#trans support


Pan vs. bi discourse is so stupid just let people have their labels. I’m transandbi and my sister is pan and we buy each other, each other’s respective flags and cute pride gifts and there’s literally no problem stop telling people what their own label means or that their label isn’t ‘inclusive’ enough when it is and always has been or that their label is too new and is trying to replace things that already exist just stop. Just let people use the labels they are comfortable with. Please. It’s not that hard.

We already have homophobes/transphobes who hate every single one of us despite which LGBTQIA+ members you may personally think are legit or not. They hate us all. So can we please come together as a community instead of fighting amongst ourselves? This goes for terfs, aro/ace spec exclusionists, and enby exclusionists as well. Just stop. It’s not getting you anywhere. The homophobes and transphobes still hate you even if you hate us with them. We need to show strength and unity. Stop hurting people and especially kids in your own community.

Some days I’m chill with my bottom bits and other days I’m like WHERE THE FUCK IS MY COCK?!



Thank you for viewing my page and considering donating to help me. I have extreme facial dysphoria, developed from living and working in abusive environments. Often, people think a trans woman wanting FFS (Facial Feminization Surgery) is about vanity. But it’s not. We are trying to feel welcome in our own bodies. I just want to recognise the person in the mirror as me. I want to be out in public without the crushing fear of being clocked as transgender by a neighbour or stranger and how that endangers my fiancé and me.

For several years, I have been saving everything I could spare to pay for FFS; this year I got on insurance that could help cover the costs. I had built up enough to cover my co-pay and time off work. I scheduled my FFS surgery, got my letters of necessity, and applied for pre-certification. Aetna rotinuely pre-certificaties for medically necessary procedures and I had met their requirements.

On August 21, I received a letter from Aetna explaining they could not pre-certificatify my surgery because my Aetna employer group, the US DoD, denys all transgender and gender transition related services in accordance with the Trump administration’s anti-transgender policies. Now I need to raise the remaining $8,000 Aetna would have covered or lose both my deposit and my November 10 surgical window. I cannot do this on my own and am asking for your help. Any amount you can contribute would bring me closer to a healthier and safer life.

If you cannot afford to contribute, I know many in the LGBTQ community also struggle financially, please reblog this or share with friends. The more people who see my fundraiser the more likely I am to reach my goal.

Thank you.

Jenny’s been in a legal battle for years bc of being targeted by transphobia at her previous job. The story is here – https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2019/02/02/transgender-teacher-lawsuit-harassment-discrimination/
… and the lawsuit still hasn’t been resolved! She’s going through the trauma of reliving what happened and facing down bigoted questioning, not just for herself but also to get policies and education put in place in the school system to protect future trans students and educators.

If you have found my Tumblr helpful or informative, please consider passing that positive energy on. This is a GoFundMe for a friend of mine and any support or signal boosting you could do would help her out immensely.

You Look Beautiful

You look wonderful in a dress,

And every time I see your makeup I feel myself become envious,

I know that once your hair is longer you’ll style it all stunning

And I’ll ask you for help when mine is messed up and running

Your fingers look so delicate with their pretty painted nails

And I see the way you flinch when they drag on the stair rails

The care you have taken in your appearance is obvious

Which is why you stand out to all of us.

While your father may mourn the loss of a son,

And your mother wonder where she went wrong,

Please know that it isn’t your fault

And you are beautiful whether they accept it or not.

This world is full of people who are accepting of you

Far more than those with an opposing view

And who will violently defend your right to be beautiful

When you’re called out by a close-minded fool

So continue to twirl in your dresses

And grow out your beautiful tresses

And be comforted by the fact

That we support the way you act.

Hi there!  It’s Rev. Michael Cardamone again.Tonight July 1, 2021 at 630 PM EST we will be having a

Hi there!  It’s Rev. Michael Cardamone again.

Tonight July 1, 2021 at 630 PM EST we will be having a Zoom group meeting specifically for transgender people facilitated by a gay-ish transgender man (namely me).  This is for anyone who considers themselves trans anywhere on the spectrum and at any point in their trans journey (whatever that journey means to you).

This time we are studying Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians by Austen Hartke.  This book is available on Kindle and Paperback.  If you don’t have a Kindle, you can download the Kindle app for your device (including desktops).

If you are transgender and wish to attend this meeting with me to discuss lovely trans-affirming Christian literature, please feel free to hit up our inbox.

Post link
jesuspeopleavl:Mod Rev. Michael Cardamone here.  I am a bisexual transgender man and I have an impor


Mod Rev. Michael Cardamone here.  I am a bisexual transgender man and I have an important announcement today.

Jesus People is happy to announce that we are starting a brand new Zoom meeting on Thursday nights at 6:30 PM EST.  This meeting will strictly be for (and by) transgender persons across the gender spectrum.  (We will schedule learning opportunities for cisgender persons separately at a later date.)

Euphoria is a weekly group by trans people for trans people concentrating on trans-affirming Christian literature and living joyfully in our true and truly God-given gender, not the World’s expectations for our bodies and lives.

This time we are studying Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians by Austen Hartke.  This book is available on Kindle and Paperback.  If you don’t have a Kindle, you can download the Kindle app for your device (including desktops).

First meeting will be an icebreaker meeting where we can discuss the author, our expectations for the book study, and peek at the intro.  I plan on breaking this down into 8 weeks.

If you’re a trans person and interested in this meeting, feel free to message this page and I will get details to you.

Stock photo of a butterfly from Dreamstime for visibility.

Tonight’s the night!  Be sure to message us if you’d like the Zoom link.

For the first meeting, don’t worry if you don’t have or can’t get the book at this exact moment.  We’re just getting into the intro and speaking about what we expect to gain from diving in.

Post link
I support my trans family and friends Original shirt design is from trans artist HologramNoah

I support my trans family and friends

Original shirt design is from trans artist HologramNoah

Post link



In the light of a few unfortunate circumstances (Losing a job, several medical exams and a rapid shortage of any and all Testosterone based medications) - | am in a dire situation to ask for some extra commissions to be able to buy another few months worth of T.(At least for the rest of the Summer)

If you can’t just take a commission - Please, consider donating a bit! That too will help a whole lot!

Right now we’re looking at an estimate of 70$.

For any and all contacts:

@grimdarkarmageddon ( both insta and tumblr for DMs)

[email protected] 


The other day, my girlfriend and I were discussing why people need to pry at Trans-folks’ deadnames. Why they need to know what’s in their pants, and why people feel the need to misgender them intentionally, when really someone’s “trans-ness” is none of their business.

She had said “They demand respect, but never give it to those who need it most” and I felt like it took the words right from those people’s mouths.

So what can cishet people do to make transgender folks more comfortable? Coming from a trans person, here are a few things:

- First off, this isn’t actually part of it. But if you’re cishet and you’re trying your best to respect your trans friend; Hats off to you! You’re an amazing person for trying! Don’t beat yourself up too hard when you accidentally misgender them, it happens! But be sure to ask questions (the productive kind), learn what you can so you have a better understanding of them! You won’t be able to comprehend everything, but acknowledge and accept that.

- Don’t ever ask about genitalia. Don’t ask about birthnames (we call them deadnames). It’s none of your business. It doesn’t affect you if their genitalia don’t “match up”, in your opinion.

- Don’t say things like; “Why would you ever do that?” “Why would anyone want/not want boobs?” “Surgery is a dangerous thing for something so optional.” These things only tear others down. Your goal should be to build them up.

- NEVER share their deadname to others, even if the trans person isn’t present.

- RESPECT PRONOUNS! They go by he/him but don’t look like a guy? IRRELEVANT!

- RESPECT pronouns even if the person isn’t around!

This is just kind of a starter kit to get you well on your way to making your trans pal happy and comfortable!
