 

“Say it again.” 

“You cute.” Gets close to her face “say it again”

59-“Can you do something for me?“ 

“Anything for you baby." 

“I want you to kiss me. And not just the sweet little short kisses we give each other. I need those long, hot, passionate deep kisses that’ll leave me breathless. I need you to hold me close to your chest and make it feel like you’ll never let me go. I need you to-”

60-“When I saw his face, I could see our entire future together. But when I looked into her eyes, all I could see were galaxies and possibilities.”

61-“Are you new here? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before.“ 

"Yeah, we’ve only met in your dreams. You’re even more beautiful in person.”

62-“DONT cover your marks. I want people to know you’re not for sale.” 

“…so I’m an object?” 

“No! Never! Sorry that came out wrong. But you are mine and I’d like people to keep their hands off.”

63-“(member full name)” “Yes (member last name) (y/f/n)?”” We aren’t married?” “Not yet babe”

64-“nope no kids!” “Why not :(((?” “I have to look after YOU!”

65. “Hey baaabe…" 


“You never said we were expecting company." 

"I never said what-” pauses and stands protectively in front of them. In a deep voice and darkened eyes “What are you doing here?”

66-“okay this is going to seem absolutely crazy but I need you to run!” 

“You want me to RUN?? I’m sorry running is a SIN!” 

“It’s either that or be eaten take your pick.”

 “If I choose eaten does that make me a snack or a meal?”

67-“oh please I bet you can’t even kiss a girl sweetly . All you know how to do is be rough.” 

Slams hands on desk. “But you like it rough don’t you? I can see it. But that’ll have to wait for another time.”

 Scoff. “Another time? Like you’re gonna get a first time-“

68. “Why did I ever trust you!?!?" 

"Baby, don’t say things like that! You can trust me!!" 


"I’m sorry ”

 "No this marriage is over.“ 

"We aren’t married.”

 "You’re right we aren’t now.”

69. “Don’t touch me. Don’t look at me. Don’t think about me. Don’t *shaky breath* just *voice breaks* don’t.”

 "Love, let me explain. That wasn’t me.“ 

"It wasn’t you?? If it wasn’t you, then who was it???? Hmm!" 

"My twin.”

70. “Hey! Do me a favor will ya?”

“Yeah sure what do you - is that, why is there blood on your shirt?

“Kiss me.”

“W h a t?”

Kisses and pulls back after people pass them.


“Yeah sure whatever…blushes

requests are open

2 - “Why is there a duckling floating in the bathtub?” - girl rescues a duckling from side of the road and brings in home. Bf discovers it and they become duck parents.

{2:32 pm}

Chan was utterly so grateful for the break they were given. With promotions going on the boys had been working left and right, day and night. Luckily the company had seen how hard they had been working and decided to give them a well deserved break. 

Chan was just ready to go home to cuddle his girlfriend and maybe take her out to dinner as a date and a thank you for her being so understanding. What he didn’t expect to find was a suspiciously quiet house. He slipped his shoes off and shuffled through the living room and kitchen and found them empty. Next he tried the bedroom and as soon as he stepped foot into the room he heard the unmistakable sound of the tub faucet turning off. 

He smiled softly happy that his girlfriend was home. He softly knocked on the door expecting her to reply, but all he heard was a gasp and shuffling. The door slid open and she looked suspicious as she wasn’t letting him see inside the bathroom. 

“H-hey babe you’re home early…” She smiled sheepishly. 

Chan narrowed his eyes at her. “Hi baby. Whatcha doing?”

She stared up at him grinning trying to slip out of the bathroom without him seeing in. “Oh you know just…chilling?” It came off as more of a question which piqued his interest even more.

Chan raised his eyebrow. “Uh huh. What’s in the bathroom babe?”

Her eyes widened and she quickly stepped out and shut the door not letting him see inside. “What are you hiding?” Chan teased stepping closer. 

“N-nothing! There is definitely nothing in the bathroom and we should leave it be.” She knew she just revealed way too much info.

Chan smirked hand reaching around her frame for the doorknob, while his other arm snaked around her waist to tug her to the side. “Then you wouldn’t mind if I looked inside!” In one swift motion Chan had moved her out of the way and slid the door open.

Silence. Blinking. More silence.

“Baby?” Chan called for her. “Why is there a duckling floating in the bathtub?”

“Funny story actually. I may have saw it on the side of the road and I couldn’t just let it stay there to die so I rescued it….surprise?” She smiled sheepishly hoping he wouldn’t be angry.

Chan blinked at his girlfriend before he slowly began to grin widely. “You are so lucky that I love you. Come on we can’t be duck parents unless you introduce me!”

Hey guys I’ve decided to do a Drabble game! My best friend helped me make this list! @himekute Love you bestie!

-One person = one number

-70 numbers available!

-Mainly stray kids but can do side characters from other groups in the Drabble

-You may request a time stamp along with your number 

1-“All it took was one look into those eyes and I knew that was the last time I’d be at home for a while.“ - girl of protective parents runs away/breaks rules for rebel bf

2-“Why is there a duckling floating in the bathtub?” - girl rescues a duckling from side of the road and brings in home. Bf discovers it and they become duck parents.

3-“I remember this feeling. It feels like home.“ cuddly bf attached to gf hip. Touching her one way or another - backhugs, holds hand, hand in back pocket, arm around hip.

4-“We didn’t know when we’d see each other again.” Spontaneous kissing. Passionate. Hands through hair. Picks up and pushes against the wall. Sits on counter tops. Nuzzling. Lip biting and bruising.

5-“Do you trust me?“

6-“You don’t have to do this. I can change. I’ll be better.”

7-“When I hear forever, I see their face smiling back at me.“

“8-“I didn’t mean to kill her.”

“Stop talking about me like I’m dead!”

“Her voice is still so energetic”

9-“Are we lost?”


“That sounded reassuring”

10-“I don’t really think before I act. It’s part of my charm”

11-“Excuse me? Are you telling me what to do?….thank goodness I have NO idea what I’m doing.”

12-“I’m dying.”

“No you’re just hungry.” (Not looking at them. Looking at tv)

(Lays body across their legs) “I’m not gonna make it.”

13-“You have three seconds before I start screaming.“

"Listen I-”


“You don’t understand-”


“You see the thing is-”



14-“Don’t worry nobody is expecting much. Just be you…actually be you but like less…you.”

“Was that supposed to be a pep talk?”

15-“You couldn’t handle me if I came with instructions”

16-“Oh bite me” I rolled my eyes. I failed to notice his smirk. “With pleasure darling”

17-“When I’m done with you, you’re back is gonna be four different shades of red”

“Not if you can’t catch me”

18-“Take your things and go!…what are you DOING?! Put me down!”

“You said take my things and go!”

19-“Talk dirty to me.“

"It’s your turn to do the dishes tonight.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

“You broke our dishwasher trying to clean your crocs.”

20-“When I say who’s cute, you say me!“

"Who’s cute?” “Me”

“Who’s cute?” “You”

“Who’s cute?” “Us”

“This is why I love you”

21-“Iwon’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me”

“You’re the reason im injured!”

“How was I supposed to know you would be dancing around the house mopping and that you would be very jumpy???”

22-“We gotta go NOW!”

“Why WHERES the fire?”

“Listen idk if you wanna deal with them but I’m not in the mood to have purple marks all over my neck!”

23-“Yeah you think you’re tough! Come AT me!”

“This I was a TERRIBLE IDEA!”

24-“This has got to be one of your dumbest ideas you’ve ever thought of.“

"Relax babe.” [Wears goggles while chopping onions] “see no tears.”

“Did you just cut yourself?”

“I think we need to go to the ER”

25-“What’s the plan?”

“You had a plan?”

“YOU were supposed to have the plan!”

“well I didn’t!”

26-“Hey so I was wondering…“

"Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Like what?”

“Like you just found your next meal.”

“Because I just did.” Smirks

27-“You’re in trouble now baby.”

“Is is it too late to kiss it better?”

28-“I’m gonna show everyone who you belong to. You’re mine!”

29-“This is a terrible idea.”

“Do you wnat to go home?”

“Hell no! This is the most fun I’ve had in years!”

30-“I know this isn’t the way you wanted your life to turn out, but is that really such a bad thing?”

31-“You know when you said ‘let’s make tonight fun’ being hunted like deer in the back alleys wasnt exactly what I had in mind.“

32-“You were about to spend the night reorganizing your spice cabinet.”

“I don’t need to be attacked like this right now.”

33-“I’m cold, I’m

Tired, and I’m going to lose it if I don’t have cuddles and coffee in the next three minutes”

34-“How fast are you?”

“I compete with tiger”

“You mean A tiger?”

“No I mean tiger….my cousin’s rabbit”

35-“If they catch us were dead!”

36 “If I get one more jump scare I’m pulling this car over!”


37-“ Remind me again why I’m doing this.“

"Because you love me.”

38-“ Out of my way my baby is hurt!”

“39-“I’m not gonna ask again. You stay away from MY girl or I’ll rip You to shreds!”

40-“Your lips look cold can I warm them up?”

….”is that your way of asking for a kiss?”

“Listen linda I’ve been wanting to do this for MONTHS now just let me be smooth for once-“


“Well what?”

“Make yourself useful and kiss me.”

42-“So tell me whatcha want, whatcha really want.“

"I’ll tell ya what i want, what i really really want.

I want to kiss you (or i want to marry you or i want you to be mine).”

43-“Hey babe.“


“We’re out of sugar.”

“I’ll add it to the grocery list lat-”

Kisses her lips

“Don’t worry about it. I got some.”

44-“Why do we have 50,000 pillows on the bed. We only need two.“

"Listen, when the dust bunny soliders bust into our home we won’t be sitting ducks. You’ll thank me later.”

45-“How many lives need to be ruined before you admit here’s a problem?”

46-“Just because you can see a use doesn’t make something useless!”

47-“I never asked you to save me. And I definitely didn’t ask for the rest of this.”

48-“Stop shutting me out and talk to me for once. PLEASE.“

49-“Everybody makes mistakes.”

“Not everyone makes the same mistake three times!”

50-“Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you. Fool me three times shame on you again for taking advantage of my good nature!”

51-“Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed the wya they look at you, whisper and chatter when you appear. They think you’re going to rescue them.”

52-“Run away if you want, but know who you are leaving behind and the risk you are taking. They may not be so patient.”

53-“I told you this all those months ago when we first met. I’ll say it again. I’m not who you think I am.”

54-“Don’t act like you know me. You don’t KNOW me”

“Yes I do!”

“What’s my favorite color then??”

“Easy blue!”

“…that doesn’t prove anything.”


"No that’s not it.”

“What is is then?!?!”

“I love you.”

56-“I love you on the outside.”

“Wow that makes me feel SOOOO much better”

“Now let me love you on the inside.”

57-“I already said 'I love you’.“

"I know.”

“Then what do you want?”

“I want you to say it to me again and mean it this time.”

58-“I love you”

“…what did you say?”

“Umm I said you cute?” 

“Say it again.” 

“You cute.” Gets close to her face “say it again”

59-“Can you do something for me?“ 

“Anything for you baby." 

“I want you to kiss me. And not just the sweet little short kisses we give each other. I need those long, hot, passionate deep kisses that’ll leave me breathless. I need you to hold me close to your chest and make it feel like you’ll never let me go. I need you to-”

60-“When I saw his face, I could see our entire future together. But when I looked into her eyes, all I could see were galaxies and possibilities.”

61-“Are you new here? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before.“ 

"Yeah, we’ve only met in your dreams. You’re even more beautiful in person.”

62-“DONT cover your marks. I want people to know you’re not for sale.” 

“…so I’m an object?” 

“No! Never! Sorry that came out wrong. But you are mine and I’d like people to keep their hands off.”

63-“(member full name)” “Yes (member last name) (y/f/n)?”” We aren’t married?” “Not yet babe”

64-“nope no kids!” “Why not :(((?” “I have to look after YOU!”

65. “Hey baaabe…" 


“You never said we were expecting company." 

"I never said what-” pauses and stands protectively in front of them. In a deep voice and darkened eyes “What are you doing here?”

66-“okay this is going to seem absolutely crazy but I need you to run!” 

“You want me to RUN?? I’m sorry running is a SIN!” 

“It’s either that or be eaten take your pick.”

 “If I choose eaten does that make me a snack or a meal?”

67-“oh please I bet you can’t even kiss a girl sweetly . All you know how to do is be rough.” 

Slams hands on desk. “But you like it rough don’t you? I can see it. But that’ll have to wait for another time.”

 Scoff. “Another time? Like you’re gonna get a first time-“

68. “Why did I ever trust you!?!?" 

"Baby, don’t say things like that! You can trust me!!" 


"I’m sorry ”

 "No this marriage is over.“ 

"We aren’t married.”

 "You’re right we aren’t now.”

69. “Don’t touch me. Don’t look at me. Don’t think about me. Don’t *shaky breath* just *voice breaks* don’t.”

 "Love, let me explain. That wasn’t me.“ 

"It wasn’t you?? If it wasn’t you, then who was it???? Hmm!" 

"My twin.”

70. “Hey! Do me a favor will ya?”

“Yeah sure what do you - is that, why is there blood on your shirt?

“Kiss me.”

“W h a t?”

Kisses and pulls back after people pass them.


“Yeah sure whatever…blushes


Evanescent is a set using this drabble game. It looks like a lot of fun so I decided to give it a go! Now, it’s a drabble game, but I’m not really going to restrict myself. If they are under 500 words, awesome, but I’m not gonna stress if they end up being over 1k words, either.


  1. Kids(aizen, bleach) / fluff, au, slice of life [“The kids, they ambushed me.”]



Feel free to send an ask suggesting a character + prompt to my main.

[x] = reserved, subject to change.

[~] = written, unpublished.

  1. “I’m not crying, my eyes are sweating”
  2. “Deal with it.”
  3. “This was my mothers/fathers”
  4. “I’m not angry it’s just my face”
  5. “You’re cute, can I keep you?”
  6. “Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I’ll give it back”
  7. “I’m not going anywhere”
  8. “I know I’m a handful but that’s why you’ve got two hands”
  9. “Don’t make me laugh I’m trying to be mad at you”
  10. “I love you even if you fart in your sleep”
  11. ” Let’s cuddle so I can steal your body heat”
  12. “I made you a cookie but I ate it”
  13. “There was never really anyone else.”
  14. “That’s starting to get annoying”
  15. “Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”
  16. “You can’t just sit there all day.”
  17. “I’m too sober for this.”
  18. “I’m not here to make friends.”
  19. “I need a place to stay.”
  20. “You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!”
  21. “I lost our baby.”
  22. “You’re getting crumbs all over my bed.”
  23. “You’re Satan.”
  24. “Did you just hiss at me?”
  25. “Do you really need all that candy?”
  26. “Take your medicine.”
  27. “Welcome to fatherhood.”
  28. Welcome to motherhood.”
  29. “It’s your turn to make dinner.”
  30. “Stop being so cute.”
  31. “I feel like I can’t breathe.”
  32. “You need to see a doctor.”
  33. “Dogs don’t wear clothes!”
  34. “You smell like a wet dog.”
  35. “I could punch you right now.”
  36. “Are you going to talk to me?”
  37. “Here, take my blanket.”
  38. “I don’t want you to stop.”
  39. “How could I ever forget about you?”
  40. “You’re bleeding all over my carpet.”
  41. “We need to talk.”
  42. “I want a pet.”
  43. “Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now.”
  44. “Don’t argue. Just do it.”
  45. “Does he/she know about the baby?”
  46. “I’m not going to be sympathetic until you go to a doctor.”
  47. “Tell me you need me.”
  48. “I don’t love you anymore.“
  49. “Why do you hate me?”
  50. “You’re a monster.“
  51. “Don’t leave me…“
  52. “Don’t die on me– Please.“
  53. “I never meant to hurt you.“
  54. “Are you upset with me?“
  55. “Why did you spare me?”
  56. “I’m dying.”
  57. “I wish I’d never met you.“
  58. “There was never an us.“
  59. “Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?”
  60. “I’m sick.”
  61. “I came to say goodbye.”
  62. “I don’t deserve to be loved.”
  63. “I wish we could stay like this forever.”
  64. “I need a hug.“
  65. “Can I kiss you right now?”
  66. “Let’s have a baby.“
  67. “It’s lonely here without you.“
  68. “Shut up and kiss me already.”
  69. “Is that my shirt?”
  70. “They’re going to love you, don’t worry!”
  71. “Oh, Are you ticklish?”
  72. “You’re calling that jealousy? Believe me, if you can still use your legs, I’m not being jealous.”
  73. “I could kill you right now!”
  74. “Just pretend to be my date.”
  75. “This is, by far, the dumbest thing you’ve ever done.”
  76. “How long have you been standing there?”
  77. “When I picture myself happy… It’s with you.”
  78. I may be an idiot, but I’m your idiot.”
  79. “Before I do this, I need you to know that I have always loved you.”
  80. “I fell in love with my best friend.”
  81. “I’m sorry, what? I keep getting lost in your eyes.”
  82. “We finish it the same way we started—together.”
  83. “You are the single best thing that has ever happened to me.”
  84. “You fainted, straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
  85. “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
  86. “I don’t want to think about what I’d be like without you.”
  87. “Can I hold your hand?”
  88. “Let’s move in together.”
  89. “Bite me.”
  90. “Nothing’s wrong with you.”
  91. “Do you like it when I touch you like that?”
  92. “Want to head back to my place and have a little fun?”
  93. “The food looks great but… There’s something much more delicious I’d like to eat right now.”
  94. “You have no idea what you do to me.”
  95. “Please open the door and talk to me.”
  96. “Car sex looks so much easier in the movies.”
  97. “Come here, I’ll give you a hug.”
  98. “What if I told you I felt the same way?”
  99. “Don’t let me go.”
  100. “You seemed sad, so I bought you flowers.”
  101. “I will sit here all day if I have to.”
  102. “Don’t make me say it.”
  103. “Do you want to leave?”
  104. “I made your favorite for tea.”
  105. “It’s okay, I’m here.”
  106. “Would it be okay if I kissed you?”
  107. “I never cared about anyone as much as I care about you.”
  108. “Now, now, I’m here, it’s alright.”
  109. “Come for a drive with me.”
  110. “I swear to God if you start singing.”
  111. “Will you ever stop looking so gorgeous cause I think it’s gonna be the cause of my death…”
  112. “If I could pick one person in this room to put through a wall right now, it would be you, but I would do it with love.”
  113. “If I got paid for every time I caught you staring at me then looking away, I would be Tony Stark by now.”
  114. “But what if we wake someone up?”
  115. “I wish I could just build a couch right here right now and watch movies with you while cuddling.”
  116. “You’re mine. I don’t share.”
  117. “You remind me of the grouch from Sesame Street because you are a grumpy asshole but I still love you.”
  118. “Don’t I know you?”
  119. “Is that a pile of my t-shirts I see in your room?”
  120. “I get jealous easily, okay? You can’t blame me for it!”
  121. “Don’t bite that lip.”
  122. “Make a portrait of me.”
  123. “I just really need to talk to you.”
  124. “Are you sure this is legal?”
  125. “You’re so infuriating.”
  126. “Promise me, that you won’t tell anyone.”
  127. “You look good in my clothes.”
  128. “I hate that I can’t hate you.”
  129. “It’s over!”
  130. “So, that’s it? You’re just going to walk away?”
  131. “I can’t lose you. You’re all I have.”
  132. “I don’t think I can do this anymore.”
  133. “Please, forgive me.”
  134. “Why? Because I love you. That’s why!”
  135. “I get tired of waiting.”
  136. “I miss you, so much. It hurts.”
  137. “I’ll never forget you.”
  138. “You are safe in my arms.”
  139. “I’m going to ruin your fucking life.”
  140. “You are as radiant as the sun.”
  141. “Stop being so adorable.”
  142. “Let me take care of you.”
  143. “What if I just break his nose a lil?”
  144. “Are you taking another picture of me?”
  145. “I love the way you laugh, it’s cute.”
  146. “Stop pretending you’re okay because I know you’re not.”
  147. “How about some breakfast in bed?”
  148. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”
  149. “You can’t keep pretending it didn’t happen, cause guess what? It did!”
  150. “You’ve never been touched?”
  151. “My favorite person in the world is standing right in front of me.”
  152. “You make me feel the happiest I’ve ever been.”
  153. “I am so lucky to have you.”
  154. “Come and dance with me.”
  155. “You are as beautiful as the night sky.”
  156. “Is it a bad time to say that I really want to kiss you right now?”
  157. “I like to think we’re more than ‘just friends’.”
  158. “I’m trying to cheer you up.”
  159. “They may not understand you, but I do.”
  160. “Scoot over. I wanna sit next to you.”
  161. “I will fight you.”
  162. “If they mess with you, they’re messing with me.”
  163. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
  164. “It’s 3 am, what do you want?!”
  165. “I think it’s time for you to go to bed.”
  166. “You’re not scared of the dark are you?”
  167. “Please, just breathe.”
  168. “You’re not alone, I’m right here.”
  169. “Why are you on the floor?”
  170. “Have you been crying?”
  171. “Just please be my best friend right now, not the person I just confessed my love to.”
  172. “Dogs don’t wear clothes!”
  173. “Stay in the dark.”
  174. “Come into the light.”
  175. “Oh, I didn’t realize you’re dead.”
  176. “I wasn’t gonna offer anyway. It’s all for me.”
  177. “We’d make such a cute couple.“
  178. “It’s been three weeks, let it go already.”
  179. “First one to make a noise loses.”
  180. “We can’t have one nice moment can we?”
  181. “You don’t have to answer right away, I’d wait an eternity for you.”
  182. “Yup, your ribs are broken.”
  183. “I literally expect nothing and that’s still too much.”
  184. “You’re gone… I watched you disappear…”
  185. “You didn’t text me back, so I’m here”
  186. “Why won’t they wake up?”
  187. “Please don’t look at me…”
  188. “You come to my room and wake me up at 4am, to cuddle?”
  189. “I don’t want to live in a world where I’m not with you.”
  190. “Join me in the shower?”
  191. “I’ll hunt you down if I have to.”
  192. “I had a nightmare about you, and I wanted to make sure you were alright.”
  193. “So… we just did that.”
  194. “Sorry if I made you cry.”
  195. “Pardon my french but who the fuck is that?”
  196. “We should go somewhere. Just the two of us. How does that sound?”
  197. “This is where I belong, it seems.”
  198. “Do you expect me to carry you all the way?”
  199. “Mine.”

