

from last night’s study session with friends. slept after the exam because i only had 2hrs of sleep last night. i just ate a late lunch (possibly early dinner?) and now watching the last episode of 25 21!!! will watch another episode of bus proposal, maybe, shower, and study around 8-9pm.


a pretty slow but rad session in pharma this afternoon. was sleepy so i had a jasmine tea with me!! i am not over the tranquil, cold study vibes from yesterday so i put ac on, turned on the lamp, and put a fire crackling with a raining sound bg while studying

i’m going to memorize next what i just studied this afternoon (lipid-lowering drugs, GIT, anti-IBS drugs, respi drugs), have dinner, and go to my fave coffee shop to study with my med school friends the rest of the pharma topics for tomorrow’s exam (anti-seizure, anesthetics, drugs of abuse, analgesics, and anti-gout meds)!!!

3am. glad i spent the past 7-8 hrs talking-studying-laughing with my med friends. just showered. will study again in a few!!

a pretty slow but rad session in pharma this afternoon. was sleepy so i had a jasmine tea with me!! i am not over the tranquil, cold study vibes from yesterday so i put ac on, turned on the lamp, and put a fire crackling with a raining sound bg while studying

i’m going to memorize next what i just studied this afternoon (lipid-lowering drugs, GIT, anti-IBS drugs, respi drugs), have dinner, and go to my fave coffee shop to study with my med school friends the rest of the pharma topics for tomorrow’s exam (anti-seizure, anesthetics, drugs of abuse, analgesics, and anti-gout meds)!!!

from last night’s 1am study session!!!! would like to stay until 3am but my batt went out and my dog was with me so i couldn’t charge my devices inside. went home after and then further studied until 5am and slept for about 2-3 hours before my exam i just want to get another 3 hrs of sleep before i study for surgery!!!

despite all the midterm chaos, it has been raining since last night and the cool, damp air— the trees getting drenched, i feel at peace. this is your reminder to take it slow every once in a while, no matter how transient it may be.

hello, hello!!! studied all day and went to the gym afterwards. I just had dinner so I’m very sleepy. might take a nap before I continue studying!!! only 2 topics to go for my obstetrics midterm exam ☠️

good mooorning!!!! it’s a full day today. i can’t wait to catch up on my backlogs after classes

hello everyone! since i’m turning 20 soon, and 2020 is almost ending, i’ve decided to cr

hello everyone! since i’m turning 20 soon, and 2020 is almost ending, i’ve decided to create my own 28 day anti-procrastination challenge. i’ve tried doing challenges on my blog before but really struggled to stay committed. i hope that this time, i can really stick to my plans and goals. i’ve struggled with procrastination my entire life, and i really want to tackle this bad habit and incorporate better habits before i turn 20, and before this year ends. i will be using a mixture of resources i found online for this challenge. the first day of my challenge will be today (nov 24, 2020).

steps for starting the challenge:

  1. make a not-to-do list (a list of tasks you will not do, no matter what)
  2. make a rewards list
  3. sign up for the beat procrastination challenge on: here (this is a 30 day challenge, but i’ll be using this because after 28 days, i should still be using these habits, so there should be no reason why i can’t answer the questions for an extra 2 days)

rules (based off of my challenge tribe, with additional rules i added):

  1. review your not-to-do list as soon as you wake up
  2. work on your most important task of the day for a minimum of 25 minutes as soon as you start your day (i will be keeping my phone on airplane mode and NOT check my email until after i’ve worked for 25 minutes)
  3. give yourself a time limit for each thing you have to do
  4. take breaks according to a set time (i’ll be taking a 10 minute break every 50 minutes of work)
  5. if you have a distracting thought or random task that you realized you have to do during a work session, write it down and work on it during your break.
  6. reward yourself if you get a task done without procrastinating and within the time limit
  7. when you have spare time, do what you have to do. do not put it off until the next day.
  8. follow the schedule below
  9. check in with the challenge tribe daily

* modules workbooks are from here 
day 1 -
day 2 - module 1
day 3 -
day 4 - module 2
day 5 -
day 6 - module 3
day 7 - make a check-in post on tumblr (what worked, what didn’t work, how you’ll improve if needed)
day 8 - module 4
day 9 -
day 10 - module 5
day 11 -
day 12 - module 6
day 13 -
day 14 - module 7
day 15 - make a second check-in post
day 16-27 -
day 28 - final check-in post

Post link


15.8.20 // I haven’t posted on here in forever and a day, but I’ve moved & now have a new desk!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays~

Thank you for watching and supporting me, I would love to hear your thoughts and comments! I’m super happy with how I designed 2022’s digital bullet journal/planner template. For personal use only.

posted a quick timelapse!! hope you guys enjoy it let me know what kind of videos you guys want to see more of :-)

#youtube    #studyblr    #studyspo    #studygram    #handwriting    #timelapse    #emmastudies    #notespo    #stillstudies    #focusign    #cmpsbls    #studyquill    #softlystudying    #obsidianstudy    #getstudyblr    #100daysofproductivity    #100dop    #tbhstudying    #gloomstudy    #revisicn    #aestheitcs    #postudy    #oikawastudiessee    #eintsein    #adelinestudiess    #stuhde    #studyign    #studylustre    