#support black lives


I’m sure a lot of yall understand the struggles of being a working college student. I know I do.

My beautiful friend Cara is struggling with this at the moment and has fortunately decided to reach out to her friends for help.

I’m having a hard time balancing work, bills, and school even with the wimpy hours my job’s been giving me lately, which is why I was surprised to see that her goal is only $1000. She probably doesn’t think she’ll get much more than that, but what if we surprised her??

Y’all know the drill. Reblog. Share the link. Donate if you can.

the queen herself

Hi sorry for dying but I just came back to say the pmmm girls say happy pride month and Black Lives Matter.

There’s a lot going on right now, you should all by now know about the protest going on in the states right now. Hell when I go out into the balcony I can see some protesters on the streets, I hear shit tons of police sirens and helicopters too.

If you are going out to protest please stay safe, many people are getting hurt out there because of the police.

I’m not the best with words, but I just wanted to tell everybody that sees this that this account won’t tolerate any racist nor homophobic/transphobic shit that you may think of. Please do me a favor and unfollow and block this account, and get out of tumblr. Try educating yourself on the matter-I support the movement and even I’m still learning every hour about new things I’ve never heard about before.

And for those who support the movement, keep spreading awareness.
