

I graduated yesterday! Feels so weird to not be a student anymore  I’m really proud of my GPA, I worked hard for it the last three years :)

“Beauty perishes in life,

but is immortal in art”

— Leonardo da Vinci.

Sorry, pretty notes and engineering can’t coexist in the same space

A little studying, a little reading and a little time with my family. All about the little moments.

This week went by really fast!! I’m getting back to my study routine (my semester doesn’t start until next month) so I’m taking this time to review important concepts and I think it was very productive. I hope your week was good too!!

I started to organize my notion for the next semester, need to be prepared hahaha

(not pictured) I finished reading The Picture of Dorian Gray, what a fantastic book!! and now I’m currently reading Maze Runner: The Death Cure by James Dashner, I love this saga and i’m loving the book!!

I’m almost finishing The Picture of Dorian Gray and it’s a totally different book than I thought it would be.


and books

that’s it.

So that you don’t have to deal with my daily lists cluttering your feed, I will now be tagging these using #I’ll be glad I did it when I’m done. Feel free to add these to your ignore list if you so desire.

Goals for January 5th


  • Send data to math faculty (Completed at 1:00 pm)
  • Review and analyze budget standing -> Moving to a later date because this egg somehow forget that the most recent pay period doesn’t post until 1/10 ‍♀️
  • Create draft presentation on best practices in remote tutoring -> Moving to tomorrow because some other productive tasks ended up taking precedence ‼️


  • Spend 1-hour studying Python in the context of data science (Scheduled for approx. 6:30 pm)
  • Purchase and download textbooks for Spring (Completed at 3:00 pm)
  • Create a draft daily study schedule (Completed at 2:30 pm)


  • Take a 1-hour walk and stay off social media the entire time (Completed at 11:30 am)
  • Spend 1-hour reading for leisure (Scheduled for approx. 7:30 pm)
  • Cook a proper dinner (I’m thinking stir-fry with noodles or curry over rice) (Scheduled for approx. 5:30 pm)

Bonus Content: Last night, my order for applewood perches came in and lemme tell you, these dang flightless birds already LOVE them. Just look at the dang floofball:
