#submas emmet


Nimbasa’s Triple Threat!!

(click for better quality!)


Aka: this looked like they were doing a photoshoot together. That or theyre gonna bully you in a triple battle.

▲: Bravo!! Elesa! I commend you for being able to hold that pose for so long!

◈: Pff! you two bidoofuses were not so bad yourselves! …at least one of you survived.

▽:straight up gone. cant even stand up, man’s all numb

An Unexpected Balloon Ride

Run Ingo Run!!

1 hr SubMas Challenge on Twitter and the prompt was [Balloon]

Time Taken: 1 hr

A Very Belated Brothers Day Comic

Now they’ll be together forever!… or at least until Elesa comes in with Bolt Cutters

Idk a single thing about Angel (??) Submas AU
But I do love to torture myself with some wings.

Subway Gyuuuns!!
Another drawing prompt by @stabeyebrow

i am so set on giving emmet a missingno literally just cause it almost looks like ’ miss ingo’ or ‘missing ingo’

and cause i’ve seen others do the 'glitch emmet’ thing and it always slaps SO HARD

i love…

glitchy cryptid emmet

Ingo will threaten (/notsrs) to put Emmet’s Pokémon in the PC boxes if he doesn’t take care of himself, and Emmet tends to go on long rambles when speaking of things he’s interested about!!

Ughghhhgnhn Emmet and Ingo Angel AU but each of them have one wing and can fly when together!! But when they are apart, neither of them can!!

Volo can be a demon or some sort of purgatory soul that messes with Ingo to get him to be a fallen angel (rendering his wing more useless than it already is)!! Emmet goes ballistic (as he should) once he finds out about Volo and also (accidentally) becomes a fallen angel by performing torture and acts of violence upon the one that stole his brother.
