#the adventure zone balance


yesterday i finished making my first animation ever and ill try to post the full version as soon as i get a hold of my life again, but This is a preview of what it looks like! its based on the Voidfish Duet song from TAZ because of course it is


It's a digital drawing of Taako Taaco the wizard from The Adventure Zone Balance. He's a freckled green elf with blond hair that flows over his ears. The underside of the long flowing hair is pink. His ears are long and flop down like rabbit ears. A tattered dark purple wizard hat with a red sash tied around the middle and a red flower that fades to yellow rests on his head. A shadow is cast on his face due to the hat and hair, but you can see his blue eyes through the shadow. He's wearing a pale yellow button up blouse that poof dramatically on the sleeves. On top of the blouse is a dark blue sleeveless tailcoat. The underside of the tails of the tailcoat is the same pale yellow as the blouse. He wears a golden belt buckle with "T.T." engraved on it. He wears dark leather pants and you see a glimpse of light brown leather boots before the drawing is cut off. He has one hand splayed on his chest and the other dramatically gesturing to himself. He has one eyebrow raised and looks smug while leaning heavily to one side. A pale yellow text box is next to Taako. It's reads "Um, it's me? I'm Taako? Ya know, from TV?"ALT

Played on Drawpile recently and drew my design for famed wizard Taako Taaco for the first time in a hot while hehe

Another AU drawing ft. my OC Kay! Petals to the metal edition

Another AU drawing ft. my OC Kay! Petals to the metal edition

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A Taako for your Tuesday![Id: A digital drawing of Taako. He is a light- brown skinned elf man with

A Taako for your Tuesday!

[Id: A digital drawing of Taako. He is a light- brown skinned elf man with blond and pink hair and a smile on his face. He is wearing a green shirt and blue pants. He is leaning on the umbrastaff and wearing a pink wizard’s hat. On his feet he has pink boots. Background is light orange and teal with stars. ]

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”Oh darling <3″[Id: Drawing of Magic Brian. He is a drow with purple skin with white freckles and

”Oh darling <3″

[Id: Drawing of Magic Brian. He is a drow with purple skin with white freckles and tattoos. He is wearing a black dress with a spiderweb design. He has a monocle, and a spiderstaff.  Background is purple.]

Decided to redraw my first ever piece of Taz fanart! And here he is! 

And here is the old piece:

[Id: A drawing of Magic Brian, similar to the previous one.]

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Eleventh Hour[Id: Digital drawing of the main characters from Taz:Balance in Eleventh Hour. Magnus i

Eleventh Hour

[Id: Digital drawing of the main characters from Taz:Balance in Eleventh Hour. Magnus is pointing forward, with a clock hand behind him. He is brown-skinned man with very long, thick hair. His white shirt is open, and he is wearing cargo shorts. 

Taako is a tan, chubby elf with big ears holding the Umbrastaff. He is wearing a maube skirt and a green vest with a white shirt. Behind his head is the outlines of a pocket watch. 

Last is Merle, he is a white, chubby dwarf with glasses, and an arm made of wood. He is wearing socks and sandals, reddish pants and a light green shirt. 

Background is dusty yellowish grey, with outlines of explosions, crumbling pieces of town, diamonds and junebugs.]

To celebrate the cover release! 

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Round 2[Id: Pink lineart of Antonia, an elf woman with long ears. She is screaming as her eyes seem

Round 2

[Id: Pink lineart of Antonia, an elf woman with long ears. She is screaming as her eyes seem to hover away from her face. The picture is framed with two black bars.]

Every once in a while i just want to draw some horror-y Antonia Suffering game. Last time was huevember 2019? I think. Anyway here she is. 

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 Edwardian Fashion [Id: Drawing of Magnus Burnsides posessed by Edward. He is staring right ahead wi

Edwardian Fashion

[Id: Drawing of Magnus Burnsides posessed by Edward. He is staring right ahead with green eyes, with the Animus Bell. The palette of the picture is muted reds.]

Look, listen. Sometimes you gotta draw what you draw. 

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pov it’s halloween and the love of your life has the most evil hands you’ve ever seen and did i mention she is the love of your life

(a little outta left field but i didn’t have time to write anything for today’s prompt so… art!!!)



Barry and Lup lay on the deck of the Starblaster, stargazing. They hadn’t come out here together, Lup went out first and Barry sheepishly followed her. He couldn’t help it, really; he felt a bone-deep, physical attraction to her. Not horniness—well, not justhorniness—but like a gravitational pull.

The sky on this planet was like nothing he had ever seen. The stars were huge, and their light shifted from a soft lilac to a sea foam green. After what felt like an eternity of gentle silence, Lup looked over at him.

“Do you ever wish you were something else?”

He laughed quietly. ”Hmm… maybe Tom Arnold, or someone like that. Famous, but not too famous, y’know?”

“Not someone else,” Lup corrected. “Somethingelse.”

Barry didn’t quite know how to respond. He shook his head.

“I think I’d like to be a sun,” she whispered, almost to herself. Almost like he wasn’t meant to hear. But he did. He spent the next few days thinking about her question, and eventually found his answer.

There was a time, long before Lup entered his life, when he wondered what his purpose was. What anyone’s purpose was, really. Looking back on that period, it all seems so empty and meaningless. Now, he knows what his purpose is.

If Lup is a sun, then Barry is a planet. Orbiting effortlessly around her day after day, year after year, century after century. It’s not a difficult task, not by a long shot. He enjoys the endless rotation, enjoys revelling in her beauty day in and day out.


Lup is in the process of making a killer lasagna one afternoon when Barry approaches her. He looks nervous, standing in the entryway to the kitchen. He reminds her of a small child standing in their parents’ doorway, psyching himself up to confess he threw up.

“Y’know that thing you said the other day?” He asks, avoiding eye contact.

“About how we should call it ‘rubbing’ errands instead of ‘running’ errands?”

“No, about wanting to be something else?”

“Oh, yeah?”

“I’d be a planet.” He finally looks up from where he’d been twisting his hands together anxiously. “If I could be something else, I’d be a planet.”

“Huh,” Lup smiles softly. “That suits you, Bear.”

Barry nods, pleased with his answer. Lup barely pays attention to the rest of their conversation, too focused on the fact that her answer has changed.

If Barry is a planet, Lup is his moon.

sometimes a bitch needs to calm down and draw a taako. sometimes the bitch is me

I got submissions for this thru twitter and even tho I nearly forgot to finish these, the selection

I got submissions for this thru twitter and even tho I nearly forgot to finish these, the selection y'all gave me was wild, I’m honored ✨

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they are FRIENDS they are FAMILY they are HAPPY AND FORGIVING


Merle: Hewwo! I will be youw suwgeon today! Intewnal bweeding you say? Let’s make ouw fiwst wittle incision.

Magnus: Dowctor, we’wre loswing him!!!

Lup: I’ll wuse the defibwiwatow!!

Taako, lying on the couch with a cold: Please. Turn off my fucking life support.


Wrong fandom for this blog, but I’m really happy with this and don’t even use my TAZ blog anymore, so I figure I’d share from here! Happy Candlenights @adventuresloane <3 !! I also love me some Hurloane content, so I hope you like this! Plus a slightly brighter still image. :D

ID: a video and digital drawing of Hurley and Sloane from The Adventure Zone sitting on a rooftop together. Hurley is a Black halfling wearing a light pink top and black shorts. She has short pink hair with an orange streak in it that is sprawled around her messily, since she is laying down. She hangs one arm off the edge of the roof they’re on, and she holds a paper cup with that hand. Sloane is an elf with brown skin wearing a cropped black waistcoat and black leggings. She has long pink hair with a black streak in it. Sloane is sitting with her legs hanging off the edge and Hurley is laying her lower body across Sloane’s legs. They are surrounded by snacks, their pink and red pairs of boots, and their ram and raven masks. It is dark outside and the stars are out behind them, but there are lights coming from the windows of the building they’re on, and other buildings behind them. The video shows the ribbons on Hurley’s mask to be flowing in a breeze. The photo is a still shot from the video. End ID.

(Please click on the full image for better quality tumblr has decided to make this Extra Crunchy today- also almost forgot to tag @thecandlenightszone)
