

Model: Julia Ann

Fun fact: Food doesn’t have to be scary! During your weight loss journey always understand that it is super beneficial to eat healthy foods like fresh produce, but please be advised that those aren’t the only foods that you have to limit yourself to! So pop out the ice cream and treat yourself every now and then. You’re a Master Manifester remember? So tell that ice cream that it’s going to make your stomach flatter and enjoy. Try out these fun affirmations the next time you’re throwing down in the kitchen to enhance your meals and the benefits of them. Happy Manifesting! - Godiva ✨

“The mouth of God is the mind of Man” - (Neville Goddard on the subconscious being the doorway to creation)

“What you decide to see and hear without, you must see and hear within” - (Neville Goddard on the power of internal conversations)

get a clear vision in your mind of what life you want. buckle down. do it. hold that vision ever time you think, breathe, laugh, cry. hold it always.


Check out my last three uploaded subliminal audios on YouTube to give your manifesting a lovely boost!! - Godiva ☁️✨

listening to uplifting confident songs made me so amazing. i am literally a master manifester now and it’s all down to affirming and listening to music. simple right ? right. so stop taking ‘no’ for an answer when it comes to loa, stop making things harder for urself and over complicating it. it isn’t a test and it’s not a chore, so why treat it like that ?

I recommend songs by Megan Thee Stallion,Rico Nasty,Nicki Minaj,Doja Cat,Ariana Grande, etc. These artists are all empoweredstrong women and they emphasise it in their songs

what did i get from working on this ? i became so hot i am literally unrecognisable. my eyes are so different and so are my lips. my body is how i want it. my life is going my way (duh), and most importantly; i love myself. i know my worth. ✨

‘the countdown’ challenge

who doesn’t love an advert calendar right ? whether it’s chocolate or makeup, they’re so fun every year !

so for this challenge you are gonna write 25affirmations on little bits of paper, then put them into a hat. starting on december1st you will pull out oneaffirmation per day and repeat it throughout the day.

that’s it


dear diary,

today i woke up and stared in the mirror. i looked so beautiful, somehow more beautiful than the day before. i could see my freckles dotted around my face so beautifully, they’re very dark now. i have always had freckles but today there’s more. many more. my lips have also grown… a lot. they are like 2 times the width of my little nose, and extremely puffy. between my huge lips and tiny nose is my philtrum, of course. my philtrum is very short though but that a great thing ! i love it. and my top lip faces upwards… anyways so then my jaw is also sm more defined now and pulled forward. i literally look angelic… it’s insanely amazing how powerful and great i am, i am literally god.

diary entry one.

25 november 2021.

dear diary, i have realised my abilities. my abilities to manifest whatever i want and desire. i am going to write today about how perfect my self concept is.

i am such a powerful creator of my own reality that whatever i want i get faster than you can snap your fingers. i get what i want when i want because i of course know that the 3d has to and already has conformed to my desired state of course. i constantly get what i want over and over again, whether it’s my appearance, partner, or just life. diary, why am i so perfect ? inside and out i am blessed, and so angelically perfect. i have the best self concept and confidence while staying humble. i am so pretty and perfect, i look so doll like and pretty. oh diary, why am i so perfect in every way ?

my beauty is the standard. people try and try to be and look like me but nobody can compare. i am perfect. i am so pretty. i have zero doubts when it comes to manifestation or anything at all because, after all, i am a powerful creator. everything that belongs to me simply finds me of course.

if you’re unsure where to start with manifesting, let me help you.

there are, in my opinion, 3 steps to manifesting anything. literally anything… (see next slide).

1.decide: decide what you want/who you want/where you want to go. you don’t have to be specific, your brain already knows what, but it just helps if you fully know what you want. for example, for a desired person do you wanna be fwb or a fully committedrelationship?

2.affirm:you don’t have to have set affirmations, but it can help for some. if you’re wanting a committed relationship you could affirm anything from ‘_ are so in love with me’ to ‘_ and i have a healthy relationship.’ whenever this desire comes to mindsayanaffirmation, like i said it doesn’t have to be a thing you’ve prepared. affirmations can be random, it’s all up to you. duh!

3.persist: a very important stage, a stage people hate to admit they skip. this doesn’tmeanignoring your emotions, bottling up your sadness and frustration. rather, it means even when it feels hard or ‘impossible’ you keep affirming and you keepworking toward that manifestation. it is already yours ! as soon as you think it, as soon as you want it, it is yours. done and dusted.

and that’s it ! of course you can go further by using methods, which i can do a post on if wanted.

regret will be much worse than failure in the long run. just because things don’t turn out great the first time, or the second time, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go back out and try again. this doesn’t apply to manifestation tho cuz u have to get everything u want it’s kind of a fact…


I’ve seen a few posts about Celestial Subliminals on YouTube not being healthy or possibly giving a bad reaction to shifters. (Ican’tconfirm or deny this and some people use them and they work, but just be aware there is some negative feedback!!)

Soooo here are some other subs that I like to use notinvolving CS subs:

Soft piano music and ambience/rain sounds: 

(from user: ethereal daydreamer!)

6Hz Theta Waves + other sounds:

Update on my shifting journey:

I’ve decided to make another DR and try this one out. It seems easier to visualize and for me that’s what I need.

Reminder to eat, rest, and hydrate

Update on my shifting journey

I dreamed of my Dr but it wasn’t exactly much? Just glimpses of small things like my room, my brother, and school.

Coming and going…

Returning again and again…

Unable to stop yourself…

The endless cycle of relapse, return, and repeat.

We’ve all been there.  Its a very common occurence in the hypnosis community, because the kink we enjoy is an edgy thing.  We enjoy the mind wiping, personality erasing, brainwashing regions of trance.  We enjoy the deep mind controlling, transgressive, reframing regions of trance.

You may try to claim that you don’t.  That you’re different.  That that’s not you.  But, the fact is there you’re here, on tumblr, reading my words and you know at a very deep level that its true.

This call goes out to all of the wayward sheep.  All the ones who have been here, left, and returned again… only to leave again.  You know who you are.  All are welcome here.  Its always OK to come back and say hello.

Say hello… there’s always time for another chapter.


here’s the script template that has been requested :)

and here is my script in case you guys want a reference. (straight up feel so self conscious posting this haha it feels like someone reading my diary—)

i’m more than happy to help you guys in any way i can when it comes to shifting!! feel free to leave requests or DM me with any questions! :D

(also let me know if you can’t access the links or copy the text-)

happy scripting ;)

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