#text heavy


On the topic of discourse

TL;DR It’s gotten wayout of hand and it’s time to stop

Okay so originally I wasn’t going to say anything, the original issue had nothing to do with e and it wasn’t something I was going to comment on as to not drown out the voices of those who were hurt and needed to be heard. Now, however, suddenly the topic has changed and now the original issue is only part of the full picture.

Before I say anything regarding the main discourse I must preface: I am not trying to devalue or invalidate anyone’s opinions, thoughts, feelings, or anything of the sort that my brain is incapable of making words for at the moment. I am merely stating my own thought’s and conclusions from what I have personally seen, I also don’t condone the harassment of anyone involved.

I don’t want this to be super long so I’m going to try and keep it short. When the original issue of the quotes around the word system was brought up it was completely understandable for some people to be upset. If someone had referred to one of my beloved characters or myself as “Puerto Rican” it would make me upset as it seems they are taking my ethnicity (a part of myself) and acting as though it doesn’t exist. At first glance you could come to this conclusion, the issue with text is that you can’t derive any sort of meaning behind it other than whats written, which is why so often I try to clarify in the tags or in the text what I am actually feeling or trying to say as it’s very easy to get things misconstrued.

I’m not saying those who came to the conclusion that the use of quotations was malicious are wrong for being upset, or anything like that, it’s an easy thing to see especially when it comes to something so personal like an identity so I can completely understand where the people who were hurt are coming from. After those people had spoken out Jojo had issued an apology and explanation, it wasn’t super lengthy, but it did give us insight to how this event happened, and how it can be fixed in the future. The event was caused by a linguistic and cultural grammatical misstep, the solution is to be more careful with her wording, and at least from what I saw most people accepted that, and if you didn’t thats fine you have a right to not accept someones apology.

My big issue and why I am personally speaking out now is because with this original issue, some people have decided that this is the perfect time to dredge up old beef, or issues and present them as a reason to why we should believe Jojo’s apology is insincere and that we should hate her. Now not everyone is doing this, but I am seeing it and I am shocked and appalled by this behavior from one of the more chill fandoms I’ve been in. I’m going to use a quote of something I said in a discord because I feel that is the best I could phrase it:

as of looking in the LU tag rn I think things have gotten incredibly out of hand to the point where some people aren’t even talking about the original issue and are just bringing up things from years ago to be mad at her about

which concerns are valid, but when it comes to things that have happened years ago there has to be a line drawn on whether that behavior has continued or not and as of rn at least for some accusations i have not seen any evidence to that

and another: I think also digging up stuff from the past devalue the progress they’ve made to actively change its basically like saying “Yeah you’ve changed but that doesn’t matter,” it gives like the idea why even change if no matter what you’re still going to be attacked for your past.

After the digging up of past actions Jojo issued a second apology, one that most people would not have, it was short, but it addressed the accusations in a sort of all over blanket statement which for a bunch of things that happened over 4 years ago is something I don’t have an issue with. I will say that like I said above I think the act of digging up someones past to be mad at them is counterintuitive, I was a completely different person 4 years ago, heck I was a different person 2 years ago, people change over time and to act as though none of that matters and no matter what they can still be harassed and attacked for their past makes all of their progress to becoming a better person mean nothing.

We have gotten two apologies from a creator who made a mistake and has changed it and is looking to be better.

This is more than I’ve seen from other more popular creators who have done far more serious actions. Accept her apology or don’t, either is fine, but trying to dredge up anything you can find so you can tear her down or harass her is something that is unacceptable and it has to stop, right now.

Looking through the tags there are several people who are making excellent points I didn’t talk about regarding the issue, there’s a whole other more specific bag of beans I didn’t even bring up because it’s just too much. Two notable people who I think are being civil and are making some good points are @phantom-noirand@war-in-time

As a closer you don’t have to agree with me, these are my thoughts and opinions on the matter based on what I’ve personally witnessed. However whether you agree with me or not the act of harassing anyone involved in this is completely unacceptable and it needs to stop

The ink from my pen was mixing with my paints. Sucks. I’ll trace and repaint them tomorrow I guess.

The warmup is a romper with a top styled after my favorite blazer.

Pater-@faebiie - A babydoll jumpsuit (shapes remind me of your art), a long sleeved collared shirt, because I think they’re cute and kinda androgynous- like u!! The colors you use in your art are typically muted and earthy, so I used those colors too!! The ink muddied it but I meant for it to be a mustard yellow and a pale grey-brown. The buttons seemed more your style than zippers or cording (even though I prefer cording for my own outfit)

Benny-@gorg-go-gay - I’m not proud of how this one turned out because I went kinda experimental and silly. Another collared shirt. Because androgynous, cute, and like. Unbutton it a bit.. like a pirate.. like a cool pirate. Anyway I tried to take my favorite bits from both Miku and Shadow the Hedgehog with some Benry Inspo. my favs of your kins. Again with the muddied colors, I’m sorry I’ll fix it tomorrow. The sleeve ends are like Miku’s, the pants have pleats on top and bottom. There’s a holster belt that has a section that wraps the upper thigh. Might redesign this a bit when I retrace.

Maggie-@httpbutterfly - uhhhh lowkey obvious. Honestly I forgot to check your aes acc I got so excited about putting this design together. Uhhhh butterfly top with double sleeves!!!! WOOO!!! I know you’re not wild about skirts so I did pants with a layered skirt, maybe something light but not sheer. No colors because. Again. My horrible pen. I haven’t decided completely what colors to use.

Theo-@chocolatechippi - I LOOOOOVE your aesthetic account, dude. A lot of it reminded me of Larme-kei so I went with something that looks like clouds and seafoam. I wanted sunset colors, soft oranges and purples. Maybe some blue. I’m really pleased with it. Probably sewn pleats in the bodice that suddenly release to give it that fitted, tailored look I drew in the waist. And that way there wouldn’t have to be a seam. I’m not sure how the dress would be underneath the capelet on top. I’m partial towards halter bodices. I don’t know. Maybe a strapless sweetheart neckline or a boat neck with the same puffy stuff as the hems. OH and it’s meant to kinda look like a mushroom!!!



that being said um i want to say more about this tomorrow but like? hey, cis people? and trans men, and other trans people who don’t identify as trans women or transfemme?

you.can not. post hateful, threatening, or violent posts or comments about TERFs on the internet.

you can not do this.

if you spend half an hour on TERF blogs you’ll quickly realize that one of their favorite things to do is to round up posts where people talk about how they want to do violent things to TERFs, and display them as a sign that TERFs really are oppressed or in danger or whatever it is they claim.

and a lot of the time? the posts about TERFs are not by trans women. they are often by cis people, and trans men, and trans masc people.

but guess what? TERFs don’t care. TERFs absolutely don’t care who made the post. because they don’t feel threatened by people in general, they feel threatened by trans women. if they don’t know who made the post wishing violence upon TERFs, they will assume it was a trans woman. if they know the person was not a trans woman, they will assume it was somehow still the fault of trans women, because trans women are influencing people to hate innocent TERFs who just don’t want those people in their women’s spaces. 

this principle applies in many cases: if you are an ally, you are not allowed to escalate the level of violence in any situation: not at a protest where police are present, and not even online. no matter what, the violence or threats of violence will be blamed on the marginalized group for whom you claim to be an ally. and that’s not good allyship.

damn there are some people in the notes who can’t read, huh?

“don’t post online about doing violence to transmisogynist radfems, because they will see it and use it to drum up sympathy for their cause” is not about ‘being nice’ to the hate group or ‘using kid gloves’ or whatever the fuck. it’s about how your performative anger and fantasy violence creates more hatred towards trans women.

you can absolutely hate those fuckers and not post your violent revenge fantasies online. talking a big game about how much violence you want to do doesn’t actually make them afraid of you or stop them from spreading. sometimes it does the opposite. that’s the point of the post.

that’s why one of the main strategies against transmisogynists is to block and deplatform them. it’s more effective at stopping them from recruiting. showing love for and inclusion of trans women is far more important than trying to prove how tough you are online. and making transmisogynists unwelcome is part of that, but posting online about wanting to do violence doesn’t actually challenge their beliefs in any meaningful way, or help transfem people feel welcome.

now if we’re talking offline tactics, there’s a discussion to be had about the place of violence in resisting transphobia! but that’s not what the post is about.

Okay here are my BBC Radio 4 Holmes episode suggestions for anyone interested since the madman Coules actually adaptedevery story and made some originals as well, and it’s a lot to go through:

  • Study in Scarlet (this is a 2 parter but Holmes and Watson getting to know each other is just peak comedy and it establishes their dynamic so well)
  • Scandal in Bohemia
  • Red-Headed League
  • Blue Carbuncle
  • Final Problem&Empty House 
  • Charles Augustus Milverton
  • Illustrious Client
  • Devil’s Foot
  • Lion’s Mane (the OG story is boring as hell but this version is so silly funny. Holmes makes a lot of weird noises in this one.)
  • Madness of Colonel Warburton (this is a Coules’ original. It’s about seances and I do enjoy some supernatural shenanigans) 

Fully recommend listening to any others you feel like especially if there’s a particular story you enjoy, since Clive Merrison’s Holmes is just a delight regardless of the situation.

my energy was so raw as a child everyone was terrified of me even though I looked like dora the explorer. the only thing puberty did to me was make me self conscious about seeming like a psychopath, but I want her back. need to start chasing people around with “poison” sumac branches again.




The morbius meme is uniquely great knowing Disney can’t make the most of the PR when it’s 200x funnier if you refuse to watch the movie

its overshadowed the movie itself so much i legit dont even know what its about? i think hes a vampire? and other then that literally everything i have heard about him is its morbin time

Jared leto, vampire, it’s marvel somehow, nobody saw it, don’t know don’t care its morbin time


I kept seeing people saying what a fun idea this would be, and so I thought… eh, it’s jumping on a bandwagon, but why not.

Regular emails from your friend Dr John Watson about the adventures of his eccentric detective roommate.

Inspired by Mark Kirkland’s excellent Dracula Daily, Letters from Watson will let you read through the entirety of the Sherlock Holmes short stories over the course of one year via bitesize emails.

Keeping with the precedent set by Daily Dracula of reading classic literature in an unusual order, it will be following the chronological order of Holmes’ cases, rather than their publication order. This means we’ll start with stories about a young pre-consulting detective Holmes in the 1870s, and end with an elderly ‘retired’ Holmes getting up to shenanigans in WW1.

Emails will begin January 1st 2023. I’ve chosen this date to avoid conflicting with other ‘daily email literature’ projects, and because it is the date when all Sherlock Holmes stories will be in the public domain in the US for the first time!

I’m aware it’s a very long way ahead, but won’t be be a surprise when you finally get that first email? (Also you get a special email when you sign up and I think it’s pretty exciting)

You can read more and sign up here!

does n harmonia’s pokemas model really have that much ass or was that a funny edit based off that one pokespe panel. because I think it would be hysterical if n harmonia had more ass than any genshin impact character.

also the “reomabu only cops at pride” joke aging like spoiled milk immediately was something to behold. ah they’re killing semi-harmless people for being too kinky. oh look they shot the only canon gay child in the show. wait they’re non-humans forced to masquerade as the police to help hide the kill count required to satiate their abuser. oops their only chance at happiness was dying and reincarnating as themselves aka not cops. what does it mean what could it all mean

seeing the ppl watching ikuhara’s funny kappa show about gay crushes, crossdressing, and delinquency who somehow didn’t think the evil buddy cops were also gay react real-time to reo imagine himself and mabu naked, sing about how they’re the ultimate couple, and then walk in on mabu banging reo’s shadow-self was the FUNNIEST anime experience I’ve ever had. thank god for sarazanmai episode 9.

had to close a tab to stop myself from bursting out into laughter after finding out L lawliet’s japanese va has also done dub voicework as both mort from madagascar and bugs bunny.


If you still call tumblr the hellsite you haven’t seen twitter’s recent discourse over whether short women can be loved for anything other than a fetish

dying-suffering-french-stalkers:bananapajama87: @dying-suffering-french-stalkers is right as always.



@dying-suffering-french-stalkers is right as always.


*sobs gently into my hands*
uniquely among this cast I think his genuine deepest down character motivation is *belonging*

like obviously all the other characters need connection on some level too (even if poor zenigata isn’t getting a lot of it :’) )
but I don’t think any of them has it as this fundamental desperate right-in-the-core drive like jigen does it’s so sad that he spent so much of his life in a world where you can’t trust anyone when one of his most defining character traits is a just… IMMENSE capacity for loyalty and devotion

and not in the fear-based ‘you know what happens if you aren’t…’ way OR mechanical thoughtless way of that violent world
but the real deal babey with his whole chest; quietly and undramatically and steadfastly as much in the silly little background moments of day to day life as in the great crescendo of a heist

and like when you think about it he really needed so little! he literally just needed someone to treat him decently! for just one (1) person to not repay that capacity for loyalty and devotion with stabbing him in the back when he isn’t 'needed’ anymore!
he fascinates me so endlessly as a character who at one point very nearly died psychologically if not physically (though when you’re that dead inside I feel it’s only a question of time before even professional pride ain’t enough to keep you from that) doing things he didn’t much care for for people he didn’t much care for for reasons he didn’t much care for

(he doesn’t seem to like… care that much about money really? even when lupin loses them a score to fujiko it’s more anger that he’s devaluing what he and jigen did together just like that. no one in the lupin gang really cares that much about the money in and of itself except possibly fujiko which is probably why she usually wins lol)
and then lupin shows up with all his joyful nonsense and it wakes him up and he saunters back into life again. I mean. hmng ;___;

I know I joke that lupin iii is fundamentally the 'we must imagine Sisyphus happy’ central of fiction but I think jigen is the Most in finding contentment in pushing that metaphorical boulder b/c he’s doing it with the people he loves (which is why it’s both so funny and sweet to me that 'where you go I go’. like 'yeah I’ll go wherever as long as it’s with you’ *shrug*)
and it’s a hell of a lot better than being dead while still having to walk around and breathe

like he doesn’t care as much about where he’s going as the fact that he’s not going alone. that finally something loved him back.
…all my jigen feels spilling out of my chest on a tuesday morning lol


hi, OP here! just came off hiatus! thank you SO much for this Jigen Essay Series, truly, genuinely, every one of you

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those is mcdonalds jeans?

Fun fact: those McDonald’s jeans are part of the standard uniform here in Colombia. I’ve tried at least 16x to ask where they source them, if I can buy them from the manager, even going McDonald’s not to order food but just to ask for the jeans. I asked someone high up in their marketing dept here to see if maybe they know which company sourced them, and still couldn’t get my hands on a pair. Apparently employees only get one pair per year. They’re slightly high-waisted, they taper very slightly, they’re always kind of high water at the bottom, and they’re the perfect light jean color. They’re not stiff, they’re not that stretchy, they’re the perfect denim material. They come with a cloth belt that’s either yellow or turquoise, and the stitching on the M is almost sensual. I will not give up

theres a hourse in the dirve through

could you please stay on topic


Hey guys, if you have the time please click this link and go view the AIDS memorial quilt. As of last year, all 1.2 million feet of the quilt has been photographed and made viewable to the public.

As such a cornerstone to our community as queer people, the AIDS quilt was a sign of love and remembrance of all who were lost. And for some, with no solution in sight. What a wonder science is, because living as HIV/AIDS positive is no longer a death sentence. It is a treatable and manageable disease. We can live full and happy long lives and not transmit the disease.

When it was intitially unveiled, the quilt had about 2,000 panels and it was now bloomed into 48,000. The majority of them measuring 6'3". About the size of a grave.

I urge you to take the time to treasure, understand, and support our community. As their lives and the queer movement- have brought undoubtable freedom as we live in our own.

Making a quilt can take countless of hours. And a quilt of this size, it’s a whole generations worth.

Love your queer elders. Love your gay history. Live free, today.





yall wanna see the worst take ive ever seen on why leather bars and hankie groups dont belong at pride 

someone honest to got thought this up, wrote it, and hit post

btw that comment was specifically abt leather bars/leather daddies being unwelcome and like. yall. the first (estimated) leather bar in the usa was in new york in like 1958 and then in san fran in the tenderloid in 1960. these were before the stonewall riots. these men were alive through the entire AIDs crisis and ya called them the reason people are homophobic. im going to loose my mind. 

like this is homophobic. this is activelyhomophobic. you are telling a group of gay men who helped create this community that they are so degenerate that their mere presence at pride has caused a spike in bigotry against this community over the past few years. like imagine typing that out and not realizing how wildly homophobic that is 

It would destroy the trust the others put in their leader .Charmy and Vector would have to absolve tIt would destroy the trust the others put in their leader .Charmy and Vector would have to absolve t

It would destroy the trust the others put in their leader .

Charmy and Vector would have to absolve the special training and even if they did, I´m sure most of the clan members wouldn´t accept them. It hurts to say but they aren´t really fond of outsiders.


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- Maybe go to the Mall, there are lot´s of things to look at and you can grab food as well.- Maybe go to the Mall, there are lot´s of things to look at and you can grab food as well.

- Maybe go to the Mall, there are lot´s of things to look at and you can grab food as well.

Post link

i’m thinkin abt genji’s room in nepal and like he doesn’t have a bed laid out or anything but he does have a mattress propped up in the corner of the room if that counts?? so like. does genji sleep?? does his body really need rest if it’s 90% cybernetic?? is it only his mind that needs sleep and rest?? does he need less sleep than the average person?? does he even sleep?? does he sleep enough?? does he get his full 8 hours?? is he happy and rested and okay?? where did they even get the mattress from?? the shambali is all omnic monks, right?? do omnics sleep?? if they don’t where did they go out and get the mattress from?? did they travel all the way out into the city to go to ikea to get genji a mattress?? i have so many questions i

okay, so I had a dream about “Battle of Heart and Mind” last night

White, Yellow, Blue, and Steven were all in this weird mind space. it wasn’t like the ones we’ve seen Steven create before: it was styled more like “Your Mother and Mine”. everyone was in silhouette in a diamond-shaped frame.

The Diamonds were asking Steven about his time on Earth as Steven (and I think, by extension, as Rose). one of the things Steven mentioned was sparring with Pearl, which he demonstrated by throwing his shield at Pearl (who was with Steven). Yellow was a bit put off by this (I guess she considered violence against Pearls a bad thing), but she allowed the discussion to continue.

Then, Steven mentioned playing with cats. That’s when White felt the need to stop things. apparently, playing with organic animals was a serious no-no to her.

White’s decision upset Blue greatly. she said, “this is our [i.e., her and Yellow’s] space, too!” That’s when she decided to take Yellow Diamond and bust out of the space and into the physical world. cue the shot of Blue and Yellow falling from the tower—except this time, it’s from Yellow’s perspective, and it’s happening in a real-world cityscape.

it was intriguing.


Remember the episode “The Test”?? Where it turns out that one of the first adventures the gems had together with Steven was actually the test they prepared to see if he was ready to join them?

Okay, the thing is: what if everything that happened in the show was just the test the DIAMONDS made for Pink Diamond? What if Steven gathers them together on a party and convinces them to turn back the corrupted gems and the diamonds burst out in laughter and finally tell him oh, Pink, all of that was just a test, we wanted to see if you can do it?? Then it turns out that Homeworld is actually a place where everyone lives freely and happily and feels comfortable with each other and all that happened was just a huge stage show the diamonds put to prepare Pink Diamond for her own times of rule?


  • It would fit right within this huge parallel between Pink Diamond and Steven the crew is making right now
  • Actions of the pearls are a very important indication imo - like if they were really slaves they are painted to be, they would obviously feel more uncomfortable and the relationship between Pink Diamond and our Pearl would be a very uncomfortable inequal slave/master romance - but it would all make sense if Homeworld is actually a place of joy and freedom! Pearl actually never was Pink Diamond’s slave, that’s why she was able to fall in love with her in a healthy way the show portrays it in. That would also explain why Pearl’s comment in the last episode - “Im only here because Im bringing your things and I am one of your things” - is so dismissive and not in any way how a real person who used to be a slave/thing in this place would say it. I would be tired too of having to act for thousands of years like I was ever an unhappy slave, she’s just done by now.
  • The gag order!! Of course love of Pearl’s life wouldn’t put a gag order like that on her, indicating that she actually sees her as nothing more than a thing she can impose orders on however she pleases. It was just a thing Pearl and the Diamonds came up with after Rose chose to be with Greg to explain why Pearl didn’t tell Steven that he was Pink Diamond immediately, they wanted to make the test harder for Steven!
  • The positive portrayal of the Diamonds. We are obviously supposed to identify with them and see them as people and there is zero awareness of the fact that they are also ruthless dictators in the show’s portrayal of them. That’s because they really aren’t - it’s just a part of the test they try to make Steven face. But sometimes it’s very hard to act like this when you were just happily singing with your lover Blue Peal and talking to her about how much you love her and then suddenly you have to act like she is your slave - that’s why Blue Diamond is always so sad. She just wants to be able to tell Pink already about her (equal and nice) marriage with Blue Pearl!

And the most important point: considering all the stupid choices they made so far, I think this is a very plausible theory! Share your thoughts!

Listen, I’m not in the greatest headspace right now, so I’m probably going to miss some points I want to make here, but:

  • “it turns out that Homeworld is actually a place where everyone lives freely and happily“ Homeworld would still be an oligarchy even if everything else were a test for Pink. Dunno how freedom can proliferate under an oligarchy.
  • “Pearl actually never was Pink Diamond’s slave, that’s why she was able to fall in love with her in a healthy way the show portrays it in.” The show literally shows Pearl demanding her destruction when she realises she’s been acting out of line by having a crush on Rose Quartz.
    • There is absolutely nothing healthy about how Pearl fell for Pink/Rose.
  • “… if [the Pearls] were really slaves they are painted to be, they would obviously feel more uncomfortable….” how do you know what the Pearls feel? have you ever heard of emotional labour? the fact that they can generally keep their composure (except when pushed by their Diamonds) doesn’t mean that they’re at all comfortable with their position.
  • “Of course love of Pearl’s life wouldn’t put a gag order like that on her, indicating that she actually sees her as nothing more than a thing she can impose orders on however she pleases.“ Or maybe the dictator put a gag order on her slave.
  • “That’s because [the Diamonds] really aren’t [dictators].” We saw how devastated Jungle Moon was after Yellow’s colonization. she did, in fact, do bad things.
  • The last point with Blue Diamond/Blue Pearl—what? Is that supposed to be funny? Because I’ve got to tell you, it’s not.

In all, this theory is outright offensive on multiple levels.
