#tumblr draw


Speed paint of Op messing up

We also post our pose references on our YouTube, DeviantArt, Facebook group, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest socials https://www.posemuse.com/social-media

The Dream Goons!!! A manga series I’m working on called Dream Hero. if you like my art do follow me

The Dream Goons!!! A manga series I’m working on called Dream Hero. if you like my art do follow me on instagram @Marcusjapan67.

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Queen Hera✨

“Once i was a goddess. Made from starlight and the sweetest earth. Limitless and blessed with purpose. But now, i’m not sure what I’m supposed to be. I feel as though I traded them all to be your Golden Traitor.”

Character belongs to rachel Smythe from her webcomic lore olympus;)

Hello good quality !

Oh where are my manners, I haven’t posted since forever

Even tho tumblr gives good quality and likes on reallyyyy dead posts, i woke up and chose violence, i chose instagram, idk why tho.

Yk when u’re happy about ur painting that u’re amazed by how good it turned out? Yep.

It was supposed to be on valentines but it’s not even february lmao

character belongs to rachelsmyth from her webcomic on webtoon lore olympus

Is that hades and persephone’s love child? Guess so!

I truly enjoyed painting this and this is my favorite art i’ve ever made!

Character belongs to Rachel smythe the owner of Lore Olympus.

Today’s art work inspired by librae44 on instagram!

Guys, I’m actually out of ideas and i’m getting a lil tired to complete the challenge… so maybe some ideas or complements would power me up!


This is the actual art that inspired mine! Did I nailed it?


El draw un your Style

Bolivia chikito en traje de Pollo, comiendo sopita

Más dibujos de Bolivia porque… Puedo (?)


Sigo haciendo los cómics solo que con menos frecuencia.

F me había olvidado poner esta imagen.

Sigo haciendo los cómics solo que con menos frecuencia.

Ahora tengo un OC (?) Kat versión varón. Hace tiempo muchos hacían eso de hacerse versión hombres y yo lo intenté. Ahora creo que es un OC. F por la iluminación

A drawing I did during summer, I love drawing them :)

Mom and the spirit’s.

I once thought how much moms protects you from whatever is around you. Or, how many times she changes the things around you for better.

So inspired on the art of Studio Ghibli I draw this.

I’m trying to learn more about illustrating fantasy characters. This is my first time and it’s just an study but I wanted to show you <3
