#the dark artifices


okay so i just remembered this parallel and my heart is breaking in two :(

first, James says this to matthew at the market

but then at the end of choi, when Math and Daisy are going to leave for paris, Cordelia says this:

and then matthew AGREES to her proposal !

SO BECAUSE Matthew literally agreed not drink FOR CORDELIA, then there is someone who matthew loves more than “the bottle in his hand” :((((

i think this is the best compliment i’ve ever gotten in my entire life….

my dad is about 100 pages from the end of lord of shadows rn and he literally just said to me “i love young adult books cuz you know they would never kill the kids.”

and i’m like oh hunny

you got a big storm coming

when i learned about idioms and sarcasm at my autsim behavioural therapy in 2010, i did this drawing:

i found it again last night and immediately i thought of this quote:

Lady Midnight, pg. 101

Ty Blackthorn is really an excellent representation of autism in young adult fiction. i love him so much

my 60 year old dad is reading lord of shadows for the first time, and he texts me every couple minutes with funny or sad quotes omg

it honestly makes my day every time

update: i can hear him laughing from the other room

“Kieran glanced at her with shimmering eyes. Neither looked quite human: The black eye was too dark, the silver too metallic. And yet the overall effect was haunting, inhumanly beautiful.” Inktober 2019 day 14: overgrown

I miss drawing Shadowhunters’s stuff do i return to draw something about sh Chronicles? What do you would to see?

Hi guys! I have a question for you. If i’ll sell some prints of my drawings like this, do you would like to buy them?

“Livia.” Julian’s voice rose, cracking and tumbling over itself like a wave breaking far out the sea.

“Livvy, my baby, please, sweetheart, open your eyes, it’s Jules, I'here for you, I’m always here for you, please, please..”

Inktober 2019 day 22: Ghost

Things I’ll never recover from: Michael’s ghost at Robert’s funeral to finally reunite with his parabatai.

He saw a man coming toward the Lightwoods and blinked his watering eyes. He was a young man, handsome, with curling brown hair and a square jaw. He wasn’t wearing white like the others, but plain black gear. As he passed Maryse he stopped and laid a hand on her shoulder.


The young man with the dark hair had moved to kneel beside Robert Lightwood’s pyre. He was closer to the flames than any human could have gotten, and they seemed to eddy within the outline of his body, lightning eyes with fiery tears.

Parabatai,Kit thought suddenly. In the slump of the young man’s shoulders, in his outstretched hands, in the longing stamped on his face, he saw Emma and Julian, he saw Alec as he spoke about Jace; he knew he was looking at the ghost of Robert Lightwood’s parabatai. He didn’t know how he knew it, but he did.

A cruel sort of bond, he thought, that made one person out of two people, and left such devastation when half was gone.

Queen of Air and Darkness ~ chapter 3

“Kieran is not yet twenty. Only a boy.”

This line reminds me of Geordie, a song that comes from an ancient british ballad and has a lot of adaptations. In Italy the version sung by Fabrizio De Andrè is really famous even though it has something like 50 years, and I connect it to this scene in LoS since the first time I read it because I always though that Gwyn loved Kieran like a father in his own way -at least, he loved him more than Kieran’s own father did- and for years I have been sure the lady of the song was Geordie’s mother instead of her lover/wife (don’t ask me why, I still do not understand the reason) so the parallelism between her and Gwyn wanted to save their sons was istinctive and inevitable.

In case someone do not know what the song tells, that’s basically the story of a woman weeping because her lover, a very young man no more than a teen, would have been executed soon by hanging for stealing some of the king’s deers. A boy who reminded me a lot of Kieran, both their actions guided not by selfishness but by hunger, by fear, by the desire to take care of their loved ones and do not lose them.

The woman went to London to pray the king to spare Geordie (the only thing she could do as she was powerless was rely in someone else who had the will and the power to save him, similar with Gwyn, who loved both boys and could only hope his words would convince Mark to save Kieran) and moved the crowd with her words, especially when she said “Save his lips, save his smile/ He doesn’t have twenty years yet/ Winter will fall on his face too/ You can hang him then”.

Contrary of Kieran’s, Geordie’s story does not have an happy ending -well, since I have not finished QoAaD yet, I don’t know if Kieran will have a happy ending (or even if he will survive), but at least he wasn’t executed by his own father.

Even though his lover’s prayers moved everyone, king included, the laws could not and must not change (“Although they will mourn him with you/ The Law cannot change”), just as the Law of Shadohunters and the Fairy Folk.


“Ty is a whole other fascinating topic, Sophie, but he will have to wait for another day.”

he is, isn’t he?

Please let his day come soon, he is indeed fascinating
