


“I’m sorry …” I shake my head. “That I didn’t figure it out sooner. I—I would have liked to have had you for a friend here.”

-Simon, Chapter 48; Any Way The Wind Blows

Bhavna this is everything!!!I love it so much—it captures every moment of what might have been in a bittersweet and beautiful way.


Love, A.

Happy birthday to His Royal Highness Prince Henry George Edward James Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor ✨


“If happily ever after is something you choose, then Dev decides to choose it for himself.”

The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun. Full picture under the cut:

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5 out of the 23 Simon snow stickers I made that you can now use on your Instagram/Snapchat stories through the GIFs option! Just look up “snowbaz” to find them <3

“In the darkness, two shadows, reaching through the hopeless, heavy dusk. Their hands meet, and light spills in a flood, like a hundred golden urns pouring out the sun.”

My piece for the TSOA edition of the Our Favourite Scene Zine

Imagine being smiled at like this. Nick and Tao never stood a chance

“Her chest was so tight, it hurt both ways. Levi shouldn’t be making her feel this way - he shouldn’t even have access to her chest”

-Fangirl by @rainbowrowell

+ a peek into Cath’s brain:

Reimagining of the ‘Stolen Interview’ by Raja Ravi Varma that I did for the Classics but make it gay Volume II by Nova & Mali.

Above featured are my OCs Kalpana and Anjana. The preorders for this are open one last time right now. You can grab yourself a copy here

“I’m sorry …” I shake my head. “That I didn’t figure it out sooner. I—I would have liked to have had you for a friend here.”

-Simon, Chapter 48; Any Way The Wind Blows

I heard the new term for soulmates is ‘co-captains’?

“I never really got it before, why Ezra is so obsessed with Pride, but I think I’m starting to get it now.”

Commissioned by literallyliterarydesigns on insta!

“As soon as we get through the exit, we do run. Down the steps. Past the queue. Past the fairies and the peasants and the vaping warlords. I can’t stop laughing. I haven’t felt this good in a year.”

-Wayward Son; Chapter 22
