#the eighth comic



In case you wanted to see Evelyn’s big brother, Alexei!

He had already forgiven her for burning his plane ticket, it was years ago and Evelyn was a child facing really hard times.


From that time when Dezy and Armin went to Eve’s country to meet her and her family


Evelyn and Armin’s chats leaked


We worked so hard! Please read it and tell us what you think!


Read my comic or I’ll die


Filza, before and after ️


Is Women Day

Respect, love and recognize the women and girls around you


To celebrate my birthday, I share these throwback fan arts that I still love so much ❤❤❤

Muchas gracias @gyrhs,@argered , cyanbloodart y @its-arl-banana-art

♥️ les tqm ♥️

In case you wanted to see Evelyn’s big brother, Alexei!

He had already forgiven her for burning his plane ticket, it was years ago and Evelyn was a child facing really hard times.

From that time when Dezy and Armin went to Eve’s country to meet her and her family

Evelyn and Armin’s chats leaked

Filza, before and after ️

Have a wonderful holiday !!

☃️Watch on YouTubeWatch on Tiktok

Unknown author of the audio (please tell me)

Today is Gyges birthday and I want to let everybody know that he admires Skender

This is a collab with my friend Snaileypie

I drew it and she colored it is our #OCs, my Evelyn and her Mads (Eve’s school bully )

So I drew this for my boy Luka’s birthday today
