
Survivor. Stumble upon this quote on pinterest - kinda reminds me of my everyday self.


Stumble upon this quote on pinterest - kinda reminds me of my everyday self.

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#depression    #survivor    

People talk about forgiveness like it’s this nonchalant choice you suddenly make in one second before you meet your friends at Panera for lunch and not this excruciating, gradual, meticulously tended to, bloody, sweaty, insane, bone scraping, tooth grinding rebirth of the self.

#survivor    #recovery    #mental health    #trauma    #actually traumatized    #forgiveness    #big deal    #nonchalant    #process    #painful    #abusive family    #abusive mother    #family    #parents    #bad moms    #bad parents    #parenting    #illusions    #health    #healing    #complex ptsd    #get real    

What happens to Medusa in the original myth?

Medusa was one of the daughters of Keto and Phorkys, who were sea gods. However, Medusa was mortal, while her sisters Stheno and Euryale were immortal.

She had been blessed with a striking beauty, and incredibly long and glorious hair. Poseidon, God of the sea, soon became enamoured with the young Gorgon and forced himself on her in a temple of Athena.

Athena was outraged at Medusa and transformed her hair into a bed of serpents, changing her into the grotesque monster we know today.

The young Gorgon could not look at another human being without them being turned to stone, and lived a sad lonely existence, taking out her anger on any traveller who visited her.

Medusa’s death is perhaps the most famous part of her story. Greek hero Perseus was sent out by a king to bring back the head of the Gorgon as a gift. He killed her while she slept by using Athena’s shield as a mirror so he could behead her without looking in her eyes. However, her power was not dimmed in death, and her head had to be kept covered in a sack called a kybisis so no one else was turned to stone.

For many, the myth of Medusa is linked to the struggle and re-birth of a woman dealing with sexual assault and trauma. In the myth, Poseidon forces himself onto the young Medusa and she is punished for his actions. A re-examination of this Greek myth sees many people identifying with Medusa as a victim rather than a villain, and wearing the image as a symbol of survival. One possible meaning of the Medusa tattoo is as a representation of strength after trauma or sexual assault.

#greek mythology    #athena    #medusa    #serpent    #serpents    #sexual assault    #poseidon    #olimpo    #goddess    #gorgon    #survivor    #sadness    #transformation    #depression    #depressed    #guilty    #forced    #no shame    #lonely    #tw truama    
“Survivors of the Titanic are taken on board the Carpathia in 1912”

“Survivors of the Titanic are taken on board the Carpathia in 1912”

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#titanic    #iceberg    #survivor    

“There is another way. A healthy and supportive way to make champions.”

~Mattie Larson

#mattie larson    #gymnastics    #survivor    #champion    
#travel    #journey    #vacation    #hawaii    #sightseeing    #honolulu    #town walk    #university of hawaii    #shopping    #rainbow warriors    #bookstore    #survivor    #旅行    #ハワイ旅行    #オアフ島    #ホノルル    #マノア    #観光    #お土産    #散歩    #ハワイ大学    #レインボーウォリアーズ    
 Rain World Art Month Day 21 - Filtration System

Rain World Art Month Day 21 - Filtration System

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#my art    #rain world    #rwartmonth    #slugcat    #the survivor    #survivor    
 Rain World Art Month Day 20 - Garbage Worms

Rain World Art Month Day 20 - Garbage Worms

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#rain world    #my art    #rwartmonth    #slugcat    #the survivor    #survivor    
 Rain World Art Month Day 18 - General Systems Bus

Rain World Art Month Day 18 - General Systems Bus

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#my art    #rain world    #rwartmonth    #slugcat    #the survivor    #survivor    
 Rain World Art Month Day 17 - Hazer

Rain World Art Month Day 17 - Hazer

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#rain world    #rwartmonth    #slugcat    #the survivor    #survivor    #my art    
 Rain World Art Month Day 14 - Vulture Grubs I always just eat them. Easy snack.

Rain World Art Month Day 14 - Vulture Grubs

I always just eat them. Easy snack.

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#rain world    #my art    #rwartmonth    #slugcat    #the survivor    #survivor    
 Rain World Art Month Day 13 - Swim

Rain World Art Month Day 13 - Swim

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#rain world    #rwartmonth    #my art    #slugcat    #the survivor    #survivor    
 Rain World Art Month Day 12 - Vulture Mask

Rain World Art Month Day 12 - Vulture Mask

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#rain world    #rwartmonth    #my art    #slugcat    #the survivor    #survivor    
 Rain World Art Month Day 6 - Pearls

Rain World Art Month Day 6 - Pearls

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#my art    #rain world    #rwartmonth    #the survivor    #slugcat    #survivor    #scavanger    
 Rain World Art Month Day 30 - The Survivor

Rain World Art Month Day 30 - The Survivor

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#my art    #rwartmonth    #rain world    #the survivor    #survivor    #slugcat    
 Rain World Art Month Day 29 - Rain

Rain World Art Month Day 29 - Rain

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#rain world    #rwartmonth    #my art    #slugcat    #the survivor    #survivor    
 Rain World Art Month Day 28 - Bats

Rain World Art Month Day 28 - Bats

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#my art    #rain world    #rwartmonth    #slugcat    #the survivor    #survivor    
 Rain World Art Month Day 27 - Farm Arrays

Rain World Art Month Day 27 - Farm Arrays

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#my art    #rain world    #rwaetmonth    #the survivor    #slugcat    #survivor    
 Rain World Art Month Day 25 - Communications Array

Rain World Art Month Day 25 - Communications Array

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#my art    #rain world    #slugca    #the survivor    #survivor    