

Unexpected Surprise

Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader

Summary: The reader surprises her husband during one of their conventions for the final season of Supernatural.

Warnings: None



From where I stood backstage I could hear the crowd of Supernatural fans burst into laughter over the story Jensen was telling them about that involved our four year old son tumbling off his bike down the little hill at the park near our house. I didn’t have to pull the curtain to see his reactions as there was a monitor back here and judging by the grin on his face I could tell what was coming next.

“So now Miles is at the bottom of the hill quiet as a lamb and I kid you not, this was Y/N’s reaction. OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD, MILES!” Jensen was now out of his seat mimicking the way I chased after Miles that day which only sent the crowd into another fit of laughter.

“Oh hell no, can I have a mic?”

The thing is neither Jensen nor Jared knew that I hopped on a flight to come to their con in Vancouver so me stepping on stage is bound to take them both by surprise. The assistant handed me a microphone and I climbed the steps to the stage. The crowd cheered even more when I came into their line of sight.

“Meanwhile this was Jensen, HE’S GOT HIS HELMET ON HE’S FINE!” I tried to drop my voice to mimic him and he immediately turned to look at me with such disbelief written on his face.

“Y/N!” Jared pushed Jensen out of the way on his way over to me; the tall beast picked me up with his arms wrapped around me in a bone crushing hug, if nobody that knew a thing about us they’d swear that the moose was my husband with his enthusiasm.

“I haven’t seen my beautiful wife in two weeks and you pushed me out of the way to get to her first. Put her down now!” Jared turned to look at him and from the monitor on this side of the stage I could see Jared sticking his tongue out at his friend refusing to put me down just yet.

“I haven’t seen her in three weeks so shh.” Since my arms were squished to my sides I couldn’t do anything more than stick my face into the crook of his neck which had the fans cooing at the sight.

“I missed you too Jared, now put me down, the air is thin up here.” Finally giving in, Jared placed my feet back onto the ground and steadied me only for my husband to do the same thing but this time I wrapped my legs around his waist and my hands immediately found their place in his grown out hair.

“Hi handsome.”

“Hi beautiful lady, this is a nice surprise.” Jensen took a couple steps back to where his stool is and the way that he did it so effortlessly too had the crowd whistling suggestively. Once I was seated Jensen brought his mic up to his mouth.

“Get your minds out of the gutter.” Although he used his dad voice, his face was saying the complete opposite, happy with the fact that his fans now had a memory that they’re never going to forget.

“Where’s my kid?”

“He’s napping in one of the rooms backstage, where are my manners? Hi everyone, how are we doing tonight?” The fans cheered once more and I took that as a good sign. Jensen nudged my legs open so that he could stand between them with his back to me and just as if we were home, I didn’t hesitate to rake my fingers up his back and through his hair. By the look on Jensen’s face, the fans could tell how much he had missed my touch and if we’re being honest, I missed having him around too.

“Look at him, he’s like a puppy.” Jared shouldn’t be the one to talk when he himself is a sucker for head scratches.

“Says the actual puppy.”

“You know Jay I’ve gotta say, you do look extra handsome today. Dark colours really look good on you.” The olive green shirt and his black jeans was an excellent pairing.

“Thanks darlin and you look gorgeous as always. Alright, back to why we’re really here. See, my wife shows up here and threw me off, we were taking questions. Who’s the next lucky person?” Jared squinted his eyes to search the crowd until his eyes landed on the Castiel cosplayer.

“You in the trench coat, let us haveth thy question.”

“Uh hi, my name’s Sara and my question isn’t about the show but it’s for the Ackles.” A woman’s voice filled the auditorium and by her tone I could guess what her question was going to be.


“What is one thing that you both love that your son does and do you guys plan on having another one?” Jensen dramatically leaned back on me at the second part to her question, he hadn’t voiced his opinion on having another kid running around the house so this should be fun.

“Miles is a mama’s boy and every night he makes sure that Y/N is the one who feeds him his dinner, gives him his bath and cuddles with him until he falls asleep and from my point of view I adore their bond, I think it’s amazing.”

“Miles is at the age now where you know, kids mimic what they see and his new thing is wearing daddy’s hat backwards and he’d get me to fill his sippy cup with juice or water so that he could join Jensen on the couch to watch whatever he’s watching on tv.”

“I actually saw the photo you had posted on Instagram about that and I thought that it was cute, he’s Jensen’s mini-me.”

“Definitely and about baby number two, Y/N and I haven’t discussed it but I’m sure if it does happen we’ll both be over the moon about it.”

I didn’t fly all the way from Texas to Vancouver, Canada to just see Jensen, I came because I had something important to tell him and this lovely lady set it up so nicely for me to break the news.

“You know I’m so glad you said that Jay because we’ve got give or take six months left of being a family of three.” Jensen didn’t fully process my words until the crowd went insane at my announcement. He immediately turned around to face me, shocked by what I said.

“What? You- shut up!”

“Surprise!” He cupped my face in his hands before planting a celebratory kiss on my lips.

“When did you find out?”

“Yesterday and I hopped on a flight first thing this morning to come tell you.” Jared bounded over to wrap his arms around Jensen.

“Congratulations you two!”

“Thank you Jared.”

I didn’t want to take up anymore time on their stage so I quickly kissed Jensen’s cheek and told him that I’ll see him afterwards. I waved to everyone in the crowd on my way off the stage and passed the mic back to the assistant.

For the rest of the panel, the boys messed around on stage and Jensen got a whole lot of congratulations on our growing baby inside of me. Coming closer to the end Miles woke up from his nap and Jay called out for me to rejoin them on stage.

“Daddy!” Miles stretched for his father and Jensen immediately took him from me, happy to finally have his son back in his arms. The band played music to close off the event and some of the other cast members came out on stage to join the fun. With Miles on his hip, Jensen pulled me into his side to kiss me once more in the midst of all that’s going on around us.

Although we hadn’t planned for another one, I have no doubt in my mind that he or she is going to be loved unconditionally by us and by extension, the Supernatural family.

The Truth

It’s been a while I know but my life is just a hot mess anymore haha. Hope you like it though. :) I’m posting from my phone I’ll add the tag list later today ☺️

Fic Summery: Sophia has never known love, her always picking the “good guy” him always turning out to be like a snake in the weeds. What will happen when she's took home one night by a “bad guy” him showing her things she never knew about herself.

Part Summery: Sophia learns more about the boys and meets Bobby

Warnings: Nothing?

Let me know if you want to be tagged would love to add you: @vicmc624@deanwanddamons@that-one-gay-girl@akshi8278​ @loelizabeth100 @nihilismworld@grungebbygurl@lettuceheadjerry@suckmyapplejacks@goddessofmischiefs@naretional​ @michellethetvadidict @stuckupstucky@olichat

Part 1Part 11

I don’t know when I fell asleep, or even how I did it. I felt like that’s all I’ve been doing lately. Maybe that’s why I felt so groggy when I woke up.

I woke up in the back of the car. It was dark, rain pitter pattering on the car roof. I was surrounded by different cars, all of them looking abandoned. But I couldn’t see much, the only light came from a street light in the distance.

A crushing weight of abandonment feels my chest as I think I’ve been left behind. The thoughts of Dean saying he would protect me seems like empty promises now.

With my eyes starting to burn I climb out of the car. The rain washes over me in a biting chill. I wrap my arms around myself and with no sense of direction I start to walk towards the light.

It’s not as far as it seems, it’s just behind a tower of crushed cars.

A two story faded blue house stands just a little ways away. Despite the distance I can see the light coming from the windows.

With no other options I walk towards it. Having no idea how late it is and if they would even let in a stranger.

I glup knowing I wouldn’t be able to speak to them. Dean was the only one who could get me to talk and it seemed that he was nowhere around.

By the time I reach the door I’m shivering the cold rain soaking the clothes I’m in. My bare toes aching at the cool weather.

With a shaking hand I lift it to knock on the door, hoping someone would answer.

I jump when the door swings open, Dean standing there with a hooded jacket on his toned frame. A large umbrella in his hand.

I watch his face soften as he sees me. Most likely looking like a drowned rat.

“Oh, Kitten. I was just about to come get you. Come in here and let’s dry you off.” He says, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into the house.

It is considerably warmer than outside. The inside of the house is cluttered but homey at the same time. Books and papers are littered on every surface.

Sam is sitting at the folding card table in the kitchen, an older man is standing by him.

“Who is she?” The older man asks, looking at me like I was a threat.

“Dean new damsel in distress. You know my brother and his savior complex.” Sam says, making me wonder what I did to make him not like me.

“Shut it Sammy.” Dean says, pulling me around the corner into the next room. Towards the lit fireplace.

“Come on Sophia, let’s get you warm.” Dean says placing me right in front of the flames.

I instantly start to relax as the heat wraps around my body.

“I’ll get you something to drink.” Dean says peeling off his jacket and placing it on my shoulders.

I smiled at him. Wondering how I could ever think he forgot about me. Of course Dean wouldn’t abandon me.

As he walks off I hear him whisper something to someone, the sound of heavy footsteps approaching me.

I turn around seeing the older man just a few feet away from me.

“Well seeing as you’re in my house I think you ought’ to know my name.” He says holding his hand out to me.

“Bobby Singer, paranoid bastard.” He shocked me with his introduction.

Despite it I take his hand and shake it, smiling at him.

“You’re a quiet one huh?”

“She doesn’t talk.” Dean says joining us, handing me a cup of coffee.

“What for?” Bobby asks, looking at me. Like he expects me to answer.

Gluping I shrug, knowing why but it was hard to explain.

“Her last boyfriend was an abusive dick is why.” Dean says sipping his coffee casually like he didn’t just say what he just said.

“Ahh.” Bobby says, nodding his head.

“Well, did you boys teach him a lesson?”

“Not yet.” Dean says winking, making an uncomfortable feeling settle in my stomach.

“But enough about that. Let’s get down to business.” Dean says, as Sam walks into the living room with us. Him holding his own cup of jo.

“Do you trust her?” Bobby asks, jerking his head towards me.

I sigh hating being talked about like I wasn’t there but what was to be expected when I was mute all the time.

“Like he said. She doesn’t talk. Dean’s the only one she will talk to.” Sam says, making me blush.

I drop my head feeling embarrassed.

“She just needs some time to get back on her feet. I’m helping her, yes I trust her. She doesn’t know anything about what we do but she’s on our side. Right Sophia?” Dean asks, making me look up at him.

I nod my head with a smile, having no idea what he was talking about but clearly they were into something shady. But I expected that when I went to work with Dean. When they were selling something that seemed impossible to own.

But I wasn’t going to tell anyone. Even if I could, Dean and Sam had been nothing but good to me. I wouldn’t betray them. I just knew I wouldn’t.

“Alright if you idjits trust her, that’s good enough for me. Now let’s get down to business.” He says taking one more swig of his drink and moving to turn towards a large book with a bunch of numbers on it.

It was a records book of some kind.

Dean smiles at me, both him and Sam finding a place to sit. Bobby sitting behind the desk, closes to me. Even though I was still cold I moved away from the fire to sit next to Dean on the couch.

“Lucky for you Cas gave you a heads up on the ones hunting your asses.” Bobby says looking at Sam like he was in trouble.

“Going after Dick Roman alone was stupied even for you.”

“I got close.” Sam says, looking away clearly annoyed.

“Close ain’t close enough. I thought I taught you better than that.” Bobby says, making me wonder if he was their father.

I look at Dean wondering what they were talking about. Who was Dick Roman? Did Sam try to kill him? Was the blood on Sam’s shoe human?

A sinking feeling of realization hits me like a ton of bricks. Sam and Dean were murderous.

“So what do you want us to do?”

“It ain’t up to me. Your father left the family business to you boys. You made the mess, you get to fix it.” Bobby says, pointing at Sam.

“It was a mistake Bobby. But mistakes can be fixed.” Dean says sitting up straighter.

“We need a plan. Get rid of the heat off of Cas before that chief Naomi fires him and business can go back to usual.”

“What stealing and selling rare artifacts to Bella so she can make more of a profit then you boys? John might not have been father of the year but he started this to help people not just make a quick buck.” Bobby says scolding them.

I was more confused than I have been in a long time but I couldn’t help listening to them. Trying to figure out what was going on.

“So what do you suggest?” Dean asks, seeming to honestly want Bobby’s advice.

“Break him down from the bottom up. Take what matters most and we can watch Dick shrivel.”

“Alright? Where do we start?” Sam asks.

Bobby digs through the book in hand and pulls out a picture sliding it over to Sam. I couldn’t really tell but it looked like a picture of a dock.

“These are empty shipping containers that are going to be full of drugs, guns you name it this weekend. But that’s not what I’m interested in. Dick’s got kids he plans on putting on one of them. Gonna trade them for something. Don’t know, don’t care. But there are folks kids about to be taken forever and that doesn’t sit right with me.”

“When do we start?” Dean says his jaws locked, Sam’s forehead wrinkled in worry but both of them looked different.

Like they were ready for battle, ready to do anything. Ready to kill.

I didn’t know what this was, or what I got myself into. What did Bobby call it?

The family business?

Either way, I was in it and didn’t see a way out.

It didn’t take long for them to hatch out a plan as if they had done this a hundred times. Sam and Dean decided to stop the kids from ever getting to the docks and if that didn’t work, worse case they could just break the kids out.

I didn’t understand what was going on. Luckily for me it seemed I didn’t have to. No one asked for my input or help. The three men moving around the room talking about so many illegal things as if they were talking about the weather.

I sat on the couch watching them. I should have been more freaked out I know but I wasn’t. I ran away from Sam just because he had blood on his shoe but listening to these men talk about busting open shipping containers and stealing the contents didn’t phase me.

I’m sure there was something messed up in my head. All the beatings from Harry most likely did some damage up there.

Or maybe I was just numb to it all. Yelling and violence was the only thing that seemed to scare me.

I was in no danger with these men. They were clearly criminals, clearly what people would say bad men but despite knowing that.

Despite knowing that Sam definitely tried and might have killed someone and Dean helped cover it and Bobby seemed like the crazed uncle that was behind the whole thing and to top it all off I was a vulnerable mute. I felt safe. Safe enough to pull my feet up under me, curling up and falling asleep.

When I woke up the house was silinet. It is still dark out. The only noise was from the crackling fireplace and soft breathing.

I sat up looking around me to see the only other person was Dean sleeping on the floor beside me.

I look at the clock on the wall seeing it’s just a little past two in the morning. I laid my head back down on the arm of the couch knowing I should go back to sleep but I was wide awake.

I lay there, tossing and turning for a bit trying to get more comfortable but nothing was working. Seeing that it was now fifteen past three I knew there was no chance I was going back to sleep. Sitting up again I let out a frustrated sigh.

I flinch when I hear how loud it was, my eyes snapping to Dean. I frown at myself seeing his green irises staring at me.

“You okay?” He asks softly unlike my loud mouth.

I nod looking down at him.

“S-sorry.” I force out wanting him to know I didn’t mean to wake him.

“S’okay.” He says sitting up, the blanket over him falling to show his bare chest..

He yawns, lifting his arms over his head showing his toned body. I flush, realizing I have never seen this much of him.

I turn my head, not wanting him to catch me looking. It clearly is not working when I hear a chuckle.

“You know I don’t care if you look right?” He says standing up.

I take a breath and look up at him towering over my body. I only came to his waist from sitting on the couch.

“I’m gonna get something for us to drink and then maybe you can try going back to sleep okay?” He asks using his fingers to tuck my hair behind my ear.

I nod and smile at him, butterflies feeling my stomach from his simple touches.

He smiles at me and turns to head towards the kitchen. From there I sat. I could see him open the fridge but I could see what he grabbed.

It only takes him a moment for him to return with a beer in one hand and an orange juice for me.

I blush, smiling that he bothered to remember that I liked it. Taking it from him I take a sip of the cool tart liquid sliding down my throat with ease.

Dean sits to the right of me taking a drink of his own beverage. Us sitting on the couch in siliance for a moment or two.

“Did you just say sorry?” He asks out of the blue, making me turn to look at him.

I nod confused by his sudden question.

“That’s what I thought I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. I have dreams about you talking to me all the time.” He says, surprising me by his honesty.

He never seemed to mind being open about what he thought that was for sure.

Yawning he runs his hand across his face, something he does when he’s tired I noticed. I don’t know what gave me the courage to do it but I reach my left hand out and place it on his thigh patting it.

He looks down at my hand then up at me, giving me a playful smile.

“Careful Sophia, I might think you’re flirting with me.” He says teasing.

I knew he was joking but that doesn’t stop me from blushing.

I try to pull my hand away but he grabs it pulling me closer to him with it.

“Come’re.” He says pushing his words together, something else he seems to do when he’s tried.

I do as he asks setting my glass down and crawling over to him

He lets go of my hand dropping his grip to my hip, him using it to guide me to sit on his lap. I blush from the intimate possession but I don’t protest. Knowing Dean would never do anything I didn’t want to do.

He reaches up grabbing my face gently with both hands, him pushing my hair out of my face.

“You know you’re a very good girl right Sophia?” He asks, his question catching me off guard.

My body also catches me off guard by the flip my stomach does.

I don’t know how to respond to that even if I did talk but Dean doesn’t seem to mind. Dean pulls me closer to him, lowering my head down until our foreheads are pressed together.

He closes his eyes shut for a moment making me wonder what’s going on inside him.

“The things I would do to you…” He whispers under his breath making something deep inside me ache.

“But I can’t…” He says letting out a sigh, it’s a sigh of disappointment.

“It’s not a good idea. But I’ve never been known to be the one to do the right thing.”

I wrinkle my forehead completely confused on what he’s getting at.

I didn’t have time to process it either. Dean tilting his head just enough so his lips touched mine. They were soft, but firm. Just like how he was. A gentleness to him that made you want to fall into him. Trust him completely.

It was a scary feeling if I’m honest. Something I couldn’t understand. How I could trust him as much as I do given everything that has happened between me and Harry.

Maybe it was because he was so honest with everything. Maybe it was because he acted like he was the messed up one. Maybe it was because despite him seeing me broken he still decided to help me.

I don’t know what it was but no matter what I couldn’t deny that I trusted him. More than I’ve trusted anyone for a long time.

first Dean Winchester birthday after he and Cas were married. Cas is baking a cake with Jack. Sam and Eileen have the rice krispies ready. The house has been decorated by Donna and Jody and the girls. Charlie is presenting an elaborate ppt on why Dean is amazing and deserves all the love he gets. Life is good, the bunker is bustling. Dean’s little nest, he finally is in his home.


Again searching for a story in which the reader was kidnapped and she escaped in the middle of a preserve jungle and she call sam and Dean and they help her.

There was this story which I read a long time ago, it was about Jensen and reader, which she came back from somewhere in Europe Sweden if I am not mistaken, with a child and she had this crazy ex and he stole the kid…

Does anyone know this story??

Son of a Bitch! Dean Winchester has been turned into a cross stitched doll! Pattern is available  ht

Son of a Bitch! Dean Winchester has been turned into a cross stitched doll! Pattern is available  http://robinsdesign.net/

Post link

Shout out to @thesquirrelqueer for funding my replacement tablet pen u a real one.

“you fight and you talk

one night he wakes, strange look on his face

pauses, then says, you’re my best friend

and you knew what it was, he is in love”



bumye byae by bye

yessss!!! i AM upset about supernatural so much to the point i have decided to rewatch it?? 15 seasons?? this show is older than me!! and i HAVE DECIDED TO REWATCH (??)
