#swd barbatos


Tsundere Barbatos

So this came about by accident ^_^’ @toloveawarlord asked me to draw a yandere Barbatos for her, but I mistakenly heard tsundere… so have my mistake! XD Yandere Barbatos coming soon… o_O

POV You just forget to message back Diavolo

Happy Birthday Barb uwu

ok sue u really pulled my leg now i gotta write barbie headcanons

barbatos when he’s totally fuckin love-drunk headcanons (18+ NSFW);

  • barbatos is quite a difficult man to get close to. not that he’s unapproachable by any means, just that he’s so proper and work-focused he tends to keep people at arm’s length
  • it’s incredibly hard for the average person to find a flaw with him (annoyingly so)
  • …but you’re not the average person
  • you are fortunate enough to be the object of barbie’s affections — and the sides he shows with you are unlike anything anyone could predict
  • first of all he’s a nympho. his libido is ordinarily very tame, but when he’s in love with someone (which he is) he does enough to make asmo blush
  • his desire now unquenchable, the only thing that’s on his mind now is sex. rough, animalistic sex with you pinning him down and fucking him til the pain and ecstasy mix in equal measure. all he wants at any given time is for you to destroy him
  • you practically have already. the first time you fucked him he was surprised by how aggressive (and how fucking fantastic) you were and you’ve all but ruined orgasms for him now
  • he can’t finish if he’s masturbating anymore. no amount of toys or self-inflicted punishments will cut it, if you’re not doing it then it’s not good enough.
  • despite this he has an extreme amount of self control. even when his mind is flooded with nothing but thoughts of you he’s able to will his boner away — otherwise he wouldn’t be able to get anythingdone.
  • he still carries out his tasks as perfectly as before, and on the surface it’s like he hasn’t changed at all. even diavolo insists that he should show more of his “romantic side” to you, you’re his partner after all.
  • but you know him better than that. when he calls you by honorary titles or gives you his trademark polite smile, you can sense the hunger in it. you know as well as him that in his heart of hearts he wants you to throw him down on the table and wreck him in front of everyone.
  • let them all see how slutty your boyfriend is, how shamelessly he cries out and begs for more, how much you can stretch his cute little hole out and how many loads of cum he can shoot all over himself.
  • you’ve told him before that you’d happily do that, and as much as he would love it if you did he simply can’t bring himself to dishonour his duty as lord diavolo’s butler.
  • of course you mean so much more to him than just sex. but it seems the more he loves you the more he craves you, so it’s a double-edged sword.
  • you don’t get to see each other as much as you’d like because of your responsibilities, and whenever you do get a chance you never end up doing what you said you would.
  • whenever you decide on “no sex, just a romantic date” it ends with the freakiest fuck session you’ve had, but when you decide to just “let your inhibitions run wild” it turns into a night so saccharine even the biggest sweet-tooth couldn’t stomach it.
  • despite that though you still insist on trying to label your dates (barbatos just lets you at this point, there’s no stopping you anyway)
  • in closing, barbatos is utterly obsessed with you body and soul, and no matter how much you touch him, kiss him, or fuck him its never enough to satisfy him. he’s greedy and always wants more, always vying for your attention and, despite his appearance, quite prone to jealousy.
  • you can’t say that you mind it at all.


Ah yes, the special day that belongs to my favorite, beloved demon butler. Happy birthday to the most beautiful, powerful, and talented demon of all the realms. May your birthday be one of the most special.
