#tall people problems

Williamsburg, Brooklyn. $1600.00 “Basement Studio” “Ceilings are about 6 feet 3 in

Williamsburg, Brooklyn. $1600.00

“Basement Studio”

“Ceilings are about 6 feet 3 inches tall”

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Short people, please make sure the health of your tall person is taken into consideration when interacting with them.

Posture is very important to the giant folk.

(warning) do not attempt this method of interaction with tall people in the wild. They may be skittish and fearful, and might become defensive. Make sure to only attempt this maneuver with tall people who trust you. Treats may be used)

Casually approach your tall person and firmly but gently grasp their necks with your legs. Asking them to bend down is necessary, otherwise it’ll be seen as a threat.

They may stumble in protest, but after a while, they will become accustomed to the new physical accomodations.

Be sure to use positive reinforcement to reward your tall person.

But most of all, remember to have fun

Happy hug a tall person day from all of the fae folk over 6ft tall here in the treehouse ;-)

Happy hug a tall person day from all of the fae folk over 6ft tall here in the treehouse ;-)

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