#supernatural fanfic series


Summary: When your past comes back to haunt you, who will prevail?  Hunting had been your life since you were 4 years old.  The monsters that started you on that path were resurfacing, and you knew what you had to do.  But nothing is ever truly secret, and nothing is ever that cut and dry with the Winchester’s in tow.

A/N: This is a new one that is coming from a few requests.  I’m not going to post the actual requests because…well because it would spoil the story line and I’m pretty into this one.

A/N 2:  This is some fluff for you.  Just wait.  We aren’t quite done yet. 

Words: 2381

Warnings: Trauma, medical terminology, stress, hospital waiting room



I opened my eyes slowly as I raised my hands to my face, gently rubbing my eyelids and pulling the sandy bits of sleep out of the corners of my eyes.  My entire body was sore, and pain radiated its way from my back straight through my abdomen as I quickly wrapped my arm around my waist, wincing as I attempted to sit up straight.  

The dim, unflattering glow of the fluorescent lights above my bed lit up just a small portion of the hospital room, but it was enough for my eyes to land on and focus on the slumped over form in the chair that was pressed up to the side of my bed.  Sam’s long hair was draped over his face as he slept.  Small, discernable breaths coming in and out of his mouth which hung open.  I laughed as a loud snore echoed throughout the room.  My laughter only served to increase my pain and I yelped in surprise as a sharp twinge of agony shot through me.  

Sam woke almost instantly, falling out of the chair as his feet hit the floor and his hands rested on the side of my bed. “Y/N,” he questioned.  “What’s wrong?”  His hand flew to my forehead, and his eyes searched mine for any indication of what was going on.  

I took a deep breath, gasping at first, but calming myself within a few breaths.  I shook my head. “I’m fine, it’s fine.”  Slowly, I propped myself up and leaned against my pillow, sitting up as best as I could.  

He looked at me suspiciously.  “I’m gonna go get the doctor,” he said, pointing his thumb behind him towards the door.  I nodded silently as he stood up and jogged out the doorway.

I couldn’t hear the name he was calling as he went down the hall, farther and farther from my room.  But I was struggling to care. My memories were flooding my head.  The image of my mother making dinner, eating dinner with my parents, lounging on the beach with them, the comfort their voices brought me.  Turning my head, I looked out the window down into the parking lot.  It was cold and gray out and the windowpane was coated in raindrops that were continuously falling.  I watched them fall, feeling my chest tighten and seem to drop into my body as I choked back tears.  

It wasn’t long before footsteps were coming through the door and heading for me.  “Ms. Y/L/N, it’s good to have you with us.”  The doctor’s cheery voice was high pitched and more excited than I could muster to pretend to be.  Sam lingered in the hallway, his phone held up to his ear as he paced back and forth, his eyes fixed on me.  

“How are you feeling?”  The doctor looked at me, chart in hand.  

My eyes drifted over to her face, struggling to fixate on her.  I shrugged noncommittally.  “Are you in any pain?”  She walked over to the machine that stood next to me, monitoring my vitals and pushing fluids through my veins.  Her hand reached out to the control box, pushing a few buttons as she did so, before looking back down at me.  

“Some,” I muttered, my voice gravelly.  “It’s fine.”  

She frowned slightly.  “The goal is to have no pain for you.  You’ve got a lot of healing to do.  I’ll have your dosage updated.”  I watched as she made a note in my chart before setting it down on the side table.  She drew her stethoscope off her neck and placed the buds in her ears.  Leaning towards me, she placed a gentle hand on my back, encouraging me to lean forward, as she pressed the stethoscope just below my shoulder blade.  I took an instinctive deep breath, choking as my throat constricted, feeling as though I was drowning.  

“It’s okay,” she said, lighting patting my shoulder as she moved the diaphragm of her stethoscope to my chest. “You don’t have to take deep breaths.  Just breathe normally,” she said.  “You were intubated for quite a while.  It’s going to take a bit for your windpipe to heal.”  

Sam had taken a few steps into the room when my coughing had begun, and he was staring at me still; his cell phone pressed to his ear, but the microphone piece tilted closer to his chin.  I nodded at him quickly, closing my eyes reassuringly.  He nodded back and stepped back into the hallway, continuing his conversation.  

The doctor finished her exam, poking and prodding, palpating and moving every part of my body that she could, and left the room, promising more pain medication and physical therapy.  Once she had gone, Sam peered into the room again, making eye contact with me as he ended his call.  

“Hey,” he said, just above a whisper with a hint of sympathy in his voice.  

“I’m fine, Sam,” I insisted as I turned my head back to the window and the falling raindrops.  

“Cut the shit, Y/N.”  Sam’s voice was tough and firm now.  My head snapped quickly back at him, glaring at him.  

He held his hands up as if in surrender. “Hey, I’m just saying what I was told to say.”  I cocked my head quizzically at him.  

Sam rolled his eyes at me as if to tell me I should know what he was referring to.  “Dean,” I asked.  Sam nodded curtly.  “Where is he?”  

The last that I could remember, he had been lying next to me, his hand gently stroking my arm as I fell into a fitful sleep.  

Sam dropped his head and sauntered over to the chair next to me once again, turning it around and taking a backwards seat in it.  His arms leaned across the high back of the chair, creating a makeshift pillow with his forearms which he instantly leaned his chin against.  His eyes were locked on mine, but he said nothing.  

“Sam,” I insisted, my eyes narrowing as I urged him to speak.  “Sam don’t make me yell.  Everything hurts, and it’ll suck. But I’ll do it.”  

He forcibly closed his eyes, irritation evident in his sigh as he pried his eyelids open and glowered at me. “He’s on his way.”  I nodded, drawing my legs slowly up towards my torso, attempting to fold myself up into a ball.  

“Y/N,” he began.  “This was reckless.”  I rolled my eyes in response.  “I mean it. You ran out there without backup, barely armed, on foot, no getaway plan.  It was reckless.  You could’ve been killed.”  He was getting louder now but kept his voice as even keel as possible.  “You almost died, Y/N.”  His eyes were glassy as he spoke, the words penetrating through my brittle exterior.  

I took as deep of a breath as I could, holding the impulse to cough back as I dropped my head and wrapped my arms around one knee.  “I know,” I said, the words full of hope and envy.  

“You don’t exactly sound happy that you survived.”  His words were a statement; accusatory in all the words he left unsaid.  I slowly lifted my head, making eye contact with Sam once again as tears began to flow down my cheeks unbidden.

Before I could speak again, a nurse was coming through the doorway, a vial of clear liquid in hand which she quickly connected to my IV.  

“This will help with the pain,” she assured me, as she slowly depressed the plunger.  

Minutes passed by after the nurse left.  Minutes that passed in silence as Sam continued scowling at me and I left him unanswered and unaddressed. My eyelids began to feel heavy, and the room seemed to be slowly spinning.  I shut my eyes, leaning back again and spreading my legs out in front of me once more as I drifted off to sleep.  


I woke up, feeling slightly groggy but the pain had dissipated.  Sam was no longer sitting in the chair next to me and I could see that the sun had gone down outside. Slowly, I kicked my legs off the bed and felt my feet hit the floor.  My hands pressed down on the bed on either side of my hips, pushing me up until I was standing on my own.  The ache in my back was dull, but still present, and I could feel the weakness in my knees as soon as I put weight on them.  But still, I reached out my hand, grasping the silver, metal pole holding the IV bag and took a few steps, each one shakier than the last.  My breaths were labored but I was determined to move around.  I reached my free hand around my back, ensuring that my gown had been sufficiently tied and that I wasn’t about to moon half the hospital.  I held it secured between my fingers just in case.  

My foot had just passed the end of the bed, and I turned toward the door when a familiar voice began chastising me.  

“What the hell are you doing?”  Dean’s worried voice rang out deeply as he walked through the door, his steps quickening as he reached for me.  With his right arm wrapped around my waist, he gently turned me back towards the bed, muttering the entire way.  “You trying to give me a heart attack?  Stubborn as a mule. Gonna get yourself killed.”  

I smiled silently, enjoying the familiarity that was Dean’s castigation.  “I’m fine, Dean,” I assured him in my froggy voice.  “See?” I held my hands up. “All parts attached and everything.”  He sat me down on my bed slowly, taking care to lift each leg and tuck them underneath the comforter.  

“The nurse said I would be able to go home tomorrow,” I stretched the truth.  In reality, physical therapy was due to start tomorrow and I would possibly be discharged in a week’s time.  

“Yeah, you’re not full of it at all, are you?”  His eyes had a glow to them as he gave me half a smile.  His hand was wrapped around my calf as he gently moved it just enough so that he could sit on the bed next to me; his left leg bent and leaning on the mattress as he leaned forward, staring at me.  

“How are you, really?” All signs of teasing were gone now, and his expression meant he was serious.  I swallowed hard, unwilling to tell him the truth.  I settled for truth adjacent.  

“The pain isn’t too bad anymore.  I could go with being a bit stronger on my feet though.”  

“Yeah, you know that’s not what I’m asking about.”  His eyes were pensive as if he were trying to draw the truth from me like a salve.  I gave him a quizzical look, unsure of what he was referring to.  

“Y/N,” he whispered my name, almost like a prayer. “You said you wanted to go back.  Before.  When you woke up.  That you’d made your choice and you were supposed to stay.”  He stared at me, expecting me to fill the silence that loomed over us both.  But I couldn’t bring my eyes to meet his, let alone form words to explain everything.  

He reached his hand out, gently stroking my chin as he pulled my attention to his face.  “Dean,” I whispered, pleading for him not to continue down this line of questioning.  

“Tell me what’s going on,” he asked. “Please.”  He was begging now, his eyes glassing over and desperation evident in his tone.  

“I can’t,” I muttered, my voice trembling.  I couldn’t imagine anything worse than the guilt and heartache that would be plastered on his face if I had told him the truth.  If I had admitted to him where I was, and where I had chosen to stay.  

Dean leaned forward, bending over himself in order to press his forehead against mine as he sighed in exasperation.  “How did I know you were going to say that?”  

I smiled shyly, letting a small, forced breath out through my nose as I reached out for his shoulder, nudging him to lay down next to me.  He did as I had wordlessly requested, uncrossing his leg and leaning himself ever so languidly down next to me.  His hands were clasped together on his abdomen, and his feet were tapping stressfully as he crossed his ankles at the foot of the bed.  

“Everything’s fine,” I told him, nuzzling my chin into his shoulder as he grunted his disagreement with my statement.  I took a deep breath in, enveloping myself in the calming scent that was Dean Winchester.  Closing my eyes, I began to drift off, staying as aware as possible.  

“Y/N?” He asked sheepishly as he turned his head to face me.  

“Mm hmm?”  

“I need you to stay with me,” he admitted.  I opened my eyes, looking directly up into his caramel-apple orbs.  The ones that were so comforting in their warmth, and now so eager in their desperation.  

“Okay,” I returned.  

“How do I get you to stay with me?”  I shrugged in response, unsure as to what the right answer would be.  

“I need you to tell me.  Cause I’m pissed off all the time, I’m rude and dirty, and I get so sick of all the crap in my life.  But you?”  His words were rushed and panicked.  “You make all that disappear.  Even when I’m an idiot.”  He paused for a moment; his eyes still stuck to mine.  “I need you to stay with me.  No matter what.  Doesn’t matter what it takes or what I have to do.”  

I swallowed hard in response; my mind blank and my heart rate accelerating as evidenced by the rapid beeping from the monitor behind me.  

“I’ll stay,” I whispered, my voice cracking as I did so.  

He nodded swiftly.  “Good,” he whispered in return.  “Cause I’m about to make it really hard for you to leave.”  His words threw me for a loop and before I could fully process them, he had perched his hand on my chin and was pulling me closer towards him as his gentle, warm lips pressed against mine, dancing together to a tune we both seemed to know by heart.  

To be continued….

Part Eight

Taglist (Tag requests are open):

@vicmc624@waywardprincesa@heyyy-hey-babyyy @carissime72 @deans-baby-momma @formulafun @woodworthti666 @yetanotherreader @crashlyrose @hobby27 @gabby913 @jxackles @polina-93 @supernaturaladdictsblog  @fandomoverdose666 @deans-baby-momma @deanwanddamons @tazzi-baby @acertainhero @lilulo-12 @wonderfulworldofwinchester@wonderfulworldofwinchester @slamminmine@mimaria420

(Desperate attempt to get my faves to notice me) @thinkinghardhardlythinking@smol-and-grumpy @wonder-cole-reads @watermelonlipstick @that-one-gay-girl @waywardbaby

Summary: When your past comes back to haunt you, who will prevail? Hunting had been your life since you were 4 years-old. The monsters that started you on that path had resurfaced, but after taking them out, you ended up in Heaven with an impossible choice; do you stay there or do you go back to the Winchester’s? Will the price they pay to keep you be too steep?  

Words: 2270

Warnings:  NSFW, Smut, 18+ only, sexy times



Words failed me as I froze, completely still as the water level rose, covering my bottom lip.  My eyes locked on his.  He leaned forward, crossing his arms on the rim of the tub and squatting down.  We were eye to eye now and his emerald orbs bore themselves into me.  I felt my heart as though it were sinking through my chest, taking my breath along with it.  Tears sprang to my eyes, and I fought hard against them.  

It didn’t take long for my eyelids to fail and my tears to start falling down my face.  Dean reached forward, catching one with his thumb as he wiped it across my cheek, caressing my face in his palm as he did so.  

My breathing was shaky at best as I lowered myself further.  I watched as he kicked one leg over the side of the tub followed by the other as he stood in the water, fully clothed.  

“Seems we have some talking to do.”  His words came out low and muffled as he stepped towards me, his hands fidgeting at his sides.  

I shook my head as I closed my eyes, allowing a few more tears to escape.  “Can we just,” I hesitated. “Not?”  

Dean let out a breath; a sigh filled with equal parts relief and exhaustion.  He leaned forward slowly, pressing his forehead against mine as he wound his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him.  My arms moved as if on autopilot, winding themselves around his neck as I inhaled the intoxicating aroma that was Dean Winchester.  I let out a deep, overwhelming breath as his fingers reached up, running themselves through my hair.  

“I’ve got you,” he whispered as he held me closer, pushing his nose gently against mine, imploring me to open my eyes.  

Pulling my eyelids open, I met his gaze, staring into his eyes as what was left of my defenses crumbled.  “You left,” I whined, more tears cascading down my cheeks.  “You left me.”  

He reached his right hand up, pushing my hair back behind my ear.  

“I left cause I had to,” he explained.  “Not because I wanted to.”  

“Your text,” I began.  

I felt him shake his head against my own.  “I didn’t know what to say to you.  How to make sure you wouldn’t follow me.”

“You made a deal,” I sniffled.  “I would’ve done the same for you.”

“That’s the last thing I’d want you to do, Y/N.”  His hands were on either side of my skull now, cradling my head in desperation.  

“I thought…”  My sentence trailed off as I tried to pull myself away from him.  His arms tightened around me, resisting my attempt.

“Damnit, Y/N.” Dean’s voice grew louder as his eyes focused on me.  He leaned forward, quickly capturing my lips with his own.  The kiss was rough and demanding.  Our lips moved against each other as if we were fighting one another.  His tongue brushed against my bottom lip, simultaneously begging for and insisting upon entry.  I opened my mouth to him as a gasp escaped my throat.  His tongue was soft as he massaged my own.  The last flick of the tip of his tongue against my top lip as he withdrew sent shivers through me.  

Within seconds, my back was pressed against the cool tile of the tub, and I found myself wrapping my legs around him.  He lowered his mouth to my neck, suckling at the all-too-sensitive skin as I moaned out his name.  His eyes met mine again; dilated and ravenous.  My legs tightened around him as he dropped his right hand down between us.  I felt his rough fingertips roaming; caressing my thigh before slowly making their way to my clit, gently circling it as his mouth reclaimed mine once again.  

I writhed against him, hungry for more contact and climbing towards my peek. Unwinding my arms from his neck, I tore at the chest of his shirt, tearing the fabric in two and running my fingers across his bare chest.  

The pressure of his fingers increased, eliciting another moan as my pleasure mounted and my head fell backwards unbidden.  He leaned forward again, claiming my ear with his teeth as he nipped at my lobe. My hands were in his hair now, tugging lightly as my climax continued to build and my breathing became more and more erratic.  

“I’ve got you,” he whispered in my ear.  I closed my eyes, turning my face to his and kissing him passionately, feeling myself teetering on the precipice of my release.  He pushed his finger inside me, curling it towards himself as he continued his assault on my clitoris, sending me sailing off as my orgasm overwhelmed me.  

I writhed against him, relishing in my high.  I brought my head back so that I was eye to eye with him again, his lust blown eyes intent on me. “More,” I crooned, reaching my hand down to his belt as I unclasped it and made quick work of the zipper and button of his soaked denim.  His eyes were fixed on me as he watched me hungrily push his clothing off of him, exposing his erection to the direct heat of the water.  His legs lifted from the jeans slowly, one after the other, until he was standing naked as well.  Nothing but the tattered shreds of his shirt clinging to his biceps and shoulders.  

I unlocked my feet from behind his back, feeling his hands wind their way behind me, holding me up to him with one palm on each ass cheek.  His lips came crashing against mine once again, devouring me as he leaned his hips forward, entering me.  I gasped against his mouth, filled up by him in every way.  

He waited a moment before moving, allowing me time to adjust as I relished in the feeling of being completely and utterly claimed by him.  His hips rocked against me, plunging himself deeper inside of me than I thought was possible.  He withdrew for but a moment before again pushing himself into me.  The feeling of him was overwhelming; his name was the only word my lips seemed able to form.  My legs trembled at his sides, still coiled around him.  

“Look at me,” his words pleaded.  I did as he asked, locking my focus back on him as best as I could.  Our eyes locked, the rhythm of his hips became quick and hurried.  I could feel the pressure building within me.  

“Dean.”  His name dripped from my mouth like a prayer.  He leaned forward, our lips meeting again, consumed with passion and wanting.  He groaned into my mouth as I felt his rhythm slow.  He broke the kiss, a quick breath escaping his mouth as he stilled.  

I leaned my forehead against his, grinding myself against him, hungry for the thrusts that had ceased.  

“I’m not done with you just yet.”  His words were guttural as he pulled me closer against him, burying himself deeper within me as he stood up fully and lifted me with him, stepping out of the tub.  

“Careful,” I pleaded with him as his wet shoes landed on the floor.  

“I’ve got you,” he said, plunging himself into me again as he walked, eliciting a moan from my throat.  

Within seconds, my back was leaning against the bed and Dean was laying on top of me, the tip of his nose playing with mine.  I pulled my head up, pressing my lips against his again.  I wrapped my fingers in his hair again, pulling him closer to me.  

“Fuck,” he murmured against my lips. I placed my hands on his shoulders, flipping him over until he laid back on the bed and I secured myself on top of him.  Rearing back, I sat straight up, basking in the feel of Dean inside of me.  

I ground myself against him, watching his eyes roll back as I rocked my hips against him.  His hands roamed up my sides, his fingers tweaking at my nipples as he leaned forward and brought his lips to each in turn.  His tongue flicked at each sensitive nub, as I arched my back into him.  He sat up, tucking his face into the nape of my neck as he encircled me in his arms, thrusting up into me as I rocked back and forth on top of him.  

“Slow down, baby,” he begged as I felt him swelling even further inside me.  

“No,” I moaned, as I felt myself reaching my peak once more.  “Please,” I breathed. “Don’t stop.”  He continued moving, thrusting as I swayed above him, relishing in my orgasm as I felt him edging on his own.  

“Y/N,” he moaned as I continued moving above him.  I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer to me as he reached his peak, whimpering my name as he did.  I stilled above him, releasing my hold on his neck as I leaned back to meet his eyes again.  His smile quickly spread across his face as his breathing quickened and he planted a quick kiss against my lips.  

I rolled to the side, laying on the bed next to him where he quickly wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to his chest.  I felt the fingers of his right hand as he trailed them up and down my upper arm.  I gained more control of my breathing; rational thought breaking through my lust filled haze.  

“Dean,” I said, full of melancholy. “We still need to talk through all of this.”  

“Uh huh,” he exhaled, a note of hesitance in his tone.  

He rolled onto his side, propping his head up on his hand as he pulled my waist closer towards him with the other.  “But this?” He leaned forward, kissing me and effectively taking my breath away as he did. “This is so much better than talking.”  

I put my hand on his chest, pushing him slightly back as I took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. “Dean,” I whispered.  

“Let’s just, not.”  He begged me. “Not yet.  Can we just sleep?  Just for now?”  His eyes held an unfamiliar desperation in them.  I leaned forward, kissing him chastely and pressing my forehead against his as I nodded.  Within minutes, we both fell asleep, entangled in the damp sheets of the bed.  


The sun peeked through the windows, waking me unexpectantly.  I started sitting up and found myself restricted; Dean’s arm was wrapped across my abdomen as he laid on the bed, his stomach flat against the comforter with his mouth hanging open, a quiet snore escaping his mouth.  

I smiled as I laid back down, my eyes locked on his face.  His lips twitched as he began to stir.  I watched his eyes open as he squinted at me.  

“Hey,” he murmured, pulling his arm tighter around me as he leaned in and kissed me.  

“Hey,” I whispered back. We sat in silence for a minute, neither of us willing to begin the conversation that demanded to be had.  

“We should probably talk, huh?”  I asked.  He sighed, turning his head into his pillow before looking back at me.  

“I’d be happy to provide some distraction instead.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, watching him wilt under my stare.  

“Y/N,” he began, taking a deep breath. “I had to go.  I didn’t have a choice. Jessica had -”

I interrupted him.  “I’m not talking about why you left.  I get that.  You made a deal, you had to uphold your end.”

“There was no welching on this.”  

“I know,” I nodded. “I know.  But what I don’t get,” I attempted to restrain my irritation.  “What I don’t get is why you made the deal in the first place?  Why you’d put me in that position?  Why you’d leave the way you did? Leave me alone.”  

I held back the tears that threatened to crest my eyelids.  

“What else could I do, Y/N?”  His arms left my side as he turned and laid on his back, his hands in his hair.  “I was going to lose you.  How was I supposed to do that?”  

“Dean,” I crooned, scooting myself closer to him until I was laying on top of him.  “You were never going to lose me.”  

He looked at me quizzically.  

I chuckled slightly, smiling down at him.  “Yeah,” I began. “I was in heaven.  I was with my parents, and It was everything I’d ever wanted.”  He sighed in response.  “But I also had a choice.  Stay or go. I wasn’t dead, Dean.  I had already decided.”  His blank stare let me know that he wasn’t following.  “Dean, I wasn’t staying in heaven.  I was coming back to you before Jessica even showed up.”

There was a pregnant silence and I held myself together, keeping my laughter at bay.  He looked at me with a smile.  “Wait, so…the deal…”

“Was completely unnecessary.”  

He wrapped his arms around me again, turning me over so that I laid down on my back, him hovering over me.  “So, this was all my fault then, huh?”  

I nodded in response. “No patience.” I told him, rubbing my nose against his.  

“I don’t want to be patient,” he said before lowering his lips to my ear.  “I’ve got a lot of time to make up for.”  His lips surrounded mine, as we fell into each other, entwined in each-other’s arms.   “Your mine.”  He said the words as if they were a question, his eyes pleading me for an affirmative answer.  


The End

Taglist (Tag requests are open):

@vicmc624@waywardprincesa@heyyy-hey-babyyy @carissime72 @deans-baby-momma @formulafun @woodworthti666 @yetanotherreader @crashlyrose @hobby27 @gabby913 @jxackles @polina-93@supernaturaladdictsblog @fandomoverdose666 @deans-baby-momma @deanwanddamons @tazzi-baby @acertainhero @lilulo-12@slamminmine​  @mimaria420​ @flamencodiva  @ticklepete  @charred-angelwings​ @happyt0exist@happyt0exist

(Desperate attempt to get my faves to notice me) @thinkinghardhardlythinking@smol-and-grumpy@cole-reads @watermelonlipstick@that-one-gay-girl​ @waywardbaby @luci-in-trenchcoats@holylulusworld@cockslut-padalecki@calaofnoldor@flannellover67@jawritter​ 
