#the gentleman pirate


Our Flag Means Death Moments With No Context [All Episodes]

A compilation of some of my favourite moments from each episode of Our Flag Means Death. 

 This video does contain spoilers for all episodes.

I’ve noticed that Our Flag Means Death seems to use beards to represent performative masculinity, which frankly makes me believe that if Stede really does get a beard in season two things will not be looking good for our heroes

I love the whole “Stede is going to try and theatrically sweep Ed off his feet, oblivious to how heart broken he is” theory, just cause it’s so freaking funny and in character, but I can’t help that evil, angst ridden part of my brain that whispers “Stede is going to go in a downward spiral when he realizes that his big attempt to save Edward ruined him, this might be even more proof to him that he’s a horrible monster who ruins everything he touches, he’s gonna end up just as angsty as Ed” like no please I can’t do this-

I made these memes to summarize ep4 “Discomfort in a Married State” of ofmd to my sister, thought they were worth sharing (Spoilers)

A ramble about character development predictions 

In s2 of Our Flag means Death I too want Stede to grow as a pirate. I want him to have his badass fighting moments and do things competently so that I can go “aaah, they grow so fast” and cry. However, I also want him to stay true to himself (fancy, precious, and appalled by death). I want Stede to wear his fancy lil outfits and drink his tea with his pinky out ex, ex while he kicks absolute ass. I want him to become confident in himself and his fighting style, only using stun moves and stabs to the left to take on opponents but still obliterating them in combat. I think it was purposeful that Stede learned multiple non fatal ways to take people out and I really want those skills to pay off. I’ve seen some people say things like “I want Stede to kill someone on purpose”, and while I agree, that would be objectively very badass, I think it would just be so much more impactful and align better with the theme of the show if Stede learned to be badass while keeping the crucial aspects of his character. Our flag means death’s themes are meant to tackle toxic masculinity, and the notion that their is only one way to “be a man”. Stede’s way of piracy, or way to “be a man”, is very unconventional, and a lot of the conflict comes from conventional pirates like Izzy and Jack finding something wrong with that. It would be so impactful and satisfying if in the second season Stede was still fragile, feminine, and scared of violence, but he found a way to competently (and badassly) incorporate those things into his piracy.

TDLR: I want Stede to be a badass pirate who doesn’t kill and only uses stuns and stuff but’s still very competent because I think that would satisfyingly support the themes

There’s no better feeling then realising you can draw WHATEVER YOU WANT is this considered nsfw? Meh let’s do a cut


In honor of season 2 being announced, have a Our Flag Means Death art of Blackbeard and his Gentleman Pirate

Plus a timelapse!

[ID: This is a portrait of the titular characters Ed Teach (Blackbeard) and Stede Bonnet (The Gentleman Pirate). They are standing in water and smiling at each other adoringly. Their reflection tells a different story though. One of heartbreak and upset. The main image has blackbeard with his full beard, wearing his red scarf over his heart. But in his reflection his is choking Stede. The scarf is in his fist. He has no beard and his face is covered in running black painted tears. Stede looks so happy in the main image but in hi reflection he is shocked. Horrified. And if you need some symbolism thrown in the main image is in sunset with the moon high in the sky by blackbeard and a bright litup lighthouse is behind Stede. But in the reflection the lighthouse has gone out. It is dark and there is lightning behind blackbeard.]​

jackviolet:18th century embroidery.jackviolet:18th century embroidery.jackviolet:18th century embroidery.jackviolet:18th century embroidery.


18th century embroidery.

Post link

I heard the new term for soulmates is ‘co-captains’?

Remember when the character Edward Teach also known as Blackbeard played by acclaimed actor/writer/director/producer Taika Waititi and the character Stede Bonnet also known as The Gentleman Pirate played by comedic actor Rhys Darby kissed on the lips do you guys remember that


The lighthouse

Part 1 of 2

Currently obsessed with the gay pirate show, and this took me forever

The lighthouse

Part 1 of 2

Currently obsessed with the gay pirate show, and this took me forever

song: Devil Like Me by Rainbow Kitten Surprise

tw: blood

For the crymes committede vpon the heart of one E. Teach

I am so on board for s2 scruffy Stede


So I went fully insane on this one. Backgrounds aren’t really my strong suit and I think I ended up drawing this one like……..4…5 times? I also hand painted all the patterns cause as I mentioned before - I’m fully insane for these pirates.
